Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Final Fantasy VII characters.


Summary: Vincent saves both Elena and Tseng from being tortured by Kadaj's gang. Elena, on first sight, starts to have feelings for Vincent, but what about Tseng?


A/N: I decided to update this story after a long time to show you guys that I didn't give up on this story. It's too unique to give up on. Well anyway please read, enjoy, and review.




Saving Me:


Chapter Five: Complications:


Vincent followed Loz. It proved to be a bit of a challenge since he could barely see the silver-haired male with his keen crimson-colored eyes. He sped up his pace with his gun coked in his hand. Even as he ran at full-speed, he refused to let his defenses down.

He let a few of his demon senses take over so he could hear if anyone was trying to sneak up on him. This action changed his blood red eyes to a golden color, the color of his inner demon Chaos's eyes. He could feel his heart beat clearer than before.

This was one of the few times he used Chaos's powers and still he only used them temporarily. The demon's power over him had the tendency to get stronger with each use of it. It had only been a few minutes that he had been running after Loz when he heard that voice.

"It seems like you need assistance or you'll lose him"

I can take care of this. I don't need any help…not from the likes of you…

"Say that to the bullet wound in your back. It's slowing you down. Let my wings guide you"


The black-haired male shook his head, blinking his eyes rapidly. They changed to their original blood red color. His heightened ability to sense the things around him better returned to normal.

Eventually, he saw Loz had stopped running a few meters away from him. He kept running, but used the trees as shields. The silver-haired male just stood there and looked like he was talking to somebody. The gunman drew closer and soon found himself within a meter away from the other male. He looked around and saw that he was talking to a long-haired male and another boy with silver hair.

He took his eyes off the boys for a second and saw a man with black hair. His head was hanging downward and his leg was wrapped with a bandage. The ex-Turk could tell that he had been bleeding.

That must be Tseng…

He quickly took his eyes off the blood. The sight of blood always seemed to make his inner demon talk to him more. He looked back at the silver-haired males and listened to their conversation.

"Okay, which one of you guys are going to find the girl?" the one with the medium length hair and a dual-bladed sword in his hand asked.

The long-haired one stepped up, "I'll do it, Kadaj. I want to get that girl back as well as that man who stopped me".

"A man, Yazoo?" the swordsman said with raised eyebrow.

"Yes, a man with long black hair and blood red eyes attacked me before I could get anything out of the girl", Yazoo replied while Loz gasped and pointed at him.

"That man! That man attacked me too! The big mean monster left a cut on my cheek", the short-haired one whined as he fingered the cut on his cheek.

Yazoo only stared at him blankly before he began talking again, "He took the girl. I don't where though".

"Fine, Yazoo. You go find her. Loz…", Kadaj paused and glared at the muscular male. "Don't do anything. Go to sleep. Heal up. Your wounds need to heal".

Loz pouted and went to go sit on a nearby rock, and Yazoo took off quickly to go find Elena. Kadaj sighed in frustration and went back to thoroughly cleaning his wound, waiting on the leader of the Turks to wake back up.

Vincent kept his eyes on everyone and everything as he used stealth to sneak up to the tree where the man was tied up while Kadaj had his back turned to the pool. As long as he kept quiet, he could untie the man and hide behind the trees to sneak out.

It took him a long time before he finally stood face-to-face with the unconscious leader of the Turks. He shook his head. The man looked bad but with time his wounds could heal and make him better.

He untied the ropes at his feet first, letting the man's feet dangle. Then he went to untie the ropes at his hands. The man fell forward with a loud unconscious grunt, which was something the gunman didn't expect to hear from the other male. He froze, but caught the other man in his arms, placing him on the ground. He turned around and saw that Kadaj was gone and Loz had fallen asleep on the rock.


The black-haired male turned around, looking for the missing swordsman. Where was he? He got his answer when he suddenly felt two sharp and piercing swords in his side. He coughed out blood as he yelled and fell to his hands and knees. It hurt like hell since it was not only one but two swords piercing his side, missing all of his vital organs.

His blood spilled out, stained, and mixed with the muddy ground below him. He tried to regain control of his body that felt like it was going to give out on him.

"You fool. You think you can just sneak in here and take our little Tseng away from us?" the swordsman teased as he appeared in front of the ex-Turk and ran his dual-bladed sword along the older male's cheek.

Vincent said nothing as his eyes glued on his own blood that was flooding the area around him. His vision grew blurry and he felt extremely weak. Suddenly, he felt his whole body freeze up and his eyes widened in shock.

