A/N So, I know I still have to finish the cave thing...but this is a short intermission. Where the Avatar gang answers all of your questions!

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar!


Me: Ok, guys. Someone spilt the beans about you guys living here, luckily, I tazered off some of the fangirls...and...

Sokka: Wait, were they my fangirls?

Me: No, I couldn't find any, most of the fangirls are Zuko's

Sokka: WTF...

Zuko: I pwns you.

Sokka: Oh STFU.

Katara: I will guys please stop using "chat speak"!

Me: Now, anyways...here are the fan mails that a lot of people delivered to me...and you guys of course. Soooo...let's see...first one is...

Letter: Dear Avatar gang,

What's the deal with Azula anyways? I mean she's so mean, cruel, heartless...etc.etc.

-Name withdrawn for safety

Me: Well see here, Azula is a crazy psycho, bent on taking over the world. Her main goal however...is not to rule the living population of people, but to rather rule the living population of chipmunks and pudding. Let's see, next letter...

Letter: Dear Avatar Gang,

OMG! I luvee Zuko's hair in season two! Will he get a mullet in season three!? WHEEE!!

-Crazed fan girl

Me: ...

Zuko: Oh hell no! I'm not getting a mullet!

Me: Next letter...

Letter: Dear Avatar Gang,

KAtaang rulez! We pwns you ZutArians!


Me: WTF...I didn't want spam...soo let's see, next letter.

Letter: Dear Avatar Gang,

Is there really an episode called, "Zutara" in season 3?

-Zutarian 4eva

Me: Well, I dunno. Based on the rumors now spreading like wildfire around the internet, there is. But it'd be cool if there was! Next letter...

Letter: Dear Avatar Gang,

What's you guy's favorite foods?


Me: Yeah, what do you guys like anyways?

Aang: I like ramen! RAMEN! BWHAHAHAHHA!

Everyone: ...

Aang: What?

Katara: Well, I like...cold noodles. Yeah those are the best!

Sokka: I like...kabobs. Lamb kabobs, chicken kabobs, beef kabobs...

Iroh: I like...

Me: No Iroh, we already know what you like.

Iroh: Fine...I'll just go and sulk in a corner... (runs away)

Me: ooookk...

Zuko: I like spicy curry...and I get really hyper after I eat and then IrealllyreallywanttochugdownwaterandtheninsteadofwateritssodaandthenIgethypersomemoreandthenandthen...

Me: Cheesus Christ! Slow down!

Zuko: Sorry...

Me: Next letter...

Letter: Dear Avatar Gang,

What does Ozai do in his spare time?

-Ozai fan 101

Me: Let's look at the candid cameras I've hidden throughout the house shall we?


Ozai: (singing) I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's gray and Wednesday too...

(End clip)

Everyone: ...

Me: Oh dear god...

Aang: Well...now I'm going to laugh like hell in filming of the season finale of season 3!

Me: Let's see, two more letters to go!

Letter: Hey Avatar gang!

I really hate Zuko now, he betrayed Katara and everyone! It makes me so madd!


Me: Yes, care to explain Zuko?

Zuko: ...

Everyone: (looks at him)

Zuko: What!? It wasn't my fault! Mike and Bryan told me to! It was either that or mop up the floors after the filming!

Me: (puts hand on shoulder) Dude...you should've taken the mopping.

Zuko: But...

Me: Eh!

Zuko: But...


Zuko: But!


Zuko: ...

Me: Next letter!

Letter: Dear Avatar gang,

How come it never, EVER, shows Ozai's face? Sure it shows the bottom half of his face, but what about the top half?


Me: Uhhh...yeah! Why doesn't it show his face?

Zuko: We just saw it on the camera...

Me: No we didn't! Need I show you it again?

Zuko: (hurriedly) No! I'm good!

Katara: Hmmmm, maybe to create suspense?

Aang: The creators are lazy asses and don't want to draw the rest of his face!

Sokka: He has a lazy eye!

Everyone: ... (cough)

Sokka: What? It could happen!

Me: I got it!

Everyone: What?

Me: Ozai's face is really cut off from there!

Everyone: What?

Me: His face, in real life...it's cut off from the nose up.

Zuko: That's crazy!

Me: Oh really?

Zuko: Yeah!

Me: Fine! Hey! Ozai get your ass down here!

Ozai: (booming voice) Who dares call me like that!?

Me: Dude, just get down here, and give me that voice transformer.

Everyone: (watches stairs with wide eyes and they see Ozai coming down slowly.)

Katara: Oh...

Aang: My...

Zuko: GOD!

Sokka: (give out girly shriek) It's true! It's true! OMFG! It's true! His face! It's cut off...! AAAH!!! (jumps through glass door, running away)

A/N Well, now you guys know why Ozai's face is never shown!

Candy to whoever knows where I got that song from!
