A/N: My second story, probably won't be nearly as long as the first, but a tragic love story nonetheless. Am I the only one in the world who admires POTC 2's Davy Jones? Come on guys, for a squid, he's not so bad. Lol. Here we are, I hope you enjoy this. Please Review. (I know that Barbossa shows up in the end of the sequel, but let's pretend that this didn't happen so quickly after the crew returns, k?

Disclaimer: I do not own the Pirates of the Caribbean, or any of it's characters. (DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WANT TO OWN JOHNNY DEPP THOUGH?))

P.S: For those of you who've read my last story, you know that I write long chapters. The problem is that I am trying to figure out just how this story will happen, so this chapter was very short, as it is only a prologue, a beginning to the actual story, there will be MUCH more.

Davy Jones' Story.

Chapter 1.

This is a story unlike any other, and this is a story quite similar to most. We all know the pain of a broken heart, but no one's known the pain of a broken heart quite like the legend presented here. The True Legend of Davy Jones.

We begin, upon the return of Jack Sparrow's Crew to Tia Dalma's cabin within a deserted swamp of green waters and drooping leaves, the only thing lacking, was Jack Sparrow himself.

Will observed Elizabeth with a saddened eye. She wouldn't dare put her lips to the cup she held, and he knew perfectly the reason. That kiss lingered on her lips, Jack's kiss.

Elizabeth could scarcely conceal her tears, which were near to falling from her eyes. Jack was gone, she'd allowed him the fate of 'Beasty', as Jack had once referred to him. She was strange, this woman, Tia Dalma, with her bamboohaven sofull of mystic items, full of magical and strange things, telling her that some drink would ease her pain. She wouldn't be eased of any pain until she knew 'Captain' Jack was safe.

Will watched Elizabeth, she was in pieces. "Elizabeth, if there was anything we could do to…"

"Save Jack?" Tia Dalma finished for him. "Would you?"

"Of course." Elizabeth replied solemnly, "But what can we do? The monster, is impossible to defeat."

"Improbable…" Tia Dalma corrected. "But not impossible."

"What do we know about this Beasty, other than he be controlled by Davy Jones?" Gibbs asked.

Tia left them then, to listen to the screeching of a very un-dead monkey.

"BLAST THAT THING!" Gibbs shouted, and hastily pulled out his pistol.

"No Gibbs! he can't die, and wasting a shot won't do." Elizabeth said.

Gibbs squinted his eyes at her, and mumbled some form of curse word beneath his breath, but put the gun back into his belt despite his desire to hurt something.

Will noticed Tia's leave of absence however, and found the look in her eyes to be rather unsettling. What he had seen, was perhaps the same look he saw in Elizabeth's eyes this moment.

"wait." Will stood from the seat he took in a wooden chair beside a window lined with bamboo, and walked forward, towards this mysterious mistress of the swamp. "You know something you're not saying."

Elizabeth frowned at him, "Will, we don't know that."

"Let the boy finish," Gibbs defended. Tia Dalma put down her tray onto a small table in the next room, and slowly walked back to the crew in her entrance. With downcast eyes, she retrieved a necklace from another of the many tables within her home, and held it so as to not let one man fall short of seeing it.

"This, was not always mine." She declared slowly, and handed it to Elizabeth, who eyed it sadly.

"It's a heart," Elizabeth voiced quietly.

"Ay, it's a heart, a heart once belongin' to another."

Slowly Gibbs turned his gaze from the entrance stairway, to the lady standing in their presence. With wide eyes, he began to jump to conclusions as to what she could have possibly meant by that comment.

"A heart once belonging to.. Who?" Elizabeth asked.

"To Davy Jones." Replied Tia Dalma.