Okay, this is really short but this is the last chapter of Better Than Sex, basically I'm going to start a sequel and you'll see, it'll be full of surprises. I promise.
Sara walked into her new hotel room crying her eyes out, she threw everything on the floor and dropped onto the bed only to realize she wasn't the only one in the bed. When she looked up she saw Randy.
"What are you doing here?" she asked wiping the tears away.
"Why are you crying?" he asked back.
"Me and John broke up" she said sitting up.
"Oh" was all he could say.
"I'm sorry" he said trying to comfort her.
"It's fine, I'll get over it" she said.
"Wait, what?" Sara asked confused.
"I didn't mean for it to be this way, you know I love you. But I guess it's just not in love, you're a great person Sara, you really are"
"I see" Sara said watching her heart break in front of her. She couldn't be that angry though, she did cheat on John with Dave. But just the way he was doing it, the words he was saying. He was trying to put them together, but they were coming out horribly wrong.
"Please, I hope you can forgive me and we can stay friends" he said.
"Yeah, of course" Sara said. But once she was alone, she burst into tears.
-end flashback-
"I need to see Dave" was all Sara could think about. That was until Randy pressed his lips against hers all of a sudden. She was still laying on the bed when he backed out.
"Wh..what was that for?"
"I don't know" he said. "Old times sake"
Sara just shook her head and slapped his arm.
"Why are you in here anyway?"
"To make sure you were Okay"
"John sent you?"
Sara smiled, John was always such a sweetheart.
Randy was still hovering over her as Sara stared into his eyes. Something reconnected at that moment; she pulled Randy's lips towards hers as they started to rebuild that old relationship that was once alive.
The End ..
I'll start writing the sequel asap, it'll be titled Such a Terrible Trend.
Thank for you everyone who reviewed / exp : OMFGCARLITOANDCENARHAWTTTTTTTT (nice new name haha) , MissPhilippinesSuperStar, and latingurl1523