Ash56: Thanks go to the only person who reviewed. Italics are Kiyo's thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own Zatch Bell but I do own Twilight

Kiyo woke up in an unfamiliar place. He sat up but pain went through his body. He fell back onto the bed when Sherry walked in. "Well it's nice to see you awake. You've been out for nearly three days. I wouldn't suggest sitting up because several of your ribs broke." Sherry said and went over and sat on the bed and laid her head on Kiyo's stomach. Kiyo winced but then relaxed. "So where are my books and mamodo's?" Kiyo asked with a threatening tone. "Don't worry, I've gave them directions to where we are." Sherry said. The door burst open. There stood Zatch huffing and puffing. "Zatch." Kiyo said and tears started forming in his eyes. "Kiyo, I'm so sorry." Zatch said and jumped on Kiyo's chest. Kiyo screamed in pain. "Sorry." Zatch said. "It's so good to see you again buddy." Kiyo said and held Zatch to his chest. Zatch was now crying and had his face against Kiyo's chest. Sherry got up and left.

"Megumi, if you don't hurry up we'll never get to Kiyo." Tia said. "Well you try running in high heels." Megumi said trying to keep up with her mamodo. Then Twilight popped out of nowhere and tripped and knocked Tia over. "You clumsy idiot." Tia said and started strangling Twilight. "Wait up." Kanchome yelled. "Kanchome, a wait up." Folgore said running up. "Where did you guys come from?" Tia asked with her hands loosening on Twilight's throat. "Where did we a come from?" Folgore asked. "We came from your concert just down the block." Kanchome said. "Twilight got out of Tia's grip and proceeded to strangle Tia but missed and fell to the ground. "Who's a she?" Folgore asked. "That's Twilight, she's Kiyo's." Megumi answered. "How did he get two mamodo?" Kanchome asked. "Who knows?" Tia said. "Let's just go get Kiyo." Tia said and ran the way they were originally headed. "Wait up." Megumi said while taking off her shoes.

Zatch was asleep on Kiyo's chest. He was holding Zatch because he was trying to comfort him. "Kiyo, could you come here?" Sherry asked. Kiyo put Zatch on the bed and gingerly got up to avoid pain. He walked into the other room and Sherry was standing there with a cake. "What's that for?" Kiyo asked. "Not for what but whom silly." Sherry said and giggled like a school girl. "So who?" Kiyo asked. "You." Sherry said and kissed him. Just then Folgore burst in. "Is Kiyo a here?" Folgore said. "I'm right here." Kiyo said. "Oh." Folgore said. "Kiyo how dare you fall." Tia said and started strangling him but ended up just crying into his chest. Man everybody is so emotional. Kiyo thought. Megumi came in and hugged him and didn't let go. "Don't you dare do that again." Megumi said. "I won't." Kiyo said and pried her off. Kiyo picked up Tia off the chair and put her on his shoulders. "Kiyo, what's happening?" Zatch asked. When he saw everybody his eyes lit up. "Yay!" Zatch shouted. Kiyo put Tia down and Zatch and she kissed. "I wasn't expecting that." Kiyo said. Everybody else laughed except Zatch and Tia because their tongue's were still wrestling. Then they all headed out with Zatch and Tia kissing. "How long is this going to last?" Kiyo said. "I a don't know." Folgore said. "Will you shut up Folgore!" Kiyo yelled.

When they got back to Mononoki Sherry and Kiyo stayed in his house. Megumi went to her house. Folgore went to a hotel and all four mamodo slept in Kiyo's living room. The next morning Kiyo woke up and went downstairs to find Zatch and Tia sleeping in the same sleeping bag with Zatch's arm wrapped around Tia. Kiyo just left to the kitchen to get breakfast. Tia was slowly opened her eyes relishing the moment that she was in. She stared at the mamodo who would become a benevolent king and she would be queen. "Zatch." She said quietly and shook him. "What is it?" He said and barely opened his eyes. "Time to wake up." Tia said and gently stroked his cheek. "Let's go take a walk." Zatch said. "Let's go." Tia said and they headed out.

Ash56: Read and Review please. I haven't seem to get as many reviews anymore.