Disclaimer: Damn I hate doing this, but it's the last time so oh well. I don't own Final Fantasy.

I always aim to keep my reviewers happy and at the request of lilmizgrunge I have made a ZackxAeris version of this story. Keep in mind though that i'm not going to write anymore of these because 1.) There are no other pairings i like 2.) This one was hard as hell to write so i probably wouldn't be able to write another one anyway. Well, i hope you enjoy the final part of Tifa's Pregnancy. Read and Review!


"Zack, I think we should start buying things for the baby now instead of waiting until the last minute." Aeris proposed, while she and Zack were driving home from her doctor's appointment.

"Well, I guess we'd better since we already have the money for it. Let's just hold off on clothes until we know if the baby's a boy or a girl." said Zack, turning around and heading in the direction of the mall.

At the mall: Twenty minutes later

"We should get this, this, this, one of these, and this" said Aeris going to and from every shelf in the store.

"How about we only get what we'll need, then if we have the money we'll come back some other time and get the extra stuff." Zack stated, trying to convince her that his plan was the best way to go about things.

"But they would look so cute, don't you think?" said Aeris, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, but we've got to be sensible about this."

"Oh come on…please?" Aeris said, making her lower lip quiver giving him the full puppy dog pout.

'Fight it man! You can't let her get to you!' Zack thought vigorously trying not to look into her eyes.

Five minutes later

"Your total comes to 3000 gil, sir." said the cashier. (Equivalent to 300 dollars)

"Ouch my wallet." Complained Zack, paying the cashier.

"I love you, Zack!" said Aeris pulling him into a hug.

"You better." mumbled Zack.

"What was that!" demanded Aeris, glaring at him.

"I said I love you too" said Zack taking the bags and leaving the store at Aeris' side.


After a long day of removing furniture from the soon to be nursery, Aeris rested on their black leather couch while Zack was in the kitchen getting ice cream for themselves.

"Vanilla for the lady and Chocolate for you…..wait I mean-"stuttered Zack, causing Aeris to laugh herself to tears.

"Y-Y-You know w-what would go great with this……pickles." laughed Aeris, making Zack look at her like she was crazy.

"It just sounds good is all." said Aeris, regaining her composure.

'I'll never understand the pregnant women's cravings, nor do I want to' thought Zack, getting up to get her some…pickles.


Zack was awakened by a loud retching sound coming from the bathroom. Getting up he made his way to where the sound was coming from to see Aeris hunched over the toilet suffering from morning sickness.

"Are you alright!" asked Zack kneeling beside her.

"Do I look alright! I'm fucking throwing up!" shouted Aeris, after heaving into the toilet once more.

"Your right, I'm sorry. Do you need me to get you something?"

"No, but I want you to leave me alone." Aeris said in an annoyed tone.

"A-A-Alright." whimpered Zack slowly getting up and leaving the room.

'My god, those mood swings are dangerous.' Thought Zack, going into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.


"Zack, we got a letter from Cloud and Tifa." called Aeris, handing him the envelope when he reached her.

Removing the letter from the envelope, Zack began to read it.

Dear Zack and Aeris,

Congratulations on the baby! We'd have come out to visit you, but we're a bit tied down right now with our own baby. It's been a while since we've seen each other hasn't it? We should get together once your baby's born. I'm going to have to cut this short Tifa needs my help. She says hi and she's very happy for you.


The Strife's

Placing the letter on the table, Zack then turned to his wife. "Well that was nice of them." said Zack, pulling her into a hug and gently kissing her on the lips.

"Yeah. I'll see you in a bit, I'm going to go get dressed." said Aeris making her way up the stairs.

Ten minutes later

"My clothes don't fit any more…!" whined Aeris from upstairs, catching Zack's attention.

"Looks like it's time to go clothes shopping…" Zack said to himself, before grabbing his wallet and heading upstairs.


Waking up early Christmas morning, Aeris found that she was alone in the bed. Sitting up and searching the room she still couldn't find Zack. Just then she could smell the delicious aroma of fresh pancakes and hot chocolate. After dressing, she made her way down to the kitchen, noticing Zack standing by the stove dividing pancakes onto two plates.