"Time for me to step in. I don't care what you say now".


"No!" the gunman screamed again as he fell over on his side, gripping the sides of his head as if he had a severely bad migraine.

The wound on his side began to heal quickly as well as the bullet wound on his back. He was soaked in his own pool of blood as he rapidly squirmed around as if he were having a seizure.

Kadaj could only watch in interest. His aqua green eyes stared as the older male struggle internally. This made him smirk. He heard another groan that didn't come from the gunman in front of him. He looked over and saw the Turk slowly and weakly trying to get up. His face clearly showed that he was still in a great deal of pain.

Another sound distracted the dual swordsman from the Turk. It was the sound of a demonic growl. He looked back at Vincent and saw a black and red aura surrounded him. It grew larger, making the younger male step backwards a few steps.

He watched as the gunman continued to struggle. His voice wouldn't work for him anymore and he fought just to get a few 'no's out. The gunman kicked, scratched, and punched at everything he could reach in his present location on the ground.

Tseng who had slowly gained his sight back looked up and saw a demonic aura and a pool was a few centimeters in front of his face. He backed away as far as his body could take him. He looked into the aura and saw that it was Vincent who was fighting with himself in the shield. The Turk was in complete shock when he saw that the gunman's usually red eyes were a bright golden color and as the ex-Turk yelled, he saw two pairs of fangs.

"Vincent…" was the only thing that the Turk could mutter.

He continued to watch, noticing that Kadaj was watching too. He scowled at the boy temporarily before he looked back at the other black-haired male. He saw the area of clothing on his back began to tear with the formation of what looked like shredded black wings. The gunman's blood splattered everywhere as the wings ripped out of his back, ripping a loud yell from his lips.

Vincent knew he had lost control, but that didn't mean he couldn't regain it again. He fought with Chaos even if he was losing consciousness. He felt his newly grown claws dig into the dirt as he focused his mind on pushing the demon back. Suddenly, his eyes as well as everyone else's eyes were blinded by the black side of the aura.

Once the aura "cleared", Kadaj and Tseng looked and saw that the gunman turned into an almost completely different person with a completely different outfit. The only thing that the demon had on that was Vincent's was that golden boots. The red bandana was shredded, making the head attire on the demon's head. The clothes that the demon wore were mostly black. His skin was a pale green color. The thing that caught their eyes the most on this beautiful demon was his glowing golden eyes.

The demon looked down at his hands, feeling a new surge of power. He was standing. He was silent as he turned around to face the people nearest to him. He smirked at the fear on the Turk's face. Kadaj only smiled.

"So you're Chaos?" the silver-haired male asked.

The demon flicked his great wings, causing a rush of air backwards. It hit the Turk with full force, knocking him into the forest and into a tree. Kadaj grin grew bigger and he looked over his shoulder to see that Loz was still sleeping after all of that. His jaw dropped in amazement. Only Loz would be able to sleep through something like that. He looked back to face the demon only to find him gone. He gasped and looked around.

Where was he?

"Right here", the demon spoke to him telepathically as he flew right by the boy, scaring him a bit.

Before the boy could move, the demon kicked him hard in the side. He smirked when he felt and heard the bones cracking under the pressure he applied. He sent the swordsman who cried out loudly in pure pain flying threw a few trees, breaking them cleanly in half. The demon cheered inwardly and flew after him with great speed.


Elena was still asleep even though she occasionally woke up to see if she was safe. The blonde had never slept like this in her life. Maybe it was because she was paranoid. Maybe it was because of her wounds. She didn't know. The only thing she knew was that she was scared out of her mind and wanted Vincent to come back with Tseng.

Closing her eyes, she drifted off the sleep again. Her sleep, though, was short-lived once again when she felt the tree shake violently. She held her; her brown eyes widening to saucers with fear and shock. She looked down and saw that it was who she wished she hadn't have saw. He smirked at her.

"Sleeping in trees, are we?" he asked.

"Yazoo", she gasped as she scooted closer to the base of the tree. "Leave me alone! Vincent will come back and kick your ass!"

Yazoo shook his head, "It'll only take me a second to make this tree collapse and another second to get you in my grasp again. Then it'll only take me another second to shoot you in your leg until you tell me what I need to know".

"I won't ever tell you!" she shouted as she cocked her gun and aimed it at him. "You come any closer and I'll shoot".

