Chapter 1 - Just Me and You

I don't give a ...

Keep looking at my ...

Cause it don't mean a thing

If you're looking at my ...

Ha! Imma do my thing

While you're playing with your ...

Ha Ha! Ha! Ha Ha!

Kate Wilson sung along to the Pussycat Doll's Beep on the radio while she danced around her house still in her pyjamas: novelty pink Hello Kitty pyjama pants and a tight fitting white singlet, allowing clear vision of the lacy black bra she was wearing underneath. The 24 year old continued to prance around the house as she made her way into the kitchen to find some breakfast.

Every boy's the same

Since I've been through 7th grade

They've been tryin' get with me

Tryin' Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha!

The brunette used the hair band around her wrist to throw her hair up in a messy bun as she raided the wooden overhead cupboards in the kitchen looking for something edible.

"Ah ha!" Kate exclaimed in triumph as she found a box of Coco Pop's in one of the cupboards.

The brunette grabbed the box and placed it on the kitchen counter before heading to the fridge to find some milk.

They've always got a plan

To be my one and only man

Wanna hold me with their hands

Wanna Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha!

After victoriously retrieving some milk and a bowl and spoon, the young woman started to put her breakfast together. She continued to dance to the pumped up music while she poured the milk and Coco Pop's into a bowl before proceeding to dance her way out of the kitchen. Taking a spoon full of her breakfast whilst trying to sing along to the lyrics of the song at the same time.

I keep turnin' em down

But they always come around

Asking me to go around

That's not the way it's going down

Cause they only want

Only want

My Ha Ha Ha! Ha Ha Ha!

Only want what they want

But Na Uh Uh! Na Uh Uh!

The 24 year old continued to dance her way around the house as she made her way into the living room, noticing the wall clock above the television set that read 11:00am. Normally that would mean that Kate was extremely late for work and ran the risk of being fired from her current job, but today was her day off and she couldn't wait to spend the whole day bumming around the house.

Kate had never even considered a career in modelling before she had accidentally fallen into a career in professional fashion modelling. She had never been much of a girly girl and she had just really never considered a career option in modelling before she graduated, but Diane Sauer thought otherwise. She thought Kate had the look of a supermodel and a stature of 5'11" was a tremenous help. It was just after Kate had graduated that she and her best friend had decided to take a road trip up North. They were actually filling up at a gas station when they first ran into Diane Sauer, a model scout from Storm Model Management. That day hadn't been one of Kate's most glamorous days and she wasn't in the best of moods either. She had just been driving 9 straight hours along one of the busiest freeways in the country - while her best friend occupied all the back seats fast asleep - and was in desperate need of coffee. She wasn't dressed to impress anyone especially after noticing the state of the gas station they were filling up at. Her grey sweat pants were definitely not an item of clothing she'd normally be seen in public wearing, her yellow Superman T-shirt was just a little too small for her and the oversized sunnies and black New York trucker cap were just to add to the disguise so no one really noticed her, but Diane Sauer did.

Approaching the then 19 year old Kate Wilson, Diane Sauer briefly introduced herself before asking Kate a question she'd never been asked before. "Have you ever considered a career in professional fashion modelling?" And that was it. 5 years down the track and Kate Wilson was practically a catwalk veteran. She went to work at 5am every morning, Monday through Saturday, to spend hours at a time in front of a camera or getting fitted for a runway show. For Kate it was all a day's work and an easy way to get cash with which she was able to purchase this very lovely house in Toluca Lake, California.

It's funny how a man

Only thinks about the ...

You got a real big heart

But I'm lookin' at your ...

You got real big brains

But I'm lookin' at your ...

Girl there ain't no pain

In me looking at your ...


Kate almost fell over backwards at the sudden exclamation, taking all her coordination to make sure all her Coco Pop's and milk stayed in her bowl. The brunette quickly turned around to be met with the smirking face of Randy Orton. Obviously proud of the scene he'd just created. Steadying herself, Kate immediately reached out an arm and punched Randy smack in the arm.

"Ouch!" Randy exclaimed, when Kate's fist connected with his flesh "Good morning to you too, Sunshine!"

"Ha Ha!" Kate mocked in the Legend Killer's face "You're so funny Mr Legend Killer!"

"Aren't I?" Randy replied arrogantly.

Kate rolled her eyes at her best friend and co-occupant of the very lovely house she was standing in right now. She carefully put her empty breakfast bowl on the coffee table just near her before putting her hands on her hips and facing Randy.

