This journey has defined our life
fear … then fight
love and commitment …
then … strength and support
through it all we remain …


I do not own Wolf's Rain or the song Everything I Do (I Do It For You) by Bryan Adams… though I wish I did…

Everything I Do

Aki spun in mid air, catching Darcia's left flank in her jaws before being forcefully torn away again. She landed hard on her side, skidding in the snow before finally coming to a stop in a pool of her own blood. She coughed, forcing herself to her feet as she stared off against Darcia, emitting a low growl.

"You just don't give up," laughed Darcia, approaching Aki with gleaming fangs.

Aki growled louder, bearing her fangs menacingly.

"You think that will stop me? You are pathetic," Darcia hissed.

Aki's gaze shot around the terrain. Far to her left, Kiba stirred slightly, but did not rise. She knew her father was conscious, but he could not help her in his state. If I have to give my life to help save them and the flower maiden, then so be it, she decided.

"Let's end this," Darcia growled, lunging at Aki, "I am growing tired of this… play."

With a savage snarl, Aki leapt at Darcia, locking with him in a wrestling match. Her front paws pushed against his shoulders as her fangs snapped at him; Darcia was in a similar position.

Tsume watched through half opened eyes at the scene before him, Aki was no match for Darcia, he knew that. He wanted to beg Darcia to just take the flower maiden and leave her alone, but his throat was dry and not a sound left his lips. All he could do was watch in horror as Aki fought, with all her might, then fall and get torn to pieces by the monster, Darcia.

A flash of black raced past him, Tsume's first thought was that it was Blue. He then saw that the wolf was smaller, not by much but still smaller, and in fact a male.

"AKI!" Kuroda yelled in fear, seeing her locked jaws with Darcia.

"Kuroda!" Aki barked happily before being knocked off her feet by Darcia. She landed with a yelp.

Kuroda snarled angrily at the sound of Aki's yelp, he leapt onto Darcia's back, tearing at his scruff like a mad animal.

Darcia bucked like a bronco, throwing Kuroda off his back.

Kuroda landed beside Aki with a grunt.

"You came," Aki said, happily.

"Of course… I'd never abandon you," Kuroda replied, and Aki could see, in his eyes, he meant it.

Look into my eyes, you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart, search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more

"Are you okay?" Kuroda asked as he rose.

Aki nodded, pushing herself to her feet.

"Alright, I'll take his right, you take the left," Kuroda ordered.

"Got it," growled Aki, rushing forward. She leapt at Darcia's right shoulder as Kuroda leapt at his left.

Darcia smirked, swinging 'round and swatting Aki with his paw, sending her barrelling into Kuroda. They landed in a heap a few feet from their target.

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do, I do it for you

"Sorry, I'm such a klutz," Aki apologized, quickly getting off of Kuroda.

"It's okay," Kuroda panted, still finding the ability to smile at her, "he's a strong opponent, it's not your fault."

Aki smiled sincerely at him, she felt warm and happy with him and she didn't know why, considering the situation.

Kuroda returned her look, her soft eyes setting his mind aflame. And then it was gone, with a snarl and blood splattered, his own warm feeling turned to rage. He leapt at Darcia, who held Aki firmly between his jaws, with wild anger.

"Just try it," Darcia growled, "and I'll crush her."

Kuroda skidded to a stop, cold fear stabbing his chest. No… not her… please not her, he prayed, don't kill her… please don't kill her.

Darcia smirked a wry smile. "Good boy," he sneered, forcefully dropping Aki to the ground and pressing his paw down on her throat.

Aki emitted a gurgled yelp, looking at Kuroda with pained eyes as Darcia brought his fangs towards her.

"No!" Kuroda begged, "please no… don't kill her. I'll do anything…" Kuroda thought for a moment as Darcia looked up at him, expecting something more. "Kill me instead, please."

Darcia looked shocked at him. This pup would rather die in the place of the girl? How strange.

"Kuroda… don't," Aki begged.

"I have too… I have no choice," he decided.

Darcia was about to take Kuroda up on his offer when he suddenly was sent sprawling. He looked to the spot where he was once standing, only to find a certain white wolf standing there in all his glory.

"Kiba," Aki breathed a sigh of relief.

"You and your friend should get to safety, let Hige and I handle this," Kiba ordered.

"Me too," Blue growled, joining him. "Nago and Okoto wouldn't stay far away, they're on the hill, go join them."

Aki nodded, rising, with the help of Kuroda, and limped off towards the cubs. As they were half way there, Kuroda grabbed Aki's tail gently. Aki stopped, looking at him in confusion.

"I thought I was going to lose you," Kuroda whispered, "I was so scared… Aki… I want… to go to paradise with you."

Aki's look changed from confusion to happiness. "Oh Kuroda! I wanted you to come so badly! I'm so happy, we'll have so much fun!"

Kuroda smiled at her happiness. The warmth had returned

Look into your heart, you will find

There's nothing there to hide

Just take me as I am, take my life

I would give it all, I would sacrifice

"Kuroda… why?" Aki asked as they joined Nago and Okoto.

"Why what?" Kuroda asked.

"Why… did you want to trade your life for mine?" asked Aki, "why did you want to die in my place?"

"I… Aki… I-I…" Kuroda struggled over the words. How could he explain it? He felt happy at all her words, he could listen to her all day… she made his heart beat faster by just being near him.

Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for

I can't help it, there's nothing I want more

You know it's true

Everything I do, I do it for you

"We did!" Nago cheered, breaking the conversation.

"Look! Kiba, Hige and Blue beat the meanie!" Okoto howled.

"So they did," Aki cheered with the children.

"Come on, Aki!" Nago barked, racing down the hill, "Paradise awaits!"

Aki was about to follow when she paused, looking back at Kuroda; a new question flooding her mind. "Why the change of heart? I thought you didn't believe in Paradise?"

Kuroda looked at her in a way she had never seen before. "I don't believe in your Paradise, Aki. But I do believe in Paradise. And, I think I found it… I think I found my Paradise."

"Really? Where?" Aki asked, curious as to what his Paradise could be.

"It's right in front of me," chuckled Kuroda.

Aki cocked her head to the side.

"You," he began, "are my Paradise."

There's no love, like your love

And no other could give more love

There's no where, unless your there

All the time, all the way

Aki blinked at him, blushing twenty different shades of red. "K-Kuroda…" she said, her voice barely a whisper.

"Aki… I… I l-love you," Kuroda finally said, "I never want to lose you. I'd fight and die so that you would live. I couldn't bear the thought of you dying when Darcia had you pinned."

"Oh, Kuroda," Aki breathed, hugging him tightly.

Oh, you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

I can't help it, there's nothing I want more

Yeah, I would fight for you

I'd lie for you, walk the wire for you

Yeah, I'd die for you

But you know it's true

Everything I do, oh, I do it for you

"Come on, Kuroda, our Paradise awaits," Aki said, looking towards where Toboe and her father, who was being helped by Toboe, disappeared in a blinding light.

The two young wolves made their way towards the entrance, taking a deep breath and walking steadily inside.

"See… Paradise really does exist…"

"I like my Paradise… better."

The End

Yes it is over :'( so sad. I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry this took so long… so many essays so little time. Don't forget to R&R, and if you like Naruto stories, you should check out our Naruto Characters in my House (which is finished) and the sequel The Last Adventures in Naru World. BYE!