'Twas The Night Before Christmas- Saiyan Style

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house;

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were set by the chimney with care;

In hopes that St. Nick would soon be there.

All the saiyan children were snug in their beds;

As dreams of feasts and fusion danced in their heads.

As the others slept silently on their stomachs and backs;

I ran to the kitchen to grab a few snacks.

Then in the silence arose such a clatter;

I quickly dropped the food to see what was the matter

I slammed the fridge shut with a smash;

And ran into the table with a loud crash.

I ran to the window and looked down below;

Not the slightest bit of yellow showed in the white snow.

When what to my saiyan eyes should appear?

But a capsule sleigh and enemies acting as if they were reindeer.

With a shadowy figure driving, a big man I knew;

I was certain it was St. Nick and definitely not Buu.

Moving quick, his fake reindeer came;

Then he got up and called them by name:

"Now Babity, now Dabura, Now Baata and Jeice;

On Ginyu, on Garlic, on Guldo, and Frieza the cross dresser from space"

"To the top of the roof, to the top of the tree"

"Find me a chimney, for I forgot the key"

Then honestly, I wouldn't dare lie;

The warrior "reindeer" lifted and began to fly.

They landed on the roof that was made out of tin,

Then St. Nick looked for a chimney so he could break in.

As he made his way down, he soon ran out of luck;

When I heard him curse, I knew the old fart was stuck!

I though of something evil, and snuck into the room;

I lit the fire when I heard him slip, and watched him fall to his doom.

When he hit the floor, the fire went out;

He cursed again and jumped up with a shout.

He danced around and revealed the burn on his butt;

My gosh it was huge! Almost as big as his gut!

I couldn't help but to laugh as I hid behind a chair;

But then I caught a glimpse of St. Nick's evil glare.

"You there-little saiyan girl!" He said in a yell,

"Was it you who lit this fire and made me burn my tail?"

My eyes got big and I told him a lie,
"Oh no, Santa! T'was not I"

I looked at him and stood;

I was hoping he'd believe me, I said it as sweet as I could!

He sighed and rubbed his butt, "My gosh that hurt quite a bit"

In my mind I was jumping for joy, I couldn't believe he fell for it!

"Now, I need to finish my job" he said.

He looked at me, "Ok little girl, off to bed"

I stared at him, "And why should I"

He stared back, "Because, little girls who stay awake don't get presents. So, bye"

He began to shove me back to my room. I turned and kicked his leg.

St. Nick grabbed his shin and yelled "What! Do you want me to beg!"

I smiled at his misery and shook my head.

"That would be nice, but no. I just don't wanna go to bed"

"Goodness," he said, "You're worse than a boy"

"How 'bout this," he bargained, "I'll give you an early toy"

I jumped with joy, "Really? But, I'll take only cash-that's all"

He looked in his back, "How about this?" He asked and handed me a dragon ball.

I took it happily and ran to my bed;

"Good bye, Santa, thank you again." I said.

As St. Nick and his "reindeer" flew out of sight;

I could faintly hear him yell,

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Sabrina 12/21/2004