
By Christine Lennoire

VII. No More Notions... Just Believe

Demyx was surprised to see that Zexion was still there when he woke up an hour later. Although he admitted that it was exactly the way he wanted it, he wondered if it wasn't a little too unlike Zexy. He'd like to think that everything has changed. Because he secretly knew that he wanted to wake up like this everyday from now on. Still, he thought that that was too much to ask for.

Zexion was calm, cool, and calculating. He hated being bold and acting on impulses. Everything he did, he researched and planned and plotted over and over again. And most importantly, he lived his life, based on proof... the idea that there was something TELLING him that it was true fact and could be proven just like any other fact. That's why he remained cold.

There was still no proof that they had any emotions... there was no data saying that it was possible for Demyx to love Zexion, or for Zexion to be in love with Demyx. But still... here Zexion was, showing the weak, loving side of himself, without any reason to believe that anything has changed. Demyx couldn't help but smile, and instantly fall in love with the new side of himself that Zexion was showing him.

For a moment, Zexion just laid there, listening to Demyx's thoughts as they raced. He was thinking of something wise or insightful to say, like he would have any other time. But then he realized that that wasn't the sort of thing that Demyx needed to hear right then. No... he needed something deep... something sweet... something loving, and... something quite emotional...

'Here goes nothing...' Zexion said, putting on his bravest face and opening his eyes, letting Demyx realize his awakened state, as he began to piece together the words that were in his 'maybe-real-or-maybe-not-real', heart. And when he thought that there were ordered in the best way that they possibly could be, he opened his mouth.

"Demyx... this is the strangest thing I have ever come across. An experiment that can't be measured in numbers or observations, words or facts... And I never thought things like this could exist. But in a world where we can never be sure if anything EVER exists, I suppose it is not as strange as I seem to be making it. So I am done with this... done with all the experiments... all the papers... the reports... the hell with it all. It never told me the things I really needed to know."

Zexion smiled. "I learned more from you... a somewhat crazy musician... than those numbers and words could ever say. No more ideas... no more false accusations... I have something stronger... faith. From now on, I'm throwing all those stupid notions out the door, and I'm just going to believe... believe in what this feeling is telling me, deep down inside. It's hard being strong all the time... pretending that you don't care..."

"But you're never alone..." Demyx grinned, practically tackling him on the bed. "After all we've been through, believing should be easy..." he laughed...

Alright... yes, it's over. BUT! Never fear! There is a sequel coming up soon. I hope you all liked it, and please! All of you review and tell me what you think, and I hope to all see you again when the sequel makes it's debut!

Christine Lennoire