Second (and final) chapter's finally here! Sorry to all who've been waiting, but my laptop's hard drive failed, so I had to wait a while for that to get in, and thanks to the failure, I totally lost EVERYTHING on it. Wednesday was Rachels going away party, and I had to work on making her present a few days before hand, and I wasn't feeling to chipper after that, especially on Friday (thats the day she moved away). Plus I wasn't satisfied with the ending, and I'm still not sure if I like it or not, but itsalready fourin the morning, so I figured I might as well post it. A huge thanks to all those who reviewed, alerted, and anyone who took the time to read it:)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Kudos to Butch and Leslie.

Danny stared into the mirror, sighing contentedly. His eyelids dropped down halfway, blue irises sparkling pleasantly beneath them. His mouth seemed to be forever stuck in the wide grin that had formed on his face and his feet were currently floating two inches from the ground. Dancing with Sam had been absolutely wonderful. The expression on her face while they were dancing flashed through his mind and he found himself two more inches off of the ground.

Danny's eyes had angled his eyes to gaze at her face as they danced numerous times. A look of pure, absolute bliss had settled in her features, and it sent his heart racing. He thanked his lucky star for whatever force allowed him to be the one to put it there. "I guess Tucker was right." he informed his reflection, which stared back at him giddily. The thought had his mind reeling.

He no longer needed to worry about rejection. She really did like him, as much as he liked her, if not more so. Four more inches in the air he went. The grin on his face widened, and he barely managed to calm himself enough to touch back down on to the tile floor.

"I've got to tell her, while my courage is still with me." The determined look on his reflection's face seemed supportive enough, but he needed some other reassurance. One hand dove into his hair, going through a now familiar path, while the second was shoved in his left pocket. The smooth surface of the ring brushed against Danny's fingers. He stared down at his pocket as they lifted the gift out of its hiding place.

The jewel glinted in the fluorescent lights, as did the golden band. Slowly, his fingers turned it over to reveal the lettering inside. Sam...

"Boy, I really am clueless." he scolded himself, his grin lessening a bit. He really wanted to kick himself for being so oblivious for so long. Glancing down at his digital watch, he checked the time and nearly phased through the floor. "Nine forty-five? Sam's been waiting forever!" Bolting for the door, Danny rushed out, colliding with someone who had been waiting outside the door, causing both to tumble over.

Danny sat back, massaging his head vigorously, before realizing the ring in his hand had slipped out in the collision . Frantically, he began crawling on his hands and knees in search, while apologizing. "I'm really sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." He stopped when the frilly skirt of an incredibly expensive looking pink dress came into view, blocking the sight of anything in front of him.

He looked up to see his former crush smiling at him, a hand extended in a friendly gesture to help him up. "That's okay Danny! I shouldn't have been standing right outside the door anyways!" she said with a sugary sweet voice, batting her eyelashes. Danny blinked twice, and, ignoring her hand, went back to his search. "No, really, it was my fault."

Paulina rolled her eyes. Fine, don't take my hand! Had it been about four months or so earlier, he would have melted on the spot. I guess he really is into that Gothic freak. She moved off to the side as Danny continued along the floor, patting around every three inches or so. She looked down at the carpet, contemplating her next move, when a glimmer caught her eye.

Paulina bent down and reached for the object. It was a golden ring with a fair sized turquoise jewel in the center. Flipping it over she read the inscription and rolled her eyes once more. It was rather plain for her rich taste, but not completely terrible.

"Hey Danny?" Paulina called out, layering her voice with a combination of false curiosity and cheerfulness. "What are you looking for?"

"A gold ring. Its got a greenish jewel in it, and..." he answered, not wanting to mention the name on the inside. Not that he really cared that Paulina knew that he liked Sam. But, he'd rather Sam be the one to hear it from him first, not counting Tucker. She's gonna be miffed when I get back there. He didn't want to think about it. Hopefully she'd forgive him long enough for them to sneak out for a while.

"Are you planning on giving it to someone?" Paulina continued, grinning to herself. She was most amused when Danny stopped moving to look over at her, his blue eyes widening as they rested upon the ring in her hand.

Right on cue, he began blushing and running his hand through his hair. All perfect signs for one to misinterpret, had they not known better. Paulina used all of these to her advantage. She leaped up from her position and squealed excitedly, as if she had won something close to the lottery.

Danny was lost for words. What the heck was she so happy about? He seriously doubted Paulina would be excited that he had finally realized where his feelings lie. Silently he watched her, standing up slowly, not really sure how to ask for the ring back. It was like the amulet of Aragon all over again. Hand in his hair once more, he took a stab at it.

