Midnight Eyes

                                                                              Midnight Eyes                                            

The cool breezes blows across my face.

This is a nightmare this place.

There you stand as if you were in a daze.

I can see your midnight blue eyes that all so seem to be in daze.

I stand before you but you do not see.

I wonder what's wrong with me.

You've tried to kill me before.

Here I stand before you once more.

Your midnight eyes seem frozen.

The death all around us is like an omen.

I stared at your eyes.

Your midnight eyes.

       I wish I could stay here.

But that would cause more tears.

I wish you would kill me.

In death I can be free.

Free from this war and cruelness.

No one would care, I am useless.

"Will you kill me?"

I ask as I stare at a tree.

You don't say a word.

I don't think you heard.

 I call your name.

But you still don't hear a thing.

I turn away.

But I hear you wanting me to stay.

I turn around.

Yet you still won't make a sound.

May be this is how it shall be.

Not a thing said between you and me.

Hi this took two days to write. I can understand if you don't understand this. Please r+r

Disclaimer:  I do not own Gundam Wing.