Okay, I hope you like this chapter! I've decided to just to both Warm Milk and Goodnight Kiss at the same time and alternate between which chapters I write next. Please, please review!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, nor to I own the song at the beginning and end of the chapter, 'Rainbow' by Ayumi Hamasaki.
From somewhere, I hear a gentle voice…
Which might have always been heard…
The warmth found just near to me…
"We have exactly two more days to get to the Snow, and it's only a mile away from here. We're way ahead of schedule, so -"
"So we get to take a break! YES!" cried Tenten, interrupting Neji. It was three weeks after Kyou had died, and obviously Tenten was back on her feet again (thanks to Neji).
Neji glared at his energetic teammate, but soon his cold glare turned into an amused smirk. "Fine then; Tenten, you set up the tents, Lee, you look for firewood, and I'll get the water," Neji commanded. They were on a mission to deliver a package to the Feudal Lord Kazahana Koyuki from Tsunade. It wasn't a hard mission, but the package must be delivered on time and in perfect condition. That's why Neji was carrying it.
After they had finished setting up the tents, eating, etc. the three teammates and friends sat around the campfire. "Eh, I'm bored. Can't we do something?" Tenten asked, yawning.
"YOSH! We could do something youthful!" suggested Lee.
"I know!" Tenten said, jumping up. "Let's play a game!"
"That is very youthful, Tenten! Wonderful thinking!" approved Lee.
"Hn." (Guess who…)
"But what should we play?" Tenten asked herself, staring into space trying to think of a game they would all enjoy. "Oh! I know the perfect game! I'm not sure what it's called, but it's where you take turns trying to get one person to laugh. Whoever gets them to laugh first wins!"
"YOSH! Let us begin!" Lee proclaimed. "Who shall go first?"
"How about you guys try to make me laugh," Tenten proposed.
"YOSH! I shall do for you the happy dance!" Lee yelled. He began to sing a song that went something like: 'Nice is good, mean is bad, don't be mean 'cause mean is bad. Just to the happy happy happy happy happy happy dance! Do the happy happy happy happy happy happy dance!' etc…with a dance that consisted of many twirls and childish maneuvers.
Tenten and Neji just sweat-dropped as they watched their friend embarrass himself. "Eh? Can I not make you laugh, Tenten-chan?" Lee asked in confusion. Tenten and Neji just sweat-dropped again.
"Okay, Neji. You're turn!" Tenten said merrily.
"Hn." Neji didn't do anything. And so they sat there, and sat there, and sat there…Neji got a log to put on the fire…and Tenten laughed…and….wait, rewind!
Neji got a log to put on the fire. As he carefully positioned the log, Neji accidentally dropped it into the fire. Sparks flew everywhere, startling ill-fated Neji and making him jump back at least two feet. At this, Tenten started laughing. Soon, Lee was laughing too and they were both on the ground clutching their stomachs.
"It wasn't that funny. And it was an accident," Neji said, glaring at them.
"Well, yeah, but the look on your face was priceless!" Tenten explained, wiping tears from her eyes as she calmed down.
'What look on my face? I had a look on my face?' Neji thought to himself, still glaring at Tenten.
"Aw, you aren't mad at me, are you? You won, anyhow," said Tenten gleefully.
"Okay, well let's try to make Lee laugh now. I'll go first!" Tenten claimed. As she was preparing her act, with Lee sitting on his log in front of her, Neji slowly crept up behind her and…
"BOO!" Neji yelled, scaring poor Tenten half to death. She screamed and jumped forward while spinning around and glomping (again ill-fated) Neji on the head.
"What the hell to you think you're doing! You could've killed me!" Tenten yelled crazily, trying to catch her breath.
Neji smirked. "Well, yeah, but the look on you face was priceless." Lee burst out laughing. Tenten pouted and sat back down on her log, defiantly turning away from Neji and sticking her nose in the air.
"YOSH! With your youthfulness you have made me laugh, and so now I shall make you laugh, my eternal rival Neji!" Lee shouted. Lee performed many acts that simply annoyed Neji. "Tenten, shall you not try?" Lee asked confusedly.
