So…this is definitely an AU. Rory lived with her dad because Lorelai couldn't take care of her. When she was two, her dad moved her to England with some contact from Lorelai. She was discovered there and began modeling at around age 4. She is now 17, and her dad wants her to move to the states to get away from the paparazzi-filled lifestyle (and to get to know her mom more).

Disclaimer: If only I owned any of these characters! I don't, Mrs. Palladino does. However, I guess I do technically own Rochelle. Yay for me ! I own an imaginary person! You think if I wish hard enough...she'll come to life and do my homework?

Anywho, here it goes!


"Dad, don't you dare do this to me!" Rory Hayden yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Ror, be rational. You can't keep this pace up forever."

"Dad, I've been doing it my whole life! I can't quit now; I just got offered the cover of French Vogue for God's sake!"

"Honey, I don't want you to be another Posh or Sienna for the press! I just…I couldn't handle my baby girl being treated like that, please Ror." He practically begged.

Rory sat down and let it all soak in.

Her wonderfully supportive father wanted her to leave. She knew that wasn't what he was trying to say, but that was all she was getting from the conversation. 'Uhhh…I am so gonna need my therapist tomorrow.'

Chris watched his not-so-little girl and couldn't help but wonder what he had done to her. He didn't know if she was saying all of this because she truly loved modeling or because she was afraid to face Hartford Society. 'It's what's best for her. She needs to get to know her mother. She needs to live in the real world…or as close to the real world as she can.'

"Ror, I know that you're feeling betrayed, but I couldn't live with myself if I only showed you one side of life. I want to let you see things from a new perspective. I know you love modeling, and if that is what you are worried about, we'll talk to Rochelle and ask her to set up some jobs in Hartford."

Rochelle, Rory's best friend and manager, traveled everywhere with the family. When Rory decided to do the cover of Maxim, she was right there by her side to make sure that Rory had the best of everything. They had a real mother-daughter relationship, and Rory was thankful to have her and Chris around.

After what seemed like hours of silence, Rory spoke up.

"Dad…I get it. I just…I wish that you could come with me. I wish that I didn't have to stay with her."

"Rory, you know that I can't leave the firm, they need me. Your mother really loves you…" Rory scoffed. "No seriously Ror, she does. Did you know that she calls every week now to find out how you are?"

"Well, that's incredible! My mother, whom I haven't spoken with since last October, decided to finally take an interest in her eldest daughter's life! Tell me, how are her two children? How is that husband of hers, huh?

Chris couldn't help but agree with Rory. How could Lorelai not tell them that she had gotten married…to the local diner owner, no less? He knew how she was feeling. When Lorelai had called them on Rory's 16th birthday, he was hoping maybe it was to tell them that she had seen Rory on the cover of Teen Vogue and to wish her a happy birthday. Instead, she had called to announce that she had given birth to twins and gotten married a few days prior. That had hurt Rory, badly. Suddenly, Chris had an epiphany.

"Rory, what would you say if I told you that you wouldn't have to live with your mother?"

"Dad…what're you talking about? What's going on?" Rory asked nervously. Her dad looked like he had a plan, and that was never good. The last time that he had that look, Rory ended up dating Prince Harry and avoiding calls from the press for the four short months they were together.

"It's simple babe. When dad died, he left me the estate in Hartford. You can live there, go to school at Yale, and visit your mom whenever you feel up to it." Chris explained convincingly.

"That's perfect! So all I have to do is move hundreds of miles away from my friends, family, and life!" Rory yelled, getting worked up all over again.

"Rory, I hate to play the dad card, but you haven't left me a choice. You are going to Hartford, and that's final!"

"Fine… father." Rory said scathingly. She knew he hated when she called him that.

'God, not the "formal" act. It's worse than the cold shoulder.' Chris thought with a cringe.

Rory had been doing this since she was 5 and was trying to get her first national commercial. Her dad insisted that she was too young, but when she pulled out the "formal" act, he gave in. Ever since then, Rory had always used it in sticky situations.

"Ror…promise me you'll try. I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I need you to try to be normal. Let's face it kid. You've never had the opportunity to just be a teenager." Rory tried to cut him off, but Chris had predicted she would. "No Ror, listen. Do you remember when we went to Disney Land for you tenth birthday?"

Of course she remembered, that was one of the greatest and worst days of her life. It was after that day that she realized life wasn't simple anymore, but whenever she thought about it, she still smiled.

"Remember Ror? You were petting one of the trolley's horses, and all of the little girls started whispering about you. You were so upset, you started to cry, and one of the parents took your picture."

As Rory listened to her father describe that day, she began to get tears in her eyes. Little did her father know that these were tears of joy. Even though that day had showed her how cruel people could be, it also reminded her how much had changed. She was now a full blown cover girl. She couldn't walk into a restaurant now without someone kissing up to her or telling her how great she looks. She now had everything she ever wanted. She had a family and a great life that she was afraid she would lose.

"I remember dad." She said emotionally. "You know, I think we can work something out."

"I'm glad. I love ya, kiddo." Chris beamed as he kissed her on the forehead. "You know that, right?"

"Yes daddy dearest." She acknowledged with a role of her eyes.


I know it's weird, just go with it please. I'll update soon if you like it, but if you have any ideas, then let me know! I adore constructive criticism, but be gentle please.