The Blossomed Love
The morning sun rose causing Lake Hylia to glimmer brilliantly, the finches to sing cheerful melodies and Link to stir as he prepared for his weekly visit with Princess Zelda. Link stretched once before rising and sauntering to a nearby pond. Yawning, he stooped to collect some water and splashed his face. The frigid water immediately awoke him, and after he dried his face, he paused a moment to gaze thoughtfully at his reflection. Link was acquainted with his adult form at age ten by the master sword which brought him seven years into the future. However, despite the early introduction to adulthood, Link's current appearance was clearly distinguished.
Now, at eighteen years old, his eight years of travel granted him a sense of knowing and intelligence that reflected in his sapphire eyes. His complexion, having spent much of his travels in the sun, now bore the refined tan common to many merchants and mercenaries. His longish blond hair was tied back and concealed beneath his emerald cap, a symbol of his Kokiri upbringing. Most deceiving of all was his posture that to everyone who encountered him appeared to reflect his vigor and confidence, but in reality was a mask to his puzzlement. What was he to do now? Who was he now that his journey was over and had been for years?
Sighing, he moved to perch against an oak tree as he reminisced on the hardships he overcame to return peace to Hyrule. Although Hyrule had since endured eight years of prosperity, Link could not help but reflect on the years when his destiny was predetermined for him. He required nothing but his courage to become Hyrule's Hero of Time, a feat that no one but the sages and Princess Zelda remembered.
Epona affectionately nudged Link's arm as she often did when she sensed his preoccupation. Reminded of his visit with Princess Zelda, Link knowingly stroked Epona's silky mane a few times before mounting her. He steered her towards Hyrule Castle, all too eager for his reunion with the princess. Maybe she would provide him the guidance he sought.
"Please princess," a young man pleaded, "just say the word and we can begin preparing our wedding."
"No," Princess Zelda curtly replied.
Normally she would have given a more forceful reply to this repetitive question, but today her mind was elsewhere. For years her heart had been harboring a love for Link that she vowed would remain secret. Not one to give herself easily, she was initially plagued by doubt at the onset of this attraction. This doubt manifested initially as a chastisement for succumbing to her attraction and ended with her reasoning that she was in love with Link's heroics and merely infatuated with him. However, as the two spent more time together sharing their dreams, goals and fears, she realized her feelings for him were genuine. She was in love with Link, and the realization filled her with such joy that her father began to inquire and there was gossip among the maids.
"Zelda..." the young man's voice shook her from her reverie. "Zelda!"
"Yes?" Zelda turned to face the young man.
His grey eyes bore into hers with an intensity that made Zelda immediately glance away. With her eyes averted, she could not see his furrowed brows or clenched fists. All she felt was his deep, controlled sigh as her face was met by his warm breath.
"You haven't been listening to a word I said, have you?" He stated more than he asked.
"I apologize Lord Truce. I just haven't sl-"
"Who is he?" Truce interrupted.
"Who is who?"
"Him..." Truce's eyes bore into hers again, but this time she did not turn her gaze and the two stared at each other for many moments.
"Truce, I don't know what you're talking about," she finally spoke.
Still gazing at him, Zelda did not miss the exasperation that passed over Truce's handsome face in one swift motion. "Your love! Why else would you deny me when we are so perfect together?"
Was I that obvious? Link will be here any moment. I must regain my composure... Zelda nervously thought.
She immediately returned her attention to Truce.
"No, my lord. There is no one. It's just we have been over this a hundred times..." Zelda trailed.
"Then let's start counting again so you can deny me a hundred more," he spoke dejectedly.
"Lord Truce..."
"Don't," he held up his hand. "I will make my leave this time as you desire, but please reconsider for my next visit."
"Lord Truce..." she started to form one of her usual ironic remarks with the biting undertone that he shouldn't bother returning, but her mind was slowed by oncoming thoughts of Link. "Farewell."
He strolled from the courtyard, and it was at the moment when he was no longer visible that Zelda thought of numerous remarks she could have said. The snide, "Why bother when I can give you my answer now?" The sympathetic, "Why do you torture yourself when you already know my answer?" The truth, "There has never been anything to consider." Why had none of these come to her then? It was as she glanced up to see Link's figure illuminated by the sun's afternoon rays that her frustration was abolished.
Giddily, she began closing the distance between them, her dress struggling to keep up. Before she knew it, the two were embracing and Zelda's swelling heart seemed to engulf both of them at that moment causing Zelda to tighten her embrace and draw Link closer. Link did not protest, but Zelda was so embarrassed that she quickly released him and he gazed down at her perplexedly.
"Zelda, are you alright?"
She met his face that was etched in concern and favored him with a dazzling smile. "I am now."
"Another visit from Truce?"
Zelda nodded and sauntered forward. Link stood in place, gazing after her as her sleeveless ivory gown trailed behind. She stooped to pluck a daisy which she brought to her nose instinctively. Link shifted uneasily not understanding Zelda's recent behavior. For at least a month their past few visits progressed exactly like this, and when Link finally braved himself to inquire, Zelda gave a multitude of reasons: She was tired. She was worried about her aging father. She was upset over her meeting with Truce. While Link had dismissed her behavior the first few times, he grew increasingly skeptical. He understood her worry and fatigue but she had never complained before. Why should she start now? Aside from that, Zelda had never been one to succumb to anxiety or despair even on the rare occasions she did complain. It just did not make sense!
Link glanced up to see Zelda staring at him. She turned shyly away, and that was when Link was certain that Zelda was not herself. In all of his memory Zelda had never been shy around him. There was no reason for this change unless it was something about him that made her so uneasy. Whatever the reason, he had to find out. As he slowly made his way toward her, he carefully considered his words. He had to be gentle, not confrontational. He had to be concerned, not demanding. These warnings resounded in his head, and by the time he reached her he was completely at a loss for words. It was as if he were watching someone playing his role at this very moment. He placed a hand on her shoulder and hoped that she found enough comfort in his gesture. Zelda did not move for a long time, and just as Link was about to speak she placed her delicate hand on top of his.
