Summary: Syaoran hates Sakura and then Sakura has to leave for America. They both meet up again when Sakura comes back for college. Syaoran still thinks he hates Sakura but as time passes he discovers day by day that they both have lots in common and Syaoran starts to fall for Sakura.
Ages: Mostly 18 years old in first chapter.
Author's Note: I don't really know how they address people in Japan so I used a little bit of Japanese and English ways to address people. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I tend to leave words out of sentences too. I also will use some Japanese words in this story.
Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura or any of the CCS character.
Chapter One
A boy with chestnut hair and ember eyes could be seen running down the halls of Seijou High. The bell for the beginning of class had just sounded and everyone was already in class except him. Finally, the boy reached his destination and went in. He had almost reached his desk when the teacher walked in and saw him two feet away from his desk.
"Li Syaoran, why are you late again?" the teacher asked angerily.
"Uh, you see I have a very good reason for being late."
"I see, so can you kindly tell me why you are late?"
"Well, last night I had to go to the hospital because my grandmother was sick and we didn't get home until four last night so I woke up late this morning."
"Yes, Tanaka-sensai."
"Well, I just got off the phone with your mother before I came here. She called to tell me that you forgot your homework and that she was going to be bringing it in for you later. She however didn't mention anything about your sick grandmother."
"I suppose you can find your seat, Mr. Li."
"Yes, I can."
With that Syaoran went to his seat and sat down without saying anything for the rest of the morning. When class ended for lunch, Syaoran was the first one to leave the room. For lunch today Syaoran decided to go outside to eat since he didn't feel like eating inside. As he went outside he heard someone say his name and decided to listen.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that Li-kun actually told that lie to Tanaka-sensai."
Another voice could be heard joining the conversation.
"Ya, the whole class was laughing silently so he wouldn't hear them."
Syaoran had heard enough and decided to stop the conversation. He turned the corner and saw the one person he hated the most. The person he hated the most was Sakura Kinomoto. She was the person everyone liked. She had long auburn hair that reached her waist and beautiful emerald eyes. He hated her so much for no reason; he just hated her. She of course doesn't hate him. She even tried being friends with him once but he was a jerk about it and so she left him alone.
Not wanting to be near her, Syaoran decided to eat inside instead. When class resumed, Syaoran was the first person to be in there. Following him was Sakura and her best friend and cousin, Tomoyo Daidouji. They talked nonstop without even looking at Syaoran. They hadn't even notice him sitting there until Sakura bumped into his desk while sitting down in her desk which was right in front of his.
"Goman nasai, Li-kun, I wasn't paying attention."
"Whatever." Syaoran injected unexpectedly.
"Fine, be a jerk."
Before Syaoran could reply the other students along with Tanaka-sensai started to come in. Everyone sat down and the rest of the school day went by slowly. When school was over Syaoran was again the first one out. He walked home slowly and didn't notice he was walking in the wrong direction until he tripped on a crack on the ground. Syaoran got up and saw he was in a neighborhood not very far from his. He remembered playing here before when he was little. Suddenly Syaoran heard a door slamming nearby and turned to see which house it was.
As soon as he turned he saw a girl with long auburn hair run in his direction. When the girl came closer she didn't notice Syaoran standing there and ran into him. The girl fell down and quickly got up without saying sorry. Syaoran hadn't fall down but had recognized the girl that had ran into him. It was Sakura. He now remembered that she lived in this neighborhood. He had then remembered that she was crying when she ran into him.
"I wonder why she was crying?" Syaoran asked himself.
"Because she was sad when I told her we were moving," said a voice from behind Syaoran.
"Ahh!" Yelled Syaoran and he quickly turned around.
When Syaoran turned around he saw a man with glasses. The man looked kind of sad. He knew that this man was Kinomoto's father. He had came to their school before and so that's how Syaoran knew who he was.
"Goman nasai if I scared you," said Sakura's father.
"It's ok," replied Syaoran.
"Sakura was crying because I told her we were moving to America. I got offered a teaching position in America at the university for one year and I accepted it. I knew Sakura would be sad so I told we would come back after the one year is over and she could attend college here. She agreed but she was still sad."
"I should be going," Syaoran said quickly not knowing why he was listening to Kinomoto's father talk.
Without waiting for a reply Syaoran ran off. He ran all the way home without stopping until he got to his front door. When he opened his front door and entered, he was confronted by his mother, Yelan Li.
"Where have you been son?"
"Uh, just hanging with some of my friends."
"You are an hour late!"
"I forgot what time it was cause we were having so much fun."
"Well just don't be late again. Call me if you' re ever coming home late. Understand?"
The next day when Syaoran got to school the whole class already knew that Sakura was moving. When he sat down his friends asked if he knew about Kinomoto moving and even though he knew he pretended to not know. When Sakura entered the room everyone could tell she had been crying because her eyes were all red and puffy. Before anyone could ask Sakura anything the sensai came in and everyone scattered to their seats. After everyone sat down the sensai announced that Sakura was moving to America after school is out for the summer for a year and then coming back.
Soon school ended and Sakura moved to America. Now a year has passed and she will be coming back.
Hey to anyone that reads my story. I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of Little By Little. Please review and tell me if it is good or not. Be honest!
Hoping to have done a good job,
Chinese Chika