Holy shit, ya'll.

It's been a while. I'm just letting you know now that I understand that you all hate me for making you wait 2 and a half years for this fic.

Now, without further ado, the finale of Little Superior Dude.

Chapter 6

The Super Epic Amazing Awesome Kickball Game of DEATH

Two weeks had passed. Two long, arduous weeks. Vexen was starting to get a bit nervous about his plan. Also Alice had completely fucked up the castle. Purple walls. Purple ceiling. Purple everything. With little chibi skulls. Oh, what fun!

"Even, is there any more purple paint?" Oh yeah. There was that other small annoyance that she would call the original six by their old names just to piss them off. Even though it only really pissed off Vexen.

"How many times do I have to tell you, young lady? My name is Vexen, and you will address me as such."

"You are also a faggot, and I can melt you in case you have forgotten. You guys molded Axel's powers after mine, right? Well ain't no goddamn carbon copy gonna beat the real thing, dahlin."

"Didn't we teach you grammar?"

"Didn't I teach you fail?" She smirked and walked away. Alice Catherine was a smart little girl. She had a lot of sway over the castle, and she knew it. She knew she could just leave if she wanted to. But no, it was more fun to watch Xaldin, Vexen, Zexion, Saix, and Marluxia squirm. She had gotten into an alliance with the only other female in the house, Larxene, and they were now in all out war with the boys: Carson, Axel, Demyx, and Roxas. What they lacked in number they made up for in strategy, firepower, and ingenuity. Alice's fire was cancelled out by Demyx's water, so Larxene was always quick on the draw with her electricity. As for Axel and Roxas, Axel knew that he and Alice would have as much leverage on each other as two Wobbuffets fighting, so he focused on Larxene, while Roxas would just trip Alice or do some other inane crap with his Keyblade just to piss them off. As for the other Organization members, they either knew they could do nothing to stop it, or they didn't mind it.

However, after the end of two weeks, Lexaeus, Xigbar, and Luxord had also agreed that Alice's stay was beginning to be a problem.

Thus the decision for another meeting was made.


"I believe this has gotten to be a bit much, you two." Vexen was the one sitting in Xemnas's usual position, and Carson and Alice were sitting on two floating chairs across from him. As the two teenagers were already quite used to standard principal's office procedure, neither of them said a word.

"I addressed you. For the love of God you flap your lips when no one wants to hear it but when someone actually speaks to you you're silent." Carson and Alice looked at each other distastefully.

"She's a dumb bitch." He said first.

"And you're a stupid shallow chauvinist piggy." She stuck her tongue out. Xigbar looked impressed with her comeback.

"Touché, dudette." Vexen looked at him sharply.

"You're encouraging their behavior. I suppose you think what the boys did to Zexion was OK, then?" Xigbar cleared his throat.

"It was mighty cool but Little Emo Bro got seriously messed up by it. So…I dunno, dude. And Little Rocker Chick has, like, her own style, so I dunno why you have such a prob with it, ya old fart." Vexen blinked, and turned his attention to Larxene, on his far right.

"And you are encouraging Miss Alice's behavior." He said to her sharply. "You should try to be a better role model, Number XI."

"And you aren't exactly doing much to stop it, are you? Not that you could. Two years have gone by in Alice's time. And she's matured, along with her power. She is fifteen now, and we can't exactly just send her back. Plus, wasn't this whole thing about getting Xemmy back? So far it just looks like you brought her back for…ah…recruitment purposes? You won't steal the poor girl's heart, will you? Or could it be…that she is the last thing connecting you to your old existence and therefore want to use her to get Kingdom Hearts."

"Whoa, girlie, shit just got a lot more sinister than it was earlier." Xaldin said. "We don't intend to use Mademoiselle Meridian for purposes relating to Kingdom Hearts. She will be going back as soon as we can give Number I his antidote." Vexen nodded.

"Of course we aren't using her for Kingdom Hearts. She just isn't doing what we intended her to do, so the process is taking a bit longer. And you've taken advantage of her, Larxene." Carson rolled his eyes.