"So, how was the partay last night?" Kate inquired.

"Arg!" Randy exclaimed as he made his way into the kitchen.

Kate hot on his heels.

"That bad huh?" Kate asked, feeling sympathy for the Legend Killer.

"You could not imagine!" Randy rolled his eyes as retrieved some bread in order to make some toast for breakfast.

Randy's current squeeze Julia had decided it might be fun to invite Randy to one of her parent's balls at their Country Club. All Kate could do was roll her eyes at the prospect when Randy had told her about it last week. She couldn't think of a worse place to be on a Saturday night then cooped up in a stuffy Country Club House surrounded by success snobby business men, equally snobby and prissy wives of success business men and disgusting old perverted men who still think they're young enough to try and chat up pretty young girls. Kate sighed.

"So, did Miss Prissy introduce her dashing Prince as the professional wrestler she doesn't want him to be?" Kate inquired with a coy smile on her face as she seated herself on one of the kitchen counter chairs.

She was, of course, referring to Julia (Miss Prissy = Julia) and her distaste for the world of professional wrestling. No doubt, Miss Prissy's parents shared the same view on the matter.

"Of course not!" Randy rolled his eyes in disgust "Apparently I've got quite a background in marketing and finance! Oh and I'm the owner of my own firm apparently! Orton and Associates!"

Kate burst out laughing at Randy's words.

"You're not serious are you?!" Kate managed while she continued to laugh.

"Oh I wish I wasn't!" Randy exclaimed as he popped two pieces of bread in the toaster "I had to explain to these people I didn't even know about how to manage a successful firm in this country!"

Kate burst out into fits of laughter once again, almost falling backwards off her chair. Randy couldn't help but join in the laughter as he leaned across the kitchen counter.

"But it's all good!" Randy said sighing "The nightmare is over!"

"Until next time, Mr Orton and Associates!" Kate added with a giggle.

"Oh no, it's all over for good this time!" Randy quickly replied.

"What do you mean?" Kate questioned as she cocked her head at the Legend Killer, a small laugh escaping Randy's lips when he noticed her gesture.

"Miss Prissy is out of my life forever!" Randy exclaimed throwing his arms up in praise.

"No!" Kate exclaimed in disbelief, a small smile crossing her lips at the same time.

"Oh it's true Katie!" Randy said nodding "Miss Prissy is out of our lives forever!"

Kate suddenly jumped out of her chair and ran straight at Randy, quickly locking him in a tight embrace.

"Oh I absolutely love you Randy!" Kate exclaimed with a smile on her face.

Randy laughed as he embrace the young girl back.

"Aw c'mon," Randy teased jokingly "You and Julia were like best friends!"

Kate immediately broke the embrace from Randy and took one step back from him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Oh Randall darling!" Kate started dramatising as she impersonated Julia's fake British accent "This house is just to die for! Though it's so small! I'll talk to Daddy and he can get you a delicious loan from his bank so you can get out of this pig sty and into a proper house! This just will not do!"

Kate gave herself impecible posture and stuck her nose in the air as she continued her impersonation. Randy simply shook his head and laughed at his outspoken house mate.

"Oh and that dreadful girl you have to share this house with! Honestly Randy she's just dreadful!" Kate continued, this time talking about Julia's disregard for her "I honestly don't know why you're friends with her! She's not at all what a lady should be like! She dresses like such a prostitute! She's just jealous of us Randy! I know it! She just wants you to herself!"

Kate finished her dramatisation as she rolled her eyes at the thought of Julia. The brunette soon took a seat next to the Legend Killer who was now enjoying his breakfast.

Not many of Randy's girlfriends had actually approved of Randy's relationship with Kate, so it was no surprise that Julia was exactly the same. A lot just couldn't understand the fact that even though Randy was a boy and Kate was a girl, they were best friends and had been since they were 9 and 7 respectively. It wasn't unusual for best friends to share a house, but apparently it was unusual when those best friends were of different genders. Kate and Randy, however, were in no way romantically involved in the present and had not been in the past. Kate's parents and younger sister, Abbey-Lee, had passed away in a car accident when Kate was 7 and Kate's father had given his best mate and Kate's godfather Bob Orton Jnr, full custody of Katherine Allegra Wilson. From that point on, Kate had known Randy. She had lived with the Orton family since after the accident and did so all through Primary and High School. After graduation, Randy went off to the military for awhile while Kate stayed in St Louis, finding odd jobs here and there until modelling came along for her. Soon Randy found his way back into his passion, professional wrestling, and moved out of home to Toluca Lake, California, with Kate in tow who had decided to move to California also to try out the modelling scene. Now 4 years later, and Randy and Kate had finally bought the house they'd been living in together for 4 years.