"Uh, Paulina? Are you okay? Because I kind of need the-" But she cut him off before he had the chance to say anything else with a tight hug.

"Of course! You got this ring, just for me, didn't you? Its so gorgeous!" Inside she was laughing. This was just too easy. She slipped it around her finger as he started to say something else, but she cut him off once more, this time with her lips on his.

Danny's eyes bugged out. What the heck was she doing! Everyone knew she was completely infatuated with Danny Phantom, yet here she was, locking lips with Danny Fenton because of an old ring. A ring that just so happens to be meant for Sam! Danny thought, an uneasy chill going down his spine.

He stepped away hurriedly, trying to correct her mistake, but was completely thrown off when he saw Tucker standing in behind Paulina, eyes and mouth both open wide in disbelief. "Ummm... Just a sec!" Danny told her, and ran towards his friend.

He received a sharp slap upside the head when he reached him. Wincing in pain, Danny massaged the new sore spot on his head. "What was that for?" he exclaimed, taking a step back in case another hand came his way.

"What do you think your doing with Paulina?" Tucker asked angrily. "I thought you were finally going to hook up with Sam!" He wanted so badly to hit Danny again, but allowed him an explanation. Danny looked over his shoulder to see if Paulina was listening. When he was sure she wasn't, he lowered his voice and told Tucker what had conspired.

"I didn't know what to do, she just totally jumped on me because she thinks the ring is for her!" Danny explained, extremely agitated. "And I don't know how to tell her it isn't!"

"Well," Tucker tried reasoning with him, having calmed down. "How did you tell her she couldn't have that amulet?"

Danny's eyes moved to the floor and his hand would have went through his hair, had Tucker not stopped it. "Well?" he asked impatiently, his hand gripping Danny's wrist. Sam was waiting, and they needed to get that ring back pronto.

"I told her it was Sam's..." he mumbled, still looking at the floor. He and Sam both agreed it wasn't worth mentioning again, especially to Tucker. He sighed and shook his head, caught between amusement and frustration. "Of course." he muttered.

Paulina's patience was running thin. She had seen the techno geek slap Fenton's head and watched on as they conversed about something she figured had to do with the object she was toying with around her finger. Getting annoyed, not to mention bored, she walked up quietly to the boys who were still talking in quiet voices.

"Danny?" she asked, causing both to spring backwards against the wall. "Would you go back to the party with me? I want to show off the ring you gave me!" She said, squeezing his arm for added enthusiasm. After all, she needed to make this convincing.

Danny reluctantly kept his hand at his side, and tried to explain the situation, but to no avail. He simply couldn't get the words out. Not that he was back to liking Paulina or anything. She was just so...intimidating that evening. There was something ominous about her behavior tonight, but he tried to ignore it. I need to get that ring! Focus on the ring! Think about Sam! That helped him a great deal.

Courage mounting, Danny took a step backwards, and cleared his throat. "Paulina, I'd love to, but-" But I'm in love with Sam! His mind shouted as she dragged him hurriedly to the main room before he could say anymore. Wait, what? Did I seriously just think that?

A large group of people came up to greet the most popular girl in school, as she flaunted the ring that Danny 'had generously given her', while his brain demanded some immediate thinking time. The lights flashed around him, music blared, and the voices of the crowd only helped in breaking his concentration. I need to leave. I need to find Sam and leave!

An image of her intended ring came to mind and he had to suppress a groan. How was he supposed to get it back from Paulina, especially when she was making it her goal to show it to anyone who passed by? Suddenly an idea like lightning struck him.

If he could somehow make contact with her hand or arm, maybe he could make them intangible long enough for the ring escape her finger. He looked off into the distance and saw Tucker whip Sam around when she made to go over to him. Silently thanking Tucker, he reminded himself to get him the latest computer software next Christmas.

Casting his eyes downward, he hesitantly reached for Paulina's hand. She caught the movement, and smiling smugly, closed off the distance, four of her fingers wrapping around Danny's paler ones, thumb slipping into his palm. Danny cheered in his head for the small victory, but the job wasn't over yet. He still needed to get the ring.

Just as his hand was about to go intangible, a sudden movement farther up ahead stole away his attention. It was a very upset looking Sam. Is she...Is she crying? He thought, horrified. His first instinct was to go after her. Danny's hand tried to loosen in Paulina's grip, but she held on tighter. Not ready to give up, he tried a little harder, but he couldn't seem to break free from her grasp.

Just when he made up his mind to go after Sam, ring or not, he saw Tucker look over at him, and a chorus of angels sounded off in his head. Thinking fast, he made quick movements with his head in Sam's direction. The chorus increased in volume when he saw the red beret bobbing through the crowd and up the stairs. Now, to get the ring back from Paulina...

