Thirty Ways To Make Hinata Mad.

Yes. The quiet little girl in the corner is about to blow. Heres thirty ways how.

1. Put a hat on like Neji's,climb on a low branch in a tree, and jump on her as she walks by.

2. When she uses her byukan eye, jump in front of her while waving your hand in front of your face and yell " You can't see me!"

3. Make-out with Naruto and tell her all about it.

4. Be Neji for Halloween.

5. Shave off half her hair.

6. Put a snake in her toilet.

7. When she pops her vains, rush her to the hospital.

8. Make her pay the hospital bill.

9. Put glue on her pillow before she goes to bed.

10. Glue a whoopie cushion to every chair in her house.

11. Put lemonade in her shampoo.

12. Pretend to be a monkey and pick stuff out of her hair.

13. Tell Rock Lee it's youthful to burn all of Hinata's underwear.

14. Put mashed potatos in her underwear drawer.

15. Crunch chips in her ear. Loudly.

16. Put melted marshmallows in her shoes.

17. Burp "A" and ask her what comes next and repeat.

18. Fill her pillow with shaving cream.

19. Replace her soap with caked grease.

20. Replace her face cream with honey mustard sauce.

21. Put fake vomit in her bathroom sink and wet.

22. Nail her furniture to the ceiling.

23. Wake her up in the middle of the night and ask " When is the Easter Bunny coming?"

24. Spray-paint " I love Michel Jackson." on the side of her house.

25. When she falls asleep, put her on an inflatible matress and send her into the middle of a lake.

26. Start a One Man Band at 1:00 a.m.

27. Draw a mustache on her with pemanet marker.

28. Spray her with a skunk and tell her it's aroma theropy.

29. Soak her jacket in black shoe polish.

30. Blare The Dudley Boyz at 3:00 a.m.

When fake vomit is wet, it looks very real.


" My hair smells like lemonade and I'm blond! I can't use the batroom anymore and I smell like a skunk! EASTER BUNNY COMES IN THREE MONTHS DARNIT!"