"Link..." she began, "you are probably wondering why I have not been myself lately. I apologize for worrying you. It's just...I've learned something recently." She turned around, still clasping his hand.
As Zelda's eyes met his, Link felt suddenly nervous. "Wh-what is it Zelda?" he stammered. What is Zelda doing to me?
She smiled cordially, which normally put Link at ease, but this time had the opposite effect. "Do you remember when we would talk of the person we might one day marry?" She waited for Link's nod of affirmation. "Well I've found that person," she said, reaching for his other hand and clasping both tightly.
"That's wonderful!" Link finally grinned. "Who is he?"
Zelda's smile faded. "You really don't understand what I'm telling you?"
Link shook his head. A gust of wind blew Zelda's hair across her face and Link unconsciously brushed it behind her ear. All Link could see of Zelda were her sapphire eyes and his whole being revolved around the untold confession. Zelda began trembling and Link could not discern if it were due to the breeze or anxiety. Pulling her into a protective embrace, he rested his chin atop her head, picking up the flowery fragrance of her hair. Patiently he waited for Zelda to speak, and when she did not, he glanced down sidelong at her.
Zelda, feeling his eyes fixated on her, sighed. "This is going to be harder than I thought..." He doesn't even suspect that he is the one I love. Oh, he is going to be so surprised!
"Just tell me Zelda..." he spoke so gently, so tenderly that Zelda felt the underlying message 'I am here for you no matter what.'
"Thanks Link, but I just can't...not right now," she replied regretfully.
"It's alright Zelda," Link quickly reassured her. "Whenever you are ready."
I am ready, but you are not...Next time, next time, she promised herself for the eleventh time.
"Take those jugs and bring back a nice fellow," were the most recent words Talon spoke to Malon. Though Malon knew her father meant "jugs of milk" and "a hired helping hand" she couldn't help but snicker at the implication a visitor to the farm would have made at that moment. Harmless as her father's comment might be, she was unable to ignore the slight undertone to "bringing back a nice fellow." Talon had never directly pressured her into courtship, but Malon was well aware that his greatest desire was to live to see her happily married. She learned in her early teens that her father would jokingly offer her hand to any man who beat his cuckoo challenge. Joke or not, her indignant response put an end to it.
She was snapped out of reverie as the Conestoga wagon hit a bump, causing the Lon Lon milk to violently slosh within the jug. After she felt reassured that the milk was secure, she returned her gaze in front of her and gasped in surprise. Galloping towards her were two men, which normally would not cause alarm, except the men made no move to veer away from her wagon. For a reason she couldn't explain, she felt a fear that sent shivers down her spine. She paused until she was certain the men meant to intercept her, and straightened her posture as boldly as she could.
"Ho, little lady!" one of the men cried.
She pretended not to hear the condescending remark. "What do you want?"
"My, my. A little presumptuous today aren't we?" the other said.
"No, I'm just in a hurry so the milk doesn't spoil," she tried her best to sound nonchalant. Her trembling lips gave her away.
"Well you might want to take that back or we will fix that," one of them solemnly spoke.
"What?" Malon gasped.
"I said that you might want to turn back. Your wheel has a crack," he gestured to her front left wheel.
"Oh, I thought- never mind..." Malon stammered. That must have been from the bump. Why am I so nervous?
Steadying herself, Malon gracefully lowered herself from the wagon and moved towards the cracked wheel. She glanced down but could not see the crack from where she stood. Figuring there was a shadow covering the crack, she knelt down. Her last memory was receiving a blow on her head before she collapsed on the grass.
A nagging loneliness tormented Link as he rode Epona through Hyrule Field. He couldn't seem to place his feelings, but he suspected that the loneliness related to his past travels. Link had a wanderlust within him that he could not appease no matter how accomplished he felt for returning peace to Hyrule. Now he desired a challenge, except he was not sure what could be more challenging than defending a nation from evil.
Link suddenly felt Epona's lungs heaving, and he immediately slowed her to a steady trot.
Something has to change, Link thought. I can't keep traveling alone. Eventually I will have to face the citizens of Hyrule, but that doesn't mean I have to face them as the Hero of Time. I can be a merchant, a shopkeeper or even a soldier. Why have I not thought of this before?
Link already knew the answer.
He would never be content with a routine life. He did not necessarily thrive on danger, but he needed a role that wouldn't allow him to forget all of the hardships he had overcome. Link's train of thought was interrupted when he noticed a person lying face down on the meadow grass. After halting Epona, he quickly dismounted and hurried toward the unconscious figure. Link knelt before the stranger and gently turned the individual over, his eyes widening when he found himself gazing upon the familiar face of Malon!
When Malon finally stirred, Link, who was still recovering from his initial shock, flinched. Malon suddenly blinked her eyes as if straining to recall where she was. As her eyes met his, she gasped, and spoke in a faint tone that the slightest breeze would have easily overcome.
"Fairy boy?"
Link tensed for she had called him by a name she had not referenced in over eight years. Before he could reply, Malon's head nod and she was again unconscious. Link barely noticed because her two words had caught him completely off guard. He had visited Lon Lon Ranch a couple of times over the years, but neither Malon nor Talon remembered him. Why would she suddenly refer to him by his nickname when she did not even remember his name?
Realizing that he would get no answers by waiting here, Link cradled Malon in his arms and returned to Epona. Epona waited patiently while Link secured Malon, and then followed Link's guidance to Lon Lon Ranch.