The silver-haired male smirk turned into his simple calm expression. Oh, how he wished she could have just told him what he wanted to know so he wouldn't have to waste such expensive bullets on her. Pistol whipping didn't cause enough pain.

He took a step forward and quickly stepped back when the blonde shot at him at his feet. He smirked again. He didn't know that she actually had the guts to shoot him by the way she was shaking.

He fingered the gun on his right hip. She growled and shot at him again. This time the bullet flew by the silver-haired male's head. His aqua green eyes widened in shock as his body froze. She knew she had to conserve her bullets and decided not to shoot anymore. But she didn't show it on her face. The gunman decided to stop moving since one step forward or anywhere might get him killed.


They both heard a yell that was felt very close to where they were. Yazoo's eyes widened again when he recognized the yell.

"Kadaj!" he gasped, making the blonde girl frown.

He saw her frown and she said, "Don't move".

He glared at her, wondering how he was going to get out of this. Sure, he could move fast but could he move fast enough. The blonde female didn't look like a truly experienced person to handle a gun.


Chaos began his barrage of punches, kicks, and attacks with his long claws. Kadaj didn't even have a single chance to attack and kept breaking tree after tree, causing a humungous amount of pain in his back. He slowly started to lose consciousness and when the demon gave him one last and very strong punch to the face. He broke through another tree and passed out cold on the ground.

They were far away from where they originally started. The demon smirked at his handiwork, seeing at how bloody and bruised the silver-haired male was and how much damage he caused to the forest.

"Go get Tseng, a boy with black hair, and don't you dare hurt him", he heard Vincent speak to him.

Why should I?

"Because I said so"

Ooo…I'm scared.

"Do it and if you hurt him. You'll be sorry"


"And find Elena, a girl with blonde hair"

The demon growled and flew back to where he was before. He looked over and saw that one of the silver-haired males was still sleeping soundly on the rock. Even he shook his head as he tried to sniff out the Turk. He went back into the forest from the opening and found the black-haired male trying to get up. He growled and rolled his eyes. This is what Vincent asked him to get? Sighing, he walked toward the man who looked at him in fear.

"Vincent?" he asked.

The demon shook his head and continued to step forward. The man tried to move backwards but he couldn't move every far. The demon eventually caught up to him, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Vincent sent me to get you", the demon told him. "As well as Elena".

"Elena", the man whispered tiredly.

It didn't take long before the demon picked up on a girl's scent. He followed it and got there within seconds, walking into another clearing with the Turk still over his shoulder. He saw another silver-haired male and a blonde girl in a tree with a gun aimed at the boy.

He put one foot after another and saw the blonde looked at him, distracting herself from the other male. The silver-haired one took this chance to charge for the tree, but before he could even land a punch on the tree, the demon took out Vincent's trusty gun and shot the other gunman in the shoulder, making him fall over and rendered him unconscious in a second.

The girl looked at the demon and gasped, aiming the gun at him. Her brown eyes looked at him in fear.

"Who are you? Where's Vincent? And why do you have Tseng with you?" she asked.

The demon smirked, "Don't worry. I'm here to help. Tseng here is what Vincent told me to retrieve".

She continued to look at him, "Where's Vincent?"

"In here", he replied, pointing at his brain.

The blonde dropped her gun and fell forward, falling off the tree. She didn't even yell because she had closed her eyes and fell asleep again. She was that tired. The demon caught her and laid Tseng who fell asleep again at a nearby by tree and placed her against the tree she fell from.

He stared at her with interest. He could tell that the girl had taken a good beating. Bullet wounds, bruises, blood, and scratches were almost all over her body. He was going to have to treat her wounds if she was going to live through the night. Vincent wouldn't take too kindly to him if she had died.

He stripped off some of her clothes to get to the bandages. As his golden eyes traveled across her pale skin, he felt something else grow in him. He trailed his claw along her skin, being careful not to cut her skin anymore than it was. She looked so innocent, and he despised innocence. Her chest lifted up and down as she breathed heavily. He looked at that as well, wondering how she would taste.

"Don't you dare…"

The demon completely ignored Vincent and leaned forward, kissing the blonde female's neck and snaking his demon tongue along her neck.




A/N: Whoa… Finally an update. Surprised to see Chaos in this story? Hehehehehehehehehe…what is he going to do to the poor and tired Elena? Will they ever be saved? And when will Vincent gain control of his body again? Update and get more. Thanks.