Sam refused to come out of her room no matter how many times Tucker asked. So much for a happy birthday! I knew this thing wasn't going to end well! She was the one who was supposed to be downstairs slow dancing with him, not crying in her room while Paulina did! One warm tear dripped down the side of her face, followed by a second, and a third. They kept coming until she found herself crying once again. Tucker made another attempt to talk her out of her misery.

"Sam, if your not going to come out, can I at least come in?" he begged. He felt so useless standing out there, while she cried behind her door, and he was sure Danny felt at least ten times worse being stuck downstairs with Paulina. She sniffled in response. Taking this as a yes, he twisted the knob, and entered her room.

The sight of Sam spread across her bed with her face buried in her pillow greeted him. Darker circles were splattered across the crimson pillow case where her tears had fallen. Her perfectly managed hair was in disarray and the dress her mother had allowed her to wear wrinkled around her body, but she could have cared less. Why should I care, when Danny's out there dancing with Paulina, his flawless goddess

Tucker came around and sat beside her, unsure of what to do. Do I tell her to calm down first, or should I just blurt out what happened? But even if he explained, would she believe the truth? Well, I have to try, he thought determinedly.

"Sam? Can I tell you something?" he asked, making sure she was up for it. Lacking experience with emotional girls, he figured he'd better take it slow. Sam lifted her head slowly, revealing a tear stained face with slightly swollen eyes. She nodded, her lavender orbs glued to his face, waiting for him to speak.

"Well," he started, scratching his head in thought through his beret, "it's like this: Danny's not really with Paulina, he's-" But Sam interrupted, a raging fire burning in her eyes.

"Don't try to cover up for him Tucker! Its pretty obvious he hasn't gotten over his precious Paulina!" she spat out angrily. A sad bitterness slid in her angry tone, and it urged him to go on.

"No, seriously! Paulina cornered him on his way back, and kind of wouldn't let go of him." Tucker insisted, hoping against hope Danny had made progress in obtaining the ring.

Sam shook her head in disbelief. "Why doesn't he just tell her off then? Or am I am not even worth the effort?" she asked hotly, blinking back fresh tears. She tried to get up to leave, but Tucker held her down by placing a strong hand on her shoulder. She glared up at him, one tear fighting its way down her cheek.

Believe me, he's definitely putting in the effort, Tucker thought pityingly. If only he could tell her that. Then maybe Sam wouldn't be so hard on Danny, and herself.

"Sam, you know thats not true. Its just not Danny's style to tell someone off, especially a girl." Tucker reminded her. "Unless its Jazz." he added as an afterthought, hoping to bring about a smile.

He succeeded. A small smile tugged at her lips, growing in size until she was almost grinning. That much was true. "So, he's really having a horrible time with Paulina?" she asked softly, trying not to get her hopes up too high. Tucker nodded, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Oh my gosh." Sam moaned, head in her hands. "I'm such an idiot!" she exclaimed. She felt like such a fool for running out of her own party, crying like that. "Am I lame, or what?"

Tucker laughed, glad she was back to her old self. Seeing Sam cry like that...he suppressed a shudder. It was like watching his older sister cry. He helped her off the bed and pushed her into the bathroom so she could fix herself up for the second time that night. To make sure she wasn't going to pull some crazy stunt only Sam could, Tucker accompanied her, P.D.A. in hand.

Ten minutes later, Tucker poked his head out, and after making sure the party was still in full swing, opened it wider to allow both of them to step through. Sam gulped, slightly nervous. She wasn't one to care what people thought of her, but she had never cried in front of anyone before since she was seven years old, at the most.

Well, I'm human too. Its not like I'm not allowed to cry once in a while, she thought trying to diminish her apprehension. And it worked rather well too. Some whispering followed as she walked through the crowded room with Tucker, but Sam refused to give in to her nerves. She just kept her eyes forward, searching for Danny.

"Okay, Sam. He should have left Paulina by now, so if you see her..." Tucker was in the middle of saying before an unwelcome sight came into view. "Aw, man!" Tucker murmured, looking over at Sam, hoping she would be able to keep it together. Her lilac eyes widened in shock, but they quickly took on a bored stare. To someone walking by, they would probably think the couple before them meant nothing to her.

Danny was dancing with Paulina, beaming as if he was having the time of his life. Returning his smile, Paulina continued dancing, satisfied that she had finally reached her goal. She was his main focus once more. Shifting her gaze to her left, she looked for an excuse to step away when she saw Sam, fully recovered, and staring at them as if she couldn't care less. You can have him, her expression seemed to say. Outraged, Paulina glanced over to her right, and nodded her head at Star who rushed over to the D.J.

