
Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight

Why me? Why do I have to be the one he loves?

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Last of chapter 3

"Bella I will be up in your room all night, I can answer questions later but for right now I have to get you home to your father before he starts to go crazy."

"Ok." I sighed and fallowed Edward out the door and to the shinny clean Volvo. Then…we where off to Charlie's house, so he could see that I was alright from my recent but not last injury.

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We reached my house in a new record time…3 minutes. My hair was still tangled from the cracked window that blew my hair crazy. I leaned over and hugged Edward goodbye for right now and walked myself to the house.

When I began to open the door Charlie was already there helping me in.

"Oh Bella! Are you ok…you look so pale and your head! Are you sure you are fine?" Charlie tried to sit me down but I wasn't really in the mood for explaining to him a million times that I would be fine. And I'm always really pale! Had he never noticed before?

"Yes I'm fine…just tired. I think I might take a fast shower and head to bed so I can get some rest."

"What about dinner Bella? Aren't you hungry? Or maybe there's something I can get you…like some medicine or something?" He wasn't normally this worried about me.

"No thanks Dad, Edward fed me before we came here and I feel great. Really my head doesn't even hurt anymore I'm just a little tired from all that's happened." I slightly lied, my head still did hurt. But not too bad I guess.

"Oh ok, well goodnight and sleep well than."

"Thank you Dad, I love you." I felt bad that I flew over me.

"I love you too Bells." I walked slowly upstairs to grab my bag of toiletries.

I walked in and I jumped for dear life, almost knocking over a shelve that was on my wall above my dresser. Edward was sitting on my bed when I walked in but after I jumped he ran and grabbed the falling shelve before it could hit my head in the same spot that I had just cut it. Then a large crooked smile crossed his face.

"Bella calm down…man, what would you do without me?" He laughed and hung it back up. "Are you trying to cut your head open again? Or do you just love flirting with the trouble that's all around you?"

"No I don't, you just scared me. Umm I would love to talk but I'm a desperate need for a human moment. I'll be back in a few minutes." This time I grabbed the bag safely.

"Ok but Bella?" He held me hand softly showing me not to leave just yet.

"Take your time…I know you can't wait until we talk but, some things can wait a few minutes." I knew that he was talking about the one thing I was waiting to know since I opened my eyes in the hospital. I wanted to know everything about the mysterious Jay at my school.

I finally sighed and answered. "Ok." I walked back downstairs and shut the door so Charlie could hear it and know that I was really taking a shower and not just trying to avoid him.

Like Edward asked I took a hot shower as slow as I could. Mostly I just stood and let the water hit me as I thought about Jay. I needed to know so much. He was a wizard? I didn't even know there were wizards. But if you want to get technical, I didn't know Vampires lived out of the comic books either. I wanted to know if Jay was any harm to me like James was. And mostly if he had any secret powers like Edward.

I stayed in as long as I could and let my muscles relax and my mind ease until I turned into a prune and my skin was bright pink.

I dried my hair and threw it up in a ponytail so it wouldn't stick to my damp face. I brushed my teeth and started back upstairs to see Edward.

"Goodnight Dad!" I called before I reached the stairs. He was still in the living room watching the TV when I got out.

"Goodnight and sweet dreams Bella." He said. I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. Edward was still in the same position that I left him in on my bed. A smile crossed his face when I entered.

"What?" I asked dumfounded.

"That was indeed the longest shower that you have ever taken, I'm proud. To tell you the truth, I didn't ever think you could go beyond 15 minutes…you proved me wrong." He sat up and held out his arms for me to lay in.

"How long was I in there for?" I curled up closely to his body and felt my body cool down as his skin touched mine.

"Ahh…Your so warm." He kissed my cheek and answered my question. "You where only about 40 minutes." He told me.

"Wow, that is the longest I have ever taken a shower I think." I looked up to Edward and stared into his eyes. "Are you ready to answer my questions?" And like right before AI fainted, Edward's eyes went sad and dark within seconds. I knew there was something more to this mystery than I thought.

"Edward? Why do you get so sad every time I ask you about the subject?" He sighed and place me under the sheets on my bed.

"Well Bella, I guess I should tell you this now shouldn't I?" I knew that he really didn't want an answer so I kept quite. Why was this so Hard for him?

"OK, like I said before, Jay Calander IS a wizard. Where should I start? Before we ever thought about moving up here to Forks the Calander's lived here. They've lived here for hundreds of years. Wizards are immortal as well but can still sleep and eat human food as they wish. Technically they are still humans just they practice magic and can live forever." Edward spoke quickly and didn't bother taking a breath between sentences.

"But Edward, please tell me why this affects you so much? I can tell by your eyes that there is more to this guy then him just being something more than human."

"Bella, Jay isn't just some guy that practices magic. He might be a harm to you and me." Him? How could anything be a harm to Edward?