Between moving in and now, Randy'd had a lot of girlfriends (Beth, Amy, Pip, Makena, Susie, Nikki and the latest one Julia) and all had the same opinion of the innocent Kate Wilson. "She's secretly in love with you Randy and she wants to take you from me!" "She doesn't like me Randy!" "Randy she's trying to break us up!" "How can you be JUST best friends when the stupid woman walks around your house in just her underwear!" That comment came from one of the worse ones, Makena, who had serious jealousy issues with anything involving Randy and anyone else. She had come to pay Randy a surprise visit on his birthday with cake and everything when she had walked in on Randy playfully slapping Kate's backside when Kate was making her way between her bedroom and the laundry to find some clothes to put over the lacy bra and panties she was sporting at the time. To put it simply, Makena wasn't happy Jan! The cake she had brought had been delicious, although Randy had to eat most of it off of his face and singlet.

"What's on your mind Miss Wilson?" Randy suddenly asked the brunette, breaking her out of her chain of thought "You seem to be very engrossed in thought there! Don't hurt yourself or anything! Ouch!"
That last comment earned him another punch in the shoulder.

"Just thinking about the past," Kate simply replied as she lent an elbow on the kitchen counter and turned to face Randy "Mainly the fortunate experiences I've had with your insane female companions!"

Randy laughed out loud as he shook his head.

"Seriously, Randy you've been out with some shockers!" Kate stated as she nodded at Randy.

"Aw, c'mon," Randy defended himself "They haven't been that bad!"

Kate cocked at eyebrow at the Legend Killer.

"Makena," Kate said.

"Yeah," Randy stated, realising he was losing this battle fast and hard "She was one of the worse ones!"

"But that cake was delicious!" Kate commented with a small laugh.

"Except for the fact that half of it was one my face and the other half was on my singlet!" Randy exclaimed.

"Well, I warned you not to slap my butt, didn't I?!" Kate stated matter-of-factly as she distinctly remembered that she had tried to run away from Randy after he had refused to listen to her that his singlet looked gay on him.

His reply was to slap her butt for being, as he called it, 'cheeky'.

"Well, you should have left my singlet alone, which I might add does not look gay!" Randy stated in reply "And you should not have been prancing around the house in simply your bra and panties!"
"Randy, I always prance around the house in just my bra and panties!" Kate stated in defence.

"And you know I love it when you do so," Randy stated with a cocky smirk on his face "But when my girlfriends are in the residence, maybe you shouldn't."

"How was I supposed to know she was coming over!" Kate exclaimed in defence as she threw her hands up "She shouldn't have thought a surprise entrance would have been a good idea!"
Randy laughed and shook his head at his best friend.

"Am I right or what?" Kate stated triumphantly "You can never win with me Randall! Never!"

Kate threw her hands up in the air and jumped off her stool to do a little victory dance. Her victory dance, however, was soon cut short as Randy soon follow suit and jumped up off his stool next to her.

"Randy! NO!" Kate squealed as Randy swiftly threw the lean brunette over his shoulder and started running straight out of the kitchen.

Randy ran straight through the living and dining room, jumping occasionally which didn't sit too well with Kate. All the Legend Killer could do was laugh as he tried to run around the house as fast as humanly possible with a 110 pound female draped over his shoulder.

"RANDALL KEITH ORTON!" Kate exclaimed at Randy, laughing a little as she wasn't quite sure if she wasn't enjoying herself, even just a little "PUT ME DOWN NOW!"

"I don't think so Katherine!" Randy exclaimed back as he made his way into the sun room out the back of the house.

Kate let out a sigh of relief when Randy finally came to a halt in the sun room. Little did she know it was because he was opening the glass door into the back yard where a rather large outdoor pool was settled into the ground. Slowing down his pace and simply stepping outside, Kate found it wise to speak again.

"RANDALL PUT ME DOWN NOW!" She commanded as she slapped Randy's butt.

Randy laughed as he flicked the string of her black thong, that had risen higher than her pyjama pants.

