Jimmy writes down the pros and cons of Cindy and decides whether or not she's worth it. Oneshot.

"The Pros And Cons Of Breathing"

By: Fall Out Boy

I hate the way you say my name,
Like it's something secret.
My pen is the barrel of the gun,
Reminding which side you should be on.

"The Pros and Cons Of Cindy"

Pros: She's really pretty.

Indeed she was, Jimmy often daydreamed of running his fingers through her golden hair, looking into her emerald eyes, and kissing those lusicous lips.

But he was so far away from getting all that, he hadn't even decided whether she was worth it yet!

Cons: She fights with me too much.

Indeed she did. Only yesterday did they fight about the credibility that there were only reruns of Ultralord on T.V. No one could sink lower than that.

Pros: She might be in love with me.

Perhaps. He was always catching her looking at him dreamily, as if he was her own Prince Charming.

Cons: She's most likely in love with Nick.

Perhaps that too. Currently, she and Nick were dating, as they had been for the last 2 years.

Pros: She might be my soulmate.

If you believed in soulmates.

Cons: She might be Nick's soulmate.

Again, only if you believed in soulmates.

Pros: She's got brains.

Of course. It was every science fair at school where she would come up with something ingenius to win. Second place, of course.

Cons: She usually uses them to come up with comebacks.

Sadly, yes. Whenever they would fight, she would come up with the wittiest comeback. So witty that Jimmy was usually left speechless.

Pros: She's very good at karate.

Obviously, Jimmy had fallen for a dangerous girl.

Cons: She sometimes uses them to beat me up.

Well... I did mention that she was dangerous.

Pros: She's worth it.

Jimmy laid down his pen, grabbed his jacket before exiting his lab in a hurry. He was going to get her.

He saw her there. At the Candy Bar. But with someone he didn't really like. Nick Dean. But of course he would be there, why wouldn't he? He was Cindy's boyfriend!

Jimmy walked slowly over to their booth, and stopped before Cindy.

"Umm... Hey, Cindy... Can I like... Umm.."

He rubbed the nape of his neck and scratched his right ear.

"Can I talk to you?"

Cindy stared at him, as was Nick. But she shrugged before shimmying out of the booth.

"What'd you want to talk about?" she asked brightly.

Jimmy looked at the staring Nick and continued rubbing his neck.

"Can we, like, talk in private?"

Cindy gave him a confused look, but shrugged it off and walked outside.

"So... What is it you want to talk about?"

Jimmy fumbled with the zipper on his jacket as he mumbled his reply. "Umm.. Well... It was... Ummm..."

"Jimmy?" He looked up. "Can you kind of hurry up? Nick is waiting for me."

A blush climbed from his neck and onto his cheeks, and Jimmy opened his mouth, licking his dry lips.

"Cindy... It's just... It's just that you know... I kind of... I l-l-l-like---"

Cindy had already turned around; Nick was leaning halfway out of the door and calling her back inside.

"Come on, babe! I don't have forever, you know!"

So Cindy waved absentmindedly to Jimmy before hurrying inside to the arms of the one she loved. And Jimmy watched all of this happening before his very eyes with a pained expression clear on his blushing face...