Pain and Love
Disclaimer: I own the Prince of tennis… nyahahaha in my dreams! ;P
Notes: I'm having a difficulty in making the story… I got brain-washed and now, I don't know what to do with the story… I reread the story from the first chapter… and I noticed some errors… so, I corrected it… so I want to say sorry… and I hope you'll like this chapter too
Pain and Love: A Fathers' decision
The following day had been a marked of a new life for the two couples. It was also a very hard rainy day. Though the coldness of the atmosphere had changed, the promise, trust and love didn't change between the two. They were ready for the consequences that may happen for the two of them starting that day, and they knew that, that day will be the start of the sacrifices and revelations for the two of them. The gravity of their future had been seen in their imaginations and dreams.
Like what I said earlier, the atmosphere had changed a lot not like its status the other days. The hard rain poured down into the city and everyone was stuck at home. The hard rain caused the traffic along the road and also the reason of no classes. Thus, students stayed at home with boredom. Though some likes to be at home, others wanted to go to the outside world, seeing their friends, shopping, eating in a finest restaurant, having dates with their so-called "Boyfriend or Girlfriend."
When Ryoma woke up from his bed, a good morning purr of Karupin had greeted him. Ryoma smiled and rubbed his eyes and at the same time he yawned. First, he heard the rain drops hitting his windows outside and the loud noise of the trees as it was blown by the wind. Until then, Ryoma realized that he'll be having a bad day because of the weather that welcomed him that time. He jumped out of his bed and reached out his phone from the table. He stared at his wallpaper, which was Sakuno's picture, and then he went to the message section of his phone. He typed the words good morning and sent it to Sakuno's number.
Ryoma looked at himself in the mirror and once again he yawned. He rubbed his eyes and afterwards, he walked towards the bathroom. He took his tooth brush and brushed his teeth. After doing the things that he usually does every morning, he went back to his room and heard his phone rang. It was Sakuno who sent the message. Before Ryoma could have ever replied from her message, Ryoma's mother called him for breakfast.
The rain started to pour down as everyone realized that it was unstoppable. Ryoma, on the other hand, was also bored in his house. He was just eating, watching, reading, sleeping, listening to music and doing the same thing afterwards. After a few hours of thinking and frustration, he received a call from his phone.
As he reached for his phone, he started to get puzzled from the caller, which was showed as numbers in his phone. With a big question mark on his face, he hurriedly answered the call. A deep tone and familiar voice had answered back as he asked "who is this?"
The caller, then, answered with no greeting nor hi or hello, he just immediately stated that he wanted to talk to him as soon as possible. Ryoma's brows twitch and asked for the caller's name again. But then again, the caller just answered back "I'll see you there, if not, you'll have consequences" And then he hanged up the phone. Ryoma got irritated and thought twice if he'll meet the mysterious guy. His eyes almost met as he hit the ground as he asked the person's name on his mind. But when he just recalled the man's last words which are you'll have consequences, he suddenly had a thought if it was just a phone prank, (like those movies that scares someone on the phone, like The Ring and The Phone) but there was something inside of him that forced him to go.
He fixed himself and decided to go. He wore his white cap and his gloomy eyes. He left the house as he bid his goodbye to her mother. Rinko could feel the pressure that Ryoma was having. She was sure that something was happening between his relationship to Sakuno, but she doesn't want to ask, because she knew that Ryoma doesn't want to have help from others and wanted to solve HIS problem by himself.
At last, he came from the meeting place. As Ryoma ran towards the shelter from the place he covered his head as he protected himself from the rain. He stared at the rain drops before he entered the place. But after he felt something from his body, the black car that was parked in front of him had been familiar for him. He was really sure about it, he seen the car before from his memories, but then, he couldn't remember who owned it.
He entered; he looked around from left to right and noticed a man wearing a black suit waving at him, as if it was telling him to approach. And just like an obeying cat, Ryoma approached the man quickly. But when he was already near the man, he glanced from his side and saw Soujirou Ryuzaki sitting and waiting… for him.
"Good morning, Ryoma" Soujirou greeted Ryoma as he offered the vacant sit in front of him.
"Mr. Ryuzaki" Ryoma said as he sat in front of him, "You wanted to talk to me?"
Soujirou could see the surprised look of Ryoma as he stared at him directly in the eye, "Yes. Don't worry; this talk wouldn't be a waste of your time. I just want to finalize things and end up at the same time. So, I'll talk right now…"
"Go ahead, Mr. Ryuzaki" Ryoma answered back with respect
"My family had been a big importance in my life. They always give me inspiration at all times. But the office that I had been working in, promoted me to an executive director that really gave me a hard work everyday and sometimes, they always sent me away from the country for some important clients. And thus, I lack time for my family."
