Disclaimer: I own neither Harry Potter nor Fullmetal Alchemist.

This story is mostly Envy centric with references to EnvyxEd. The timeline is inspecific but all the other Homunculi are still 'alive'. In my story, Envy was the first to go.

Envy screamed as the pain overtook his form in flashes of deceptive white light.

'So…this is what it feels like to die.' Envy supposed this was what was meant by 'what goes around, comes around'. Or possibly that 'karma' thing he'd heard about last century.

The homunculus's body jerked and gagged as the incomplete Philosopher's Stones were forcibly ejected from it. Envy waited a moment through the indescribable pain for the inevitable to come.

Through the white haze from the transmutation circle, the Sin saw the Fullmetal Alchemist's eyes widen as Envy's body shifted and returned to its true form.

Edward Elric could at last see why Envy hated both him and his father so much as his golden eyes met the identical ones of the little blond boy in the circle.

With a final scream, the being known for nearly 400 years as Envy fled back through the Gate.


The being stirred.


Someone was opening the Gate?

The being rushed towards the Gate before the others could react.

There was a scared red-haired woman with beautiful green eyes before the Gate with what appeared to be a stillborn baby.

The being vaguely recalled being told of something similar, but dismissed it. It knew now was as good a chance as any to return to the outside world.

The being grinned and surged forward when the Gate dropped the barrier holding them in.


The reborn Envy was impatient. Even on a good day the homunculus was not re-known for patience. Especially when it came to his bottle.

Yes, bottle. Envy, upon returning to the world, had made a deal with the woman, Lily Evans-Potter, whom he would later call Mother.

Lily Potter had given birth to twins, Harridan and Ivan Potter. Unfortunately, three days after the two had been brought home from the hospital; Ivan had died while James was out. Lily, frantic with worry and grief, had used her knowledge from her apprenticeship with Nicholas Flamel to try to resurrect her baby.

What she got was the blond, child-like creature who explained that the Gate was incapable of recreating human life, so instead gave a soulless being called a homunculus in its place. Envy offered to be the child she had lost and not show any hint that he was not the genuine article as well as protect the surviving twin as long as she didn't send him back through the Gate. Lily Potter agreed.

So that led to the current time a little over a year since Ivan and Harridan, nicknamed Vy and Harry, had been born and it was now Halloween Night.

Vy had been especially agitated lately. So much so that he had gone to Lily in his blond child form while James Potter was out and expressed his distrust of Wormtail and Dumbledore. Envy had heard Mother speak to Father later that night about switching Secret Keepers back to Sirius and writing a Will that made it quite clear that neither child was to go to Dursleys; family of Lily's sister, Petunia.

James had refused to change Secret Keepers but had agreed to tell Dumbledore of the last minute change between Sirius Black to Peter Pettigrew. He also said that Dumbledore would never put Harry and Vy with two people who so obviously hated magic.

Later that night, Envy told Lily to do it anyway, preferably naming someone of high standing, powerful, Light orientated and out of Dumbledore's thumb to be the pair's Guardian in the event that neither Godparent was available to look after the 'twins'.

Lily chose Madam Bones and alerted the auror to the change in Mrs Potter's Will. James and Dumbledore were both upset with Lily, Dumbledore more so.

Envy grumbled before letting out a loud wail. Moment's later, Harry followed his 'brother's' lead and started wailing too. Lily rushed into the room and Vy pointed an imperious hand at the bottle.

Lily always treated the creature imitating her dead baby with caution. She cared, but she could never forget that it was not her baby and she couldn't get over the fear that it might one day turn on her.

The red-haired woman warmed two bottles and gave one to Vy, whom she knew could drink on his own, before moving to the other baby in the crib and picking him up for feeding.

As always, Lily moved over to an old record player and put on an old black record. Moments later, the lovely tones of a piano filtered through the nursery, playing the song 'Miss You'. Envy loved this song. He vaguely remembered Hohenheim playing this song for him when he was sick.

Envy jumped when there was a loud crash downstairs, the kind that came with splintering wood. Lily had just put Harry down and was rushing towards the door when James' yell reached their ears.


There was a loud cackle of laughter followed by two voices shouting curses. Envy sat up and shifted to his little boy form.

"What's happening?"

Lily turned her terrified eyes to the creature in the crib with her baby, too terrified of what was happening downstairs to be afraid of the being.


The breathy name was answer enough. Envy leap daintily out of his crib, shifting to his 'Homicidal Sin' form mid-air.

"Then what are you waiting for!" He demanded harshly. "Get Harry and climb out a window or something while I hold him off."

"But he'll kill you!"

Envy rolled his violet eyes. "I highly doubt that. You can't kill something that isn't alive and there is very little I can't heal."

Lily made as if to argue but was cut off by a particularly loud "AVADA KEDAVA!" before there was silence.

The Sin snarl at the woman. Lily promptly ran over and grabbed the baby. Envy hefted the rocking chair Lily fed Harry in and hurled it out the window with a crash.

Lily was still scrambling out onto the veranda roof when a tall cloaked figure appeared in the doorway.

"Going somewhere, Potter?" The figure levelled his wand at the woman. "AVADA KEDAVA!"

The streak of glowing green light raced towards Lily and would have been a dead hit, literally, if Envy hadn't smoothly slid between it and his 'Mother'.

The nature of the Killing Curse is an odd one. It is created almost wholly out of Hate and Killing Intent and is designed to rend the soul of its victim from their body, ignoring all else, including other magic. This is why it is impossible to shield against it. Though one must wonder what would happen if it were to hit a body, a living thing, which has no soul as the curse knows it.

It would probably do one of three things; a) pass through it, b) blow up the body and everything around it for two or three meters radius, or c) become caught in the body, bounce around a few times as it gathers power and momentum, leave from the point of entry and heading back towards its caster.

In this case, it chose 'c'. It was simply unfortunate that the redirected spell had gathered so much power that excess from when it hit its caster rebounded, sent Lily Potter into a coma which would last for several years and caused a rather small and insignificant scar on the right side of young Harridan's forehead.

Envy was thanking his lucky stars that he could heal so well considering he took the brunt of the excess magic and was all but charred to a crisp. It took him several minutes to heal, by which point the house was well ablaze.

Envy glanced around, taking stock of the situation. He sighed. 'I've gotten way too soft. It's almost embarrassing.'

The Sin hefted the comatosed Lily and bloody, whimpering Harry before glancing around again. He almost sweat-dropped when he realised the record of 'Miss You' was still playing.

He took that too.

Several minutes later, Rubeus Hagrid arrived on the scene to find Lily Potter stretched out on the lawn like she had fallen there, Harry still whimpering at the small cut on his forehead and Envy-as-a-baby clutching the record and fast asleep, a 'cut' laying across the hollow of his left eye and down his cheek. After all, he had to have something to show for his trouble.


Envy was pissed.

That manipulative old bastard had gone against Lily's Will, getting away with it because said woman wasn't dead, and left Harry and him on the Dursley's doorstep. This, Envy would not tolerate. As soon as the old fart, the lady who had mildly object to them being left here and the big doofus left, Envy made himself a few years older, picked up his 'brother' and the record and walked off down the street. They'd be better off in an orphanage somewhere. The letter was caught by the wind.

The next morning, two scarred babies were found in a cardboard box in a parking lot and promptly sent to the closest police station.

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