PL: Once again, I cannot be serious. I'm sorry! FORGIVE!

Disclaimer: I did not write the Harry Potter series. I do, however, own it. Because I own the world. Therefore, I 0wnz y0ur puny s0ulz!

A girl sat in the cushioned seat near the plane window. A Harry Potter book gripped in her hands. A frown was etching on her face as she read with a hard gaze fixed upon the pages. The reader breathed in and closed the book, taking caution to save her place with the book cover. That was getting annoying, she thought to herself. She instead began to pull out her drawing materials from the small jean backpack at her feet. While holding the pencil in one hand, point piercing a small hole in the fabric, someone cleared their throat nearby.

"Hem! Hem!"


The girl twitched, eyes narrowed dangerously, and glanced at the large tear that now adorned her seat cushion.