"So, you want me to put you down Katherine?" Randy tormented as his eyes looked over the completely calm, smooth surface of the nice clean pool.

"ABSOLUTELY!" Kate yelled in reply "PUT ME DOWN!"

"Are you sure?" Randy replied as his hand connected with Kate's backside.

"RANDY PUT ME DOWN!" Kate exclaimed again.

"OK, Sunshine!" Randy replied, before he heaved Kate over his shoulder and dropped her straight into the pool.

Water splashed everywhere as Randy stood victoriously laughing at the edge of the pool. Kate soon surfaced gasping for air. She was soaked from head to toe and she didn't look at all pleased by it.

"ASSHOLE!" Kate exclaimed at Randy as she tried to flick her chestnut locks from her face as she made her way towards the edge of the pool where Randy stood.

"How's the water, Sunshine?" Randy asked tauntingly as he offered his hand to help Kate out of the water.

"Why don't you try it YOURSELF!" Kate exclaimed as she took Randy's hand and pulled him straight into the pool with her.

This time, Kate was the one laughing as she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the pool while she watched Randy surface. When Randy wiped the water from his eyes the first thing his vision caught was Kate sitting on the edge of the pool with her arms folded and a wide smile on her face.

"You deserved that!" Kate commented.

"Yes," Randy replied "Yes I did."

"Damn straight!" Kate exclaimed in reply as Randy pulled up a spot next to Kate on the edge of the pool.

"That's a really hot black bra you've got on there, by the way," Randy commented with a cocky smirk as he pointed to Kate's completely see through white singlet top.

"I know," Kate replied with a smile "You gave it to me last Christmas with the matching black lace panties"

"Did I?" Randy questioned in surprise as he took another look at the black bra under Kate's shirt "Why yes I did! My god I have good taste!"
"Good taste in bras?" Kate questioned as she turned to face Randy "Maybe that's not something you wanna be bragging about in the RAW locker rooms anytime soon, unless you are completely secure with your sexuality!"

Randy laughed in reply.

"God, Kate, I don't know what I'd do without you!" Randy commented through his laughter.

"Oh I know!" Kate replied with a smile directed at Randy before he cocked at eyebrow at her "Yeah, and same thing here Orton!"

"I knew you loved me!" Randy replied as he reached an arm around Kate and hugged her from the side.

"Don't push your luck Orton!" Kate replied.

She then smiled as she hugged him back.

"Nah, I love you Randy," Kate finally added "Don't know what I'd do without you."

Randy smiled at her comment, but she then suddenly broke free from his embrace.

"But don't tell anyone I actually like you," Kate started sarcastically "I've got a rep to protect man!"
Randy rolled his eyes at her and pulled her in for another hug.

"Well, my darling," Randy said in a fake British accent "I must say that I am absolutely smitten with you too!"

Kate cocked at eyebrow at Randy before slapping him playfully on the shoulder before quickly standing up.

"Now you're really starting to scare me Orton!" Kate said before laughing at him and heading back in towards the house.

Randy immediately followed suit and followed her back towards the sun room. When Kate reached the sliding door to the sun room, she took off her completely soaking wet and see-through singlet top and pyjama pants, leaving her in her wet black bra and wet black thong. Kate turned around and noticed Randy following her. She smiled before tossing him her wet items of clothing. He caught them and smiled back at her.

"Put those in the laundry for me, won't you pretty boy," Kate said cheekily and then proceeded inside the house.

Randy shook his head at the brunette as he watched her walk into the living room in merely her black underwear.

"Please, baby, put some clothes on!" Randy called after her teasingly.

Kate continued to walk but called back at him.

"I better not," Kate called out "Maybe Makena's on her way over!"

Randy laughed and shook his head at his best friend before calling out to her again.

"Well, then you better wait up," Randy called out to her, causing her to turn around this time and face him "Cause I'm supposed to slap your ass when she walks through the door!"
Kate simply laughed out loud and rolled her eyes before heading off out of the Legend Killer's sight.

A/N: Lol, another story for my loyal readers! This one was a lot of fun to write! Kind of a breather from One Secret too! All the angst between Randy and Lita in One Secret was making me depressed so this is a little breather from that! Lol! Tell me what you think and whether or not I should keep going with this one! If not, I'll just end it like a one shot and end it here! Either way, tell me what you think because you're the ones I write for! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Hugs, Mrs Bridget Orton xoxox