The fast beat everyone had been enjoying slowed to a more relaxing song, and people moved closer to their respective partners. Paulina looked back at Sam, sure she would run out once more when she saw her hand being held in Danny's while his vacant one rested on her waist. Looking over at her, her superior expression changed to one of disbelief when Sam merely shrugged and walked away.

A cold chill slithered down her arm and she looked over at her hand. For a second, it felt like it wasn't there at all, butPaulina brushed the thought aside. Now isn't the time! If she was going to upset Sam more, she needed to think of something that would leave more of an impact.

Danny sighed in relief when the slow song started. It was the first one he had shared with Paulina since they had begun dancing, so he was finally able to make another attempt at retrieving the ring.

His heart nearly stopped when he saw Sam, but other than the first look in her eyes, she seemed fine. Maybe he had pretended to be enjoying himself a little too well. Oh well. Once I get the ring back, I'm ditching Paulina as soon as I can to go find Sam! A forbidding feeling had settled in his stomach when he saw her disappear into the crowd. He didn't like where this was going.

Don't think about it! This is your chance to get the ring for her! Breathing deep, Danny let the power flow from his hand and travel to Paulina's. For a split second, the ring hung in the air with no support what so ever. Then, as it began to descend, he allowed both hands to become solid, and was able to catch the piece of jewelry in small of his now sweating hand. He was so relieved and excited, he almost shouted in delight. I've gotten the ring back!

Fine! If thats who he wants to be with, who am I to stop him? Sam didn't let any emotion show through after she had gotten over her initial shock. She left shortly after, and warned Tucker not to follow her. She needed to be alone, or as alone anyone could be at a party of this size.

Why do I feel like he cheated on me? Its not like we actually made it to girlfriend and boyfriend, she thought, regret gnawing at her insides. Well, she knew what she was going to do. If Danny had the freedom to dance with whom ever he pleased, then she certainly had that same privilege.

Almost as if he had read her thoughts, Dash popped up to bother her for another dance request. "C'mon Sam! Fenton's not gonna dance with you now that he's with Paulina! So, will you dance with me now?" he pleaded. Rather than smacking him for the comment like her heart desired, she smiled sweetly and accepted. "Why, yes Dash, I'd love to."

The blonde did a double take. Did she really say yes? He shook the question from his head and smirked. Who cares? No one can resist the Baxter charms! All that mattered was he was dancing with the amazingly rich hostess of the party. Eyes widened all around the room as the jock lead the Goth onto the dance floor. This party had certainly taken a interesting turn of events for the spectators.

The slow song Star had been ordered to request was still playing. Sam held back a grimace as Dash placed one his large hands on her shoulder, while the other held her much smaller hand. It hardly fit as well as it had when she was dancing with Danny, but she pushed the thought to the back of her head. Don't dwell on those things!

Subtly, she managed to steer their course ever closer to where Danny and Paulina were located. Sam kept her eyes on Danny, taking in several deep breaths to prepare herself for his reaction. She couldn't help but fret a little. What if his eyes start glowing like they did before? With that fearful thought in mind, Sam watched Danny like a hawk for signs that he had recognized her.

At first, he couldn't quite see her behind the larger frame of the football player. Vaguely, he recognized the skirt of Dash's dance partner, but he was quite sure it wasn't Sam. After all, why would she be dancing with him? Slowly they turned around, and Danny's eyes flashed as they attached to the back of her head. What the heck does she think she's doing, dancing with that- that-that...He stuttered even in thought. Was she planning something? Did she even know she was dancing with his tormentor?

Anger flooded his entire body, and he closed his eyes tightly, afraid they might start glowing bright green. Calming down slightly, he reopened them slowly, as the song started winding down. He looked over at his dance partner, still thankful she hadn't noticed the ring's absence. Her blue-green eyes were narrowed in fury, and she seemed to be fighting a scowl. Danny raised an eyebrow. What's she so angry about?

Paulina was absolutely furious. Sam Manson was actually trying to show her up by dancing with Dash Baxter! Does she really think she can get away with this? The thought echoed throughput her head several times before another entered her head. It had been her last resort, but if she must...

Paulina leaned in closer as the last note of the song hung in the air, and quickly pressed her lips to Danny's, keeping one eye open to see Sam's reaction. Surprised, Danny pulled away hastily. He wasn't about to go through this again if he could help it. Unfortunately, he wasn't hasty enough for Sam, who didn't see him pull away.

"Look, Paulina, I-" But his voice wouldn't work after that. For the second time in his life, he had to witness Sam Manson, his best friend, kiss Dash Baxter, the biggest bully in Casper High. Many emotions swept over him at once as he squeezed the ring in his hand so