"You know this is never, ever going to work, right? So just give up. We outnumber all of you, your little 6th-grade-like cliques. You've got the two sluts thinking that just cause Alice has someone that can beat water they are automatically amazing, you've got the old men and Emo Boy bitching and getting their panties in a bunch for no damn reason, and there's Pirate, Custard, and the huge guy who don't even really give a damn. Plus we've got younger, stronger, studly bods. Just give up, old man." Zexion snarled. Then he smiled a sly, sardonic smile.

"I don't hold any of this against you, old friend." He turned to Demyx and Axel.

"But I can almost guarantee that you two will have hell to pay. And if I believe Xemnas is being too light on the punishment, I personally will make sure you will be very docile creatures." A chill ran up Axel's spine, but Demyx nudged him in the ribs.

"And if Zexion doesn't," Said Saix, smiling a crazed loon's mile, "…I will kill you and dump your bodies somewhere." Now it was Demyx's turn to be frightened. But Axel knew they had to be strong.

"Can't we just have a compromise or something?" Demyx nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, we let one of them stay over the other. Or something. That way we only have one teen to deal with." Vexen rubbed his temples, deeply troubled by Demyx's stupidity.

"…no, Number IX. I already told you that Alice is staying temporarily, just until the antidote is taken. Carson, if you really want the constant war to end, why don't you just take the antidote."

"I never said I wanted anything to end. I said I wanted to win. Winning and ending go hand and hand, yo." Alice and Carson looked at each other distastefully yet again.

"All right, I have something that can settle this." Alice said finally. Vexen leaned forward.

"Any of you guys ever heard of kickball?"


Apparently Roxas had. And Axel. And Demyx. Carson was a supposed "king" at it, so it left the matchup uneven.

"Well I'm just going to bring in people from my world, then. Ya know, to beat your ass with."

There was to be 9 people on each team. Since there were 12 remaining organization members plus Alice that meant Alice got to bring in 6 other people for her team and pick two other Organization members. Larxene was a given for her. But for her other choice, it left the rest of them scratching their heads.

"I pick Zexion." Lexaeus nearly fell off his chair. Carson laughed.

"Ha. Good luck with that." Demyx nodded.

"Yeah. Zexion's the least athletic out of all of us. We'll make sure him and the pavement have a lovely honeymoon." The boys laughed at their little joke. Alice shook her head.

"You are absolutely going to see how badly you underestimate poor Emo Boy." The boys all looked at each other and laughed.

"Whatever, little girl." Carson said.

Oh how very wrong he was.

The six people that Alice had chosen were a mixed bag of people. There was a wiry Asian boy, a tall boy with glasses, and a Greek-looking girl with a voluptuous body, all in some sort of Navy uniform. The other three were even odder. There was a ginger boy with a camera; a blonde, pale boy with a yo-yo in his hand; and a full-figured, bespectacled girl with a mess of dyed red hair. Carson couldn't contain himself and had joined the other young men on the floor laughing.

"You would think that she brought someone who was at least half of Lexaeus's size." Demyx said with a hearty guffaw. Alice looked at the yo-yo kid and they smiled.

"As you know, I've been in close contact with those from my world. These are my closest friends, and they are also the ones that are going to beat your asses. So learn their names: Ryan." The Asian kid saluted.

"Kelton." The boy with the glasses tipped them and bowed.

"Coryander, more commonly known as Cory." The girl in uniform smiled.

"Glenn." Camera kid took a picture of the Organization, and then howled in anger as his film melted.

"Idiot. I told you no pictures. Anyway, the cutie pie is Keith. With the yo-yos." The boy turned deep crimson and fiddled around with a black yo-yo.

"And finally, we have Britney, more commonly known as Schittler." The other girl giggled. Carson rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. All you need to know is my name. I'm Carson, by the way, Carson Davis. Nice ass." He said to Cory, who made a rude hand gesture at him in response. Alice rolled her eyes as they both walked to the middle of the field. Vexen rolled his eyes and was in the middle with them

"Clean game, you two. Got it? If Alice loses she goes home. If Carson loses, he takes the medicine." They nodded fiercely.

"The rules are that you can use anything you possess as a weapon as long as actual elemental attacks are unused. For example, Demyx could hit you over the head with his sitar, Alice, but he wouldn't be able to drown you." She nodded.


