I don't own anything.

Spoilers: Um… They range from the end of the Chunnin Exam Arc all the way to the end of the latest arc in the manga…

I was playing Naruto: Ultimate Ninja, when I realized that Orochimaru's voice sounded familiar. It wasn't until I had beaten him in the Kakashi Saga that I suddenly gasped, "Oh my God! That's Crocker!"


The (cough annoying cough) avenger looked up at his master and raised an eyebrow in response.

"Do you know why I chose you of all people to be my next body?" Orochimaru asked offhandedly.

Sasuke's brows furrowed slightly. "Because I have the Sharingan, which is vital to your plans to learn every jutsu known to man kind, and because my hatred for my brother makes me that much easier to manipulate?"

The sannin gave a condescending laugh. "Of course not! Why would I do something like that?"


The older man shook his head. "Sasuke. Sasuke. Let me tell you a little secret. There is something that every child in need is granted. Something which gives them incredible power. As you fit right into that category, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." Here Sasuke gave a confused expression which he must have picked up from Naruto at some point in time. Orochimaru, however, ignored it and went on. "I spent years at Konoha experimenting on children in order to find a way to harness that power. Sarutobi found out and stopped me. He thought I was crazy. Everyone thought I was crazy! But now that I have you within my grasp, I'll show Jiraiya, Tsunade, and all those other fools! I'll be able to prove the existence of Fairy God Parents!" As he said those last three words, the snake master's body convulsed in spasms reminiscent of a children's show.

As Sasuke watched him go off on a bout of maniacal laughter and mutter something about giving everyone F's he couldn't help but think that he should have gone with Team Yamato when he had the chance.

Just a random bit of insanity. Review please!