AN: Okay, here's the first chapter to the story that the sidestory Innocent Question branches off from. Please review! Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA orany of its characters.


My Brother, My Child

It was finally happening. After five years of waiting, searching, almost dying on more than one occasion, their goal was finally in reach. Seventeen-year-old Edward Elric gazed at the small red stone in his hand. The Philosopher's Stone. Not a cheap imitation, but the real thing. After all, Ed had witnessed Scar creating it himself, so he had no doubts. What was even better was that the homunculi were taken care of. Greed, Sloth, and Lust were dead; Gluttony and Dante had disappeared without a trace; Wrath was most likely wandering around Dublith (Izumi said that she had caught glimpses of him in various places, mostly around her house); Envy was taken to the other side of the gate (which Ed had absolutely no problem with); and King Bradley had been destroyed and exposed by the new Fuhrer, Roy Mustang ("What do you mean that jerk's the new Fuhrer!" "Calm down, brother. It's not that bad!"). Unfortunately, due to the commotion going on, Ed and Al had to wait until things quieted down to do the transmutation, which happened to be a full year. Now was their chance. No more distractions.

Edward drew the transmutation circle with obsessive care, down to the very last, miniscule detail. Everything had to be exact, precise, better than perfect. He was sure that nothing could go wrong now.

"Okay Al, everything's ready. All we need to do is trigger the transmutation and then you'll have your body back."

"Great! And when that's done, I can get your limbs back, too!"

"Yeah . . ."

The truth was, the stones power would probably be used up during this one transmutation. Ed was very well aware of this, and had no intention of letting Al know.

"Go stand in the middle of the array, Al. It won't work unless you do."

"Right. Brother, what if . . . this doesn't work? What if something goes wrong?"

Ed gave his trademark, cocky grin. "What are you talking about, Al? We have the stone, and I drew this array so well it makes perfection look sloppy. Nothing can go wrong, so stop worrying."

"I guess, if you're sure . . ."

"Of course I'm sure!"

"Okay. I trust in you, brother."

"Heh, you better."

Edward and Alphonse stood silent for a brief moment before Ed dropped to his knees. He looked at the stone in his hand.

Alright. We've done way too much and went through too much trouble to get this far, so this damn well better work.

Ed looked back to where Al was standing. Al gave a quick nod, and Ed nodded back. They were ready. Taking a final deep breath, Ed clapped his hands and pressed them against the circle, his flesh palm pressing against the stone. In a millisecond, light and energy erupted around them, Ed's mind moving just as fast.

Finally, after all these years, finally . . .

Just as quickly as the transmutation started, the light turned a dark, nasty violet color. The same color as their mother's transmutation. Something was terribly wrong.

No! No, no, no, no, this can't be happening! How could this be happening? Everything was so perfect, what could've been wrong?

Ed fought desperately against the transmutation's force, knowing that if he lost, it would all be over.

It's not enough. But, I have the stone . . . How could it not be enough? If I try to transmute the whole body, I'll fail, but I have to do something or I'll lose him. How can I . . . What should I . . .


There was a blinding flash of light, then darkness. Edward awoke a few minutes later, dizzy and weak. Managing to push his torso up, he tried to look around, but his vision was so blurry he could barely make out his own hands. He tried several times to speak, his voice strained when it finally came out.

"Al . . . Alphonse . . ."

Ed could hardly hear the soft sound of whimpering coming from some place in front of him, but he heard enough to know it was Al. Slowly, he began dragging himself towards the sound, sometimes dragging his legs, sometimes pushing off with them.

I'm coming, Al. It's going to be okay. I'm coming.

When Ed finally reached the source of the sound, his vision had cleared.

What he found almost made him faint.

By the time Fuhrer Mustang made it to the scene, the area was already packed with soldiers, officers, scientists, civilians, etc. The site made him frown even before his car stopped.


Roy looked over to his secretary, Riza Hawkeye, or rather, Riza Mustang (though most people, even Roy, insisted on still calling her Hawkeye).

"I want you to remain in the car, Hawkeye. I won't be long."

Riza gave him a stern look and nodded. The rest of the crowd turned and began to murmur as Roy climbed out of the car, though it seemed none of them had the sense to move. That is, until Havoc, who had driven the car, started yelling.


"That'll do it, Havoc. Please get back in the car."

Roy began to shoulder his way through the crowd, which was still dense, and made his way inside the abandoned building. It was dimly lit, and still ridiculously packed, except for a clearing in the corner of the wall. Even before Roy made his way there, he could recognize Edward's voice. He was screaming a slur of different words, mainly obscenities, at anyone who came near him. When Roy saw him for the first time, his heart sank. He was curled up on his side on the floor, his knees pulled up almost to his chest, and his head was against his knees. He wasn't wearing his red jacket, but it did look like he was holding it. Roy knelt down beside him, speaking softly.

"Edward . . ."

"It wasn't enough. I thought it was, but it wasn't. I tried, I tried, but I messed up. I'm sorry, Al, I'm so sorry."

The transmutation must have failed. But, shouldn't there at least be a body somewhere? There has to be something to show that there was a transmutation.

"Edward, I can't help if I don't know what happen. Please . . ."

Roy reached out and touched Ed's shoulder. Big mistake.



Ed curled up into a tight ball again, a large red mark on his cheek.

"I've lost my patience with your attitude, Ed, especially in a situation like this. I don't give a damn about what you want right now, because I'm going to help you whether you like it or not, because I care."

Ed slowly turned his head to look at him, his eyes blank. He sluggishly rolled himself onto his knees, then stood up. He was holding his red jacket protectively against his chest.

"What is that? What are you holding, Ed?"

Ed looked blankly at him again, then, cradling the bundle in his automail arm, opened the folds of the jacket near his shoulder. Roy looked closer. His heart almost stopped. He saw a mess of bronze hair, a face pressed against Ed's chest, and a tiny hand clutching a fistful of Ed's shirt. Alphonse Elric was now a three-year-old child.