"Now shake." Carson tried a show of intimidation by crushing Alice's hand in his, but suddenly noticed a burning sensation in his fingers.

"OUCH! WHAT THE HELL, ALICE? THAT ISN'T FAIR!" Alice smiled nonchalantly.

"My body kind of reacts that way when it thinks it's in danger. Shouldn't have tried to break my fingers, petulant child." They walked to their respected places: Alice in the outfield and Carson up to kick.

"Let's go."


They were to go in order of their Organization numbers, so Carson went first. Since Alice was the team captain, she pitched. She bounced the red rubber ball impatiently.

"All right, loser. You can have Fast and Furious, Fast and Smooth, Slow and Bumpy, or Slow and Smooth."

"Slow and smooth, baybay." He said, winking at her. She rolled her eyes and did what he asked. He kicked the ball on just the right spot extremely hard, sending it flying out where no one could see it. His team all cheered as he skipped through the bases. He was overly dramatic at home, sliding into it as Axel and Demyx made safe signals and screamed "THE BOY IS SAFE!" and as Zexion looked nervously at Alice.

"We need a team huddle." Vexen nodded.

"I'll allow." Alice called her team in.

"OK, you guys, you might be a little discouraged after that. But Carson is going to be the only one we have to worry about, I promise. I only gave Carson the option of the pitch because it's common courtesy to give the first kick of the game an option. They're playing a Powerhouse game, hoping to score home runs on every kick. But we're trying to play a strategy game." She turned to Zexion and Keith.

"…that's why you two are here. Now I have a few things to suggest about the next few pitches…"

They talked for another 5 minutes until Carson and the boys were beginning to get testy.

"COME ON, WOMAN! I WANNA PLAY SOME KICKBALL!" Axel yelled. Vexen nodded.

"Alice, your time is up. She nodded back.

"OK!" Her team returned to their positions as Xigbar went to kick.

"All right, little dudette, show me whatcha got!" She shifted her body to the left, meaning she would pitch to Xigbar's right…

…which is where the eye patch was…

"OY!" He swung his foot and completely missed, falling over.

"FOUL!" The boys cried, looking at Vexen furiously. Vexen shook his head.

"The rules don't say that an opposing team can't use a handicap on one's team to their advantage. That would be a strike." The outfielders cheered, and Xigbar missed two more times.

Vexen kicked a fly ball, easily caught by Ryan, and Demyx actually had a pretty good kick but Keith used the strings of his yo-yo to catch it.

They applied this same strategy to when they were up to kick, and at the end of 8 innings they were tied, 11-11.

Alice bounced the ball on the pavement again. Bases were loaded and Carson was waiting for her to pitch.

"If we get a triple play its game over. How about that?" Carson smirked confidently.

"Sure, but let's kick it up a notch. Even if you catch the ball, you have to tag all four of us out before we get back to home. You're up against me, Roxas, Axel, and Demyx. You wanna take that chance?" Alice nodded, clearly determined, and gave Carson a fast and furious pitch.

What happened next would at least go into Zexion's lexicon, if not the history books. Carson took off running toward first, thinking that Zexion, who had retrieved the ball, would go for him. Instead, he glided effortlessly at Roxas and pegged him so hard that the poor boy fell onto the ground.

"KELTON! CATCH THE DAMNED BALL!" Kelton caught the ball and, seeing that Axel was a mere couple feet from home, ripped his name badge off his shirt, and threw it at Axel's foot. One flash of light and loud slap sound later, and Axel was clutching his foot and jumping up and down. Kelton threw the ball next, hitting Axel in the arm. Demyx was halfway between second and third at this time, and Kelton thought fast, passing the ball to Larxene, who threw a knife at Demyx. Frightened, Demyx jumped back…right into the ball in Larxene's hand. Finally, Larxene looked at her options, because after all this, Carson was still on the move to home. Keith looked at Larxene, and then at Alice, whom Larxene seemed to want to throw the ball to, and who was also a tired, bloody mess.

"LARXENE! ALICE IS DONE FOR THE DAY! PASS TO ME!" Alice was dazed but nodded. Meanwhile, Keith was hatching a plot which would involve his yo-yos.