"I didn't know you could cook." stated Aeris, walking over and giving him quick peck on the cheek.

"Oh, Merry Christmas! I learned to cook while in SOLDIER." said Zack, handing Aeris a stack of pancakes and a cup of hot chocolate.

After they both ate their pancakes and hot chocolate they walked into the living room and snuggled close to each other, the only light illuminating the room was radiating from their Christmas tree. That's how they stayed for hours sharing a passionate kiss from time to time, watching the gentle snowfall outside the window.


Deciding to go out to dinner, Zack and Aeris went to their favorite restaurant. After ten minutes of waiting they were finally approached by a waiter who looked like he'd be in his mid thirties. "May I take your order?"

"Yeah, I'll have steak medium-rare and a small salad." said Zack, handing the waiter his menu.

"I'll also have a steak rare, a baked potato, corn, and a small salad. I would also like a slice of that chocolate cake for dessert." Aeris said, giving him her menu as well.

"That's a lot of food isn't it?" the waiter stupidly asked.

"Oh, bad move." muttered Zack, shaking his head.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!" yelled Aeris, abruptly standing from the table.

"I-I-I just-"The waiter tried to explain, but was cut off by Aeris.


At this point the waiter was huddled on the ground shaking violently.

"Zack, we're leaving!" shouted Aeris grabbing her purse and storming out the door.

Walking up to the waiter, Zack knelt beside him. "Do you have any kids?" asked Zack, placing his hand on the poor man's shoulder.

He could only shake his head 'no', too shaken to do anything else.

"Got a girlfriend?"

This time the waiter nodded. "Well here's a tip…don't get her pregnant." said Zack getting up and following Aeris.


"Ughhhhh…" moaned Aeris, sitting down on the couch.

"What's the matter?" asked Zack, looking up from the newspaper.

"I don't think I can handle being pregnant much longer…"

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad." said Zack sitting next to her on the couch.

"Not that bad…not that BAD! The mood swings, I can barely sleep at night, the baby keeps kicking, my clothes didn't fit me anymore, the morning sickness, and the list goes on Zack." Droned Aeris, looking at him with a glazed look in her eyes.

"Alright so maybe it's worse than I thought, but it's only for 2 more months." said Zack, scratching the back of his head.

Leaning onto Zack's chest, she blew a stray hair out of her face before giving an agitated sigh. "Yeah…two…months…"


I'm out of ideas so it's time for a "Random Moment!"

Sitting on the couch, Zack was watching TV, while Aeris was cleaning behind him.

(A/N: This is on the TV) "So Nana, I hear today's your birthday. So how many years old are you now?" asked the announcer, holding the microphone up to her mouth.

"Eighty." said 'Nana'.

"Alright, now all you have to do to win is spin this huge, three thousand pound, blood filled contraption and hope it lands on the one dollar sign." said the announcer, as Nana stepped up to the wheel.

(A/N: Back to Zack and Aeris) "What the heck are you watching!" asked Aeris, after hearing 'blood filled contraption'.

"The Price Is Right."

"Oh." said Aeris, resuming her cleaning.


"Hang on Aeris, it's almost over." encouraged Zack, holding onto his wife's hand while she was in labor. (A/N: Ouch…)

"AAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!" shrieked Aeris, giving one final push.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." said the doctor, wrapping the newborn in a pink blanket and handing her to Aeris.

"She's beautiful" said Zack, giving Aeris a kiss on the forehead then turning to admire his daughter.

The baby had light brown hair like her mother, and sapphire eyes like her father.

"What should we name her?" asked Aeris, looking toward Zack.

"How about…Sophia. I've always liked that name."

"Yeah, I like that." said Aeris, watching the infant slowly fall asleep in her arms.

And it's complete. In my opinion this one wasn't as good as my others, but i'll leave that up to you. On top of running out of ideas I haven't gotten any sleep in the last few days and I'm sick so that didn't help the story either. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Oh, I've read some fics in the past saying how Aeris isn't one to swear. Well just to get that out of the way with this one...She's pregnant...so you'd have to expect it to happen at least once.

The "Random Moment" was inspired by a skit done by Dane Cook.