Title: Wildcard
Summary: Teen Titan Raven was not only invited to Hogwarts for asylum and refuge as she believed, but also as a secret ally against Voldemort. Rae/SS
Required stuff: I don't own anything related to Teen Titans, or Harry Potter, nor am I making any money off of them...I just like to play with them.
A/N: The first five chapters started out as a series of drabbles (only 100 words allowed), so I apologize for how short and stilted this story is at first. I promise that if you can make it to chapter 6, you'll be more engaged.
Chapter 1 - "Darker Sides of Destiny"
The cloaked figure stood silently on Platform 9 ¾ with a train ticket held in her palm. Her upper face was shrouded in shadows cast by the hood of the cape, which covered her entire body. Only her violet eyes were visible to anyone who cared to look her way. She was different. Perhaps not noticeably so at the moment, for her dark blue cloak let her blend in with the other witches and wizards bustling about. But she was different...both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She was alone. She always had been – and always would be...or so she believed.
The girl boarded the train and made her way past noisy first and second years, finally arriving at the last car of the train, which was reserved for fifth, sixth, and seventh years. All of the students stared as she passed them, but before they asked her anything, she ducked into an empty compartment and closed the doors. The girl snorted in sardonic self-derision. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the mysterious newcomer. Just then, a knock was heard on her door, and a dark-haired boy poked his head in. "Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."
"Then I suppose I have no choice, do I?" she said flatly.
The messy-haired boy smiled sheepishly and opened the door wide enough to drag in a large trunk. "I would be sitting with my friends, but they're Prefects, and have to sit in a special car."
The shadowy girl exposed a pale hand from beneath her cloak only to pull it tighter around herself, ignoring the teenager who sat opposite her.
"I haven't seen you about," he stated. "And I would've remembered someone as...distinctive...as you." He received no reply. "Well, my name's Harry Potter," he said, extending a hand.
Her purple eyes flicked up, meeting his sharply and ignoring the proffered hand.
Harry Potter felt uneasy and uncomfortable with this stranger's aloofness, but he persisted in trying to make friends, or at the least, discover who she was and what she was doing here. "What's your name?" he asked, retracting the hand. He was innately suspicious of her for wearing her hood up and not allowing anyone to see her face. Only people with something to hide covered their faces and concealed their identity.
The young woman hesitated momentarily before replying in her unemotional, monotonous voice, "It's Raven...Raven Roth."
So this was the boy the entire Wizarding world placed all their hope and trust in. Not in...she corrected...on. A wave of disgust rose at the ignorance of the magical realm...the superstitious and blind faith that made them brainwash this child into believing that he was the world's only hope of survival...to make him their savior and scapegoat at the same time. His bright green eyes reflected innocence...untainted by darkness. But their underlying shadow showed the heavy weight of responsibility. Raven felt righteous fury in Harry Potter's defense. Because she had been the world's savior, and its scapegoat once already.
Raven held his gaze, using her empathic powers to sense what he was feeling. Emotions of distrust, suspicion, curiosity, and even intimidation were radiating off of the young man. "You are right to be suspicious of me, being a stranger, but I assure you there is no reason to be intimidated."
Harry started in surprise. How could she know? "What makes you say that?"
"I can sense strong emotions. I'm half Azthranian: I have other powers."
Raven felt Harry emit fear and confusion from her response. She stood up suddenly. "I should go." She walked to the door.
"Please don't."
Raven stopped, her hand on the door handle. "You don't want to know me," she said authoritatively, her back to him.
Harry was silent for a moment, but before Raven could open the compartment door, he stopped her again. "I'd still like to try, if you'd let me."
This time she did face him, her face unreadable almost completely under the shadow of her hood. Only her eyes were visible, and they were kept carefully blank. "Why?" she asked.
"Because you're interesting. And I'd like to know more about you."
A pause.
"I'm sorry."
And this time she did leave.