Tenten 'hmphed' and got up to walk back to her tent. Somehow on her way she somehow tripped over nothing and then double tripped over one of the water buckets, which managed to land on her head. She was soaked to the bone and continued to fall, landing in the second water bucket. Neji began to chuckle just slightly.
"Tenten, our beautiful flower of youth! You have made Neji laugh!" exclaimed Lee, giving Tenten his 'nice guy' pose and of course his teeth went PING!
Tenten lifted the bucket off of her head, her wet bangs covering her eyes. Her hair had fallen from her buns and now hung in two very wet, very loose braids. She got up out of the water bucket. When Tenten finally stood up, Neji immediately stopped laughing and practically shrunk back in fear. With her bangs still covering her eyes, Neji couldn't tell just how mad Tenten was. Flipping her bangs out of her eyes, Tenten smirked.
'Oh damn…this is bad! She's got that mischievous look. Bad. VERY Bad…' Neji thought to himself. He shivered at the thought of what happened last time.
"T-Tenten, now be rational…" Neji said, trying to read his teammate's next move. Tenten turned around and bent down, picking something up. In no time at all, Neji was soaked to the bone by the third water bucket. Neji squirted water out of his mouth, shocked. That had been unexpected. Lee was doubled over in laughter, but not for long; because, you see, there was a fourth water bucket, conveniently placed right by the other three. Tenten was now laughing at them.
"Okay, then. We're even!" Tenten said, smirking. "I'm going to go dry off and change in that direction. Come to peek and you're dead meat. Hey! I made a rhyme!" Tenten hummed to herself as she strolled off triumphantly.
However, she wasn't quite finished with her revenge. The good soaking Neji and Lee got was just because they were laughing at her. Tenten still had to avenge that little scare Neji gave her…
Neji changed into a simple pair of black sweatpants after drying off. Tenten still wasn't back as he entered his tent and went to bed. Neji had stayed up about ten minutes after Lee had gone to bed to wait for Tenten, but if she still wasn't back then Neji figured she must be taking a bath in the nearby stream or something. And he wasn't about to use his Byakugan to find out.
Stealthily Tenten crept back to the camp, watching Neji from a distance until he put out the fire and made his way back to his tent. She wore only a skimpy tank top and a pair of short shorts. Waiting for about ten more minutes, when she was sure Neji was asleep, she slipped into his tent with her pillow, sleeping bag, and stuffed panda.
Neji stirred and woke up as Tenten laid down her own sleeping bag next to his, fluffing her pillow. "Tenten?" he asked groggily. Tenten nodded and smiled; this was all part of her plan. Neji couldn't see the smile or blush that adorned his teammate's cute face as she slid into her sleeping bag and cuddle her panda.
"Tenten, what're you doing?" Neji asked, beginning to get annoyed.
"I-I had a bad dream," Tenten explained in a falsely scared and quivering voice. She allowed fake tears to fill her eyes and trembles to shake her body. "A-And I'm scared and I'm c-cold…"
Neji sighed. It couldn't be helped, even if she was faking it. "Hn. Fine then. Just don't -"
Too late, Tenten abandoned her panda and snuggled closer to Neji, her head practically on his bare chest. Tenten was blushing madly and although he didn't notice, so was Neji.
"T-Tenten, get off me," Neji said sternly.
"Hnnn…you're warm. I'm cold. Deal with it," Tenten said drowsily, falling into a deep slumber. Neji tried to push the girl off, but she had a firm grip of his arm and soon Neji found himself enjoying it…
Shit. He enjoyed the way he could feel her silky hair tickling his neck, the way he could feel her soft warm breath against his skin, the way her soft brea…STOP. He had to regain self control. Honestly, it wasn't his fault his majorly hot-and-yet-cute-at-the-same-time female teammate was cuddling him. CUDDLING him. HIM. HYUGA NEJI. And the fact that the top portion of her torso wasn't exactly lacking in size or shape didn't help one bit.
But he had to admit that it somehow felt…right. And so Neji drifted off to sleep, no doubt to dream about a certain kunoichi…
I was forgiven by forgiving many things,
Including my childhood so long ago.
I was healed, though I intended to heal.
I've just noticed, in a way:
Though I tried to keep love away,
I was being saved by love.