"What do you mean you?"

"I mean us, before Jay turns 100 years old he has to find a soul mate. Someone that will spend the rest of forever with him." He never looked at me when he spoke now.

"I still don't understand Edward." Something in his dead heart ached, and I could tell. I picked up his hand and held in tightly in mine.

"Bella how can you not understand? Jay wants to spend the rest of forever with you and ONLY you. He will do anything to get to you. I can't stand losing you again!"

"Edward this totally isn't like you! What in the world is wrong with you? James was even a bigger deal than this! Why should you care if Jay wants me to be with him forever? You know that the only person I will ever love is you." Why hadn't he still understood that I would never love anyone else the way I loved him?

"But James couldn't make Jay couldn't make you FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM!" He looked at me and then calmed back down. He must have thought that he frightened me, but the only thing I was frightened about was for his sake not mine. " If Jay wants to spend forever with you than he can. There's always a way for him to get anything he wants. He's…" If Vampires could cry this one would be crying tears of sorrow.

"Edward." I sat up and wrapped my small arms around his large neck. "I'm not going to leave you, I love you more than anything I wouldn't be able to do such a thing."

"That's my point, Jay can. He can force you to fall in love with him and love him…the way we love each other. HE can make you forget anything and everything we have, he could even make you hate me." I was confused, how could he do that? Nothing made since anymore. I had never seen Edward sob before, I had never felt my heart break the way it had just then and there.


"He's a WIZARD Bella, don't you know your fairytales?" Edward was forcing himself to speak, it seemed as if he was having the hardest time talking to me right there and then.

"They are all coming to life to me know…it's hard to keep track of everything." I said quietly and noticed that large warm tears were falling from my eyes now.

"Wizards and Witches make spells…and their best and sacred spells are love spells. More than anything they love to make them, and it can work on anyone, even me. But I'm not his target." My heart fell to my stomach and birds (Not butterflies!) flew ecstatically up and down in my stomach as well. Jay would be able to make me fall in love with him no matter what I wanted, no matter what Edward and I wanted. And nothing would be able to stop him.

"What about killing him?" I asked desperately I wasn't thinking. All I knew was that something had to be done to keep me with Edward.

"Bella I can't just go around killing everyone I see even if I wanted to kill him, Even if I did…I…don't…even know how to do it." He said slowly, speaking each word as slow as he could.

"What about Carlisle?" There had to be a way for us to get through this!

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him about it ever before. The Calanders have never been any trouble to us, until now. We haven't even spoke since the first day we moved here."

"How many of them are there?"

"It's all just one family I believe there's either 7 or 8 in total." Edward laid me back down onto my pillow and once again pulled the sheets over me.

"Are all of them in High school?"

"No, It's Jay and Emma who are in High school right now. Emma's a JR this year." He tucked the comforter under my chin and snuggled me close to all of the blankets.

"Edward, I'm not going to sleep now. I can't I still have so much to ask." I was still crying. Edward had just told me that our forever might become a never together. I started to unstuck the blankets from around my body but his cold hands stopped me.

"Yes you are, you're going back to school tomorrow and you need your rest."

"But you said you would tell me everything…" he interrupted me.

"Not all tonight Bella, you just got out of the hospital from getting 5 stitching on your head from cutting it on a school table! you've had some crazy few days and you really need some sleep."

"I didn't know I got stitches! No wonder it hurt more than I thought…was it that deep?" Edward rolled his golden eyes.

"Bella you're fine and I didn't tell you right away because I wasn't sure how you would react." My body began to yawn without my consent, I couldn't sleep now! Edward leaned over and kissed my lips, causing me to lose all focus and remembrance.

"You need to sleep Miss. Swan, it's going to be a little crazy tomorrow."

"Everyone's going to be staring at me and asking me if I'm alright! School's going to be such a blast tomorrow!" I said sarcastically chocking on my words. The tears began to stop but not the grieving in my heart.

"HAHA very funny, stop distracting yourself and close your eyes. I love you Bella, more than life its self…always remember that."

"I love you too Edward." So this is why Edward didn't want to talk about Jay or about the fact that he was so upset. Jay would try anything he could to make me fall in Love with him so he wouldn't have to die. But I still didn't know how he would do that and why ME. I never knew why I had to be in this never ending Fairytale that had more twists and turns in the story than the roads in Forks did. All I wanted was my happy ending, but now it seemed even more far away than it did before.

AN- Hey everyone! Sorry that, that was a really short chapter that took me a while to post! ;( I have been REALLY busy! But I do promise that I will have the next chapter up as soon as I can! And if this is at all confusing let me know! Please! Sooo what did you think? Bad or good? Please review! It would help me a lot! Thanks to everyone! I love you all and can't wait to see what you all think of this story!