A Story Worth Telling: Everything will be Ok

Standing there with him during that song was just too much. After the kids pulled her away, she couldn't go back. She decided to take a walk around town. She walked down the steps to the school into the chilly night, pulling her jacket tightly around her.

She started out by Luke's and the memories hit her. All the bantering for coffee, picking out paint samples, card games, Santa burgers, all the soft good morning kisses, the night after their first date, and all the nights after. The memories where too much and soft quiet tears began to roll down her cheek.

Next she walked past the gazebo and the square where they had their picnic and their first dance. Then she walked past her house, where they had spent many nights, where he had fixed things and picked her up for dates.

And last she walked past the inn, and the memory of their first kiss flooded her mind and she let out a sob. She had never felt like this before about anyone. According to her wallowing schedule she should be over him by now, but she wasn't, she couldn't get over him. And she didn't want to; she didn't think she ever would. Luke was different, she loved him.

And with that thought images flooded her mind. Pictures of her and Luke getting married, in the hospital with a new born baby, dancing in the living room while the kids are upstairs asleep (or rather on the stairs watching), and pictures of Rory sitting down with their kids one night and telling them the story of how there parents fell in love.

She loved him, she loved Luke, and that realization brought a faint smile to her still tearstained face. But the smile disappeared when she remembered they weren't together anymore.

She was now approaching the square again, and she could see a faint light in the distance. Luke's! He was back from the play. She had to do something; she couldn't live without him for another minuet.

As she approached the Diner she could see him behind the counter. And when she knocked softly on the door, he turned. He walked over and opened it for her, and his heart melted when he saw her tearstained face.

"What's wrong?" He asked gently.

"Do you love me" She couldn't wait for small talk.

"What?" He asked in surprise.

"Do you love me? Please Luke, I just need to know."

He saw the pain in her eyes, and he mentally kicked himself for hurting her so much. He loved her, of course he did, he had always loved her, but why was that so hard to say.

"Of course I love you, Lorelai, I never stopped loving you"

And with that she lunged herself at him, letting all the tears out as he held her. And for the first time in a month she felt safe, but she knew she was forgetting something.

"I love you too Luke, God do I love you." She mumbled into his chest.

He pulled back to look at her. He stared deep into her eyes, and then he smiled, and she returned the gesture. And then he kissed her. A kiss full of all the love and passion they had missed in their weeks apart. And they both knew everything would be ok.