"Mr. Ryuzaki, I don't get your point?" Ryoma added as he looked at Soujirou
"Let me finish telling the story…" Soujirou smiled as he wanted to make Ryoma laugh from his sit, but there was nothing in return, "Okay, Sakuno is the only daughter I had and the only child in my family. I heard that Sakuno always cries at night, always looking for me when she was still little. When I came back from my work, I found out that Sakuno was being influenced by her playmates, because of the careless mother she had."
Ryoma's brow twitched as he heard the word careless followed by the word mother. For Ryoma, it was a special gift to have a mother and he really knew that Sakuya wasn't that a careless mother. Ryoma had known Sakuya for a long time, ever since before, when he doesn't have any affairs with Sakuno. "Mr. Ryuzaki, sorry for telling this, but, can you tell me your purpose…"
Soujirou stopped and looked at Ryoma, "Sure, Ryoma!" then he smiled, "you're choice"
"I want you to leave Sakuno, as the boyfriend and as the father of the baby. Besides, you are not my daughter's choice. I mean, I think—I know that she's just fooling around! I know my daughter much than her mother, that's why I know what she likes and dislikes, and of course I know the time when she's just playing! And if, I am wrong, there are still things that will appear to break up your family. Just like the forfeit you two will have. Having a family is not that easy, you know. There are so many sacrifices."
"Mr. Ryuzaki—"
"I'll tell you this, not as a tease but as a saying. If you'll be marrying my daughter, there are gaps between the families, and you know what I mean. Besides, being a tennis player is not a good job to earn a lot of money to feed, to give shelter and clothing to your family. And in the end you'll be just blaming yourself, you'll just let your family take the hardships. All the hardships in the world, from the smallest to the biggest things that you could ever imagine, aren't that right?"
Ryoma stopped once again and thought. What he said was true, he had these fear that IF he will have a family, he's greatest fear was when he'll be having a hard living with his family.
"Come on, agree with me. Just leave her and your baby. That's all! After leaving the both of them, you'll be relieved about it; all of you won't take any problems anymore! Don't worry, I'll take good care of the baby and I'll make sure that Sakuno will have a better living after that!"
Ryoma heaved a sigh and looked at Soujirou, at the same time he bowed, "Sorry Mr. Ryuzaki, but I promised your daughter that I won't leave her. I promised her that in the end I'll be with her! Besides, it's my duty to let the child live, I won't let others to abandon the child. It was me and Sakuno's decision to have the baby and I believe that we should take the consequences. Sorry again, but I won't agree from your decision. And I don't want to lie to your daughter. I really love your daughter, Mr. Ryuzaki!"
"NONSENSE!" Soujirou shouted, "There's no such thing, Echizen. Don't you believe with me! My daughter is just playing, what she feels is just a joke! And I already told you, being a champion of tennis doesn't mean that you're already the best person in the world, that you can already feed a family!"
"Sir, its true Tennis is my forte. And I believed in that. Tennis is the dream that I had from my past years, and I don't think you're not the right person who I can talk like that! All of us know that statement, and I believe that it's not enough to let it feed your family!"
"If that's so, then leave SAKUNO! You're just making things worse, Echizen!"
"I told you Mr. Ryuzaki, I won't leave your daughter! I really love her, is that a problem!"
"Yes it is! You're just giving my daughter the hardest decision in life! I'll tell you once more, Leave my daughter or I'll make your lives miserable!"
"Leave my daughter or I'll make your lives miserable…"
"I'm not scared from your threats, Mr. Ryuzaki. Aren't you happy that you're only daughter will have a family? Aren't you happy that someone loves your daughter? If you don't, then maybe you're a wicked father who doesn't care about his daughter's happiness!" Ryoma stood up and bowed himself again "Sorry sir, but I need to live"
Soujirou couldn't talk from what Ryoma had said. He just starred him as he walked away towards the door. He felt anger from the word wicked. His pressure had increased as if he could break a glass. "You're making things worse Echizen. Be ready…I'll tell you I'll make your life terrible than anyone could imagine!" he declared as he gripped his hands hardly with anger.
End of Chapter
YummieCreamy; yeah, I also thought about losing the baby… but then I thought of a nicer idea… hehehe and of course, someone will be dying in the end of the story AGAIN… ahehehehe, thanks for reading it, by the way. I read one of your RyoSaku fan fics… and I really like it hehehe...
Thanks for reading it guys! I hope you understand the quarrel between the two fathers. If you haven't noticed, the title's apostrophe is after the s so that means… two fathers… nyahahahaha, I just thought that two fathers were having the decision in this chapter… so I moved the apostrophe. Please give me reviews so that I know if you like it… but I won't force you if you don't want! Thanks and Good Bye! Have a nice day or night! Nyahahaha! Take care!