"I got it." The ball soared into his hands, and a yo-yo soared through the air. Carson dodged it easily.

"HA! YOUR LITTLE BOYFRIEND IS SUCH A DORK! HE MISSED SUCH AN EASY SHOT!" Keith smirked. Carson was still laughing…

…until he tripped over the wire.

The laughter died as Carson fell on his face. Keith looked at Alice.

"Think you can do it?" He asked. She nodded, stood up a little taller, caught the ball that Keith had thrown to her, and bolted toward Carson, who wasn't even trying to get up.

She tagged him, and Axel and Demyx just about peed themselves.


"A deal's a deal, and as much as I'm gonna miss you guys I'm a man of my word." Carson said firmly. Roxas's face fell as Vexen and Zexion grinned, carrying Alice into the castle. Axel and Demyx had permanent looks of horror on their face. Roxas would get off easy, they knew, because he didn't really do anything besides laugh at the jokes. But the two of them were going to be in serious trouble when Xemnas was back.

Serious, serious trouble.

It took a few hours to clean up the mess that both children had made, but in the end everything was pretty much back to normal and Carson was being led down to Vexen's lab. Alice was directly behind them with the boys, who wanted to say their last goodbyes, and then Saix and Zexion, who just wanted to see Xemnas go back to normal for punishment time.

"All right you, I decided to give you the liberty of drinking it instead of having it injected." Vexen said. Carson, hands shaking, took the vial. Then he paused.

"I have one condition if I do this. You have to tell me when I go back to normal that I gave my word that at least Roxas wouldn't be punished for any of this, OK? You have to tell me that I gave my word that Axel and Demyx wouldn't be punished too badly, OK? And you have to answer this question for me before I go." Demyx, a real tear going down his cheek (gah, writer's license), smiled.

"What's that, bud?"

"Am I really that much of a prick when I get older? And…and how'd I get here?" Demyx looked at Axel and shook his head. They really took Xemnas for granted sometimes.

"Nah. We're just this horrible to you most of the time. You know how we've been treating Zexion and Vexen? Well normally we have to save it all for you." Carson nodded, and Vexen cleared his throat.

"As for how you got here, most of the circumstances are unknown. Ansem the Wise found you lying on a beach at the age of 17 and rechristened you Xehanort. And then this happened. We all didn't start out like this. This is just proof…we all didn't start out like this…" Vexen looked at his hands. Carson knew that the "emotion", if you could call it that, in the room was getting to be too much, so he smiled.

"Cheers, guys." He downed the vial. Then he got this weird look on his face.

"Um." He crumpled to the floor. Demyx sprung into action, grabbing Vexen by the robes.


"I assure you I would not do something that would royally screw us all over." Demyx looked behind him at Axel and Roxas but could see from their crestfallen faces that the antidote had worked.

Xemnas was approximately twenty-eight years old again. It was over.


2 weeks later

Zexion waited outside of the meeting, hardly able to contain his glee after telling Xemnas what had happened in his, ah, "absence", so to speak. After about twenty minutes, Axel and Demyx walked out, their faces etched with deep understanding. The Cloaked Schemer jumped up in anticipation.

"SO? How long? How long will you be starved? Is the Superior hanging you by your toenails in the library?" Demyx looked up at Zexion, half smiling.

"We're really sorry about your nose, man. It was a cruel thing to do." He said thickly.

"Yeah, we promise we won't do anything that horrible to you ever again." Axel said next with a mixed expression on his face. Zexion's sardonic grin faded a bit.

"Wait. What? What did he say to you two?" As the rest of the Organization filed out, Zexion found Xemnas. They looked at each other pensively.

"I've punished them enough, Zexion. Just as much as they've punished me. But they did also help." Zexion's eyebrows rose.

"Oh? And how's that?" Xemnas smiled.

"Carson had two best friends. Leonard, also known as Lea, and Theodore Medy. Who was called by his family name." They looked at each other again.

"Perhaps we can get them to make another batch of that stuff…" Zexion's brain was already hatching an idea, but Xemnas raised his hand.

"No. We just got that little bitch Alice out of here."


So. Yeah. Shitty ending. It's probably gonna be a huge disappointment, but I do love and appreciate each and every person who reviewed this fic.