He had been here for almost two weeks already and his power was gone. They had captured him while he was scouting a site for the next time the team went on overnight survival training. First, his captors had wrapped duct tape over his eyes and then they had beaten the crap out of him all without saying a word.

His musings were brought to a premature close when the door opened and a man was shoved in. The man was tall and had broad shoulders, a strong chin and jet black hair with a little curl in front.

"Prisoner #37474 Cyclops meet your new roommate prisoner # 75376 Superman," the guard said as he slammed the door shut and reset the locks.

AN: This idea came to me when I realized that both Cyclops from the x-men and Superman are both solar powered. Lock them in a room with no windows and they both turn into regular people. So should I continue with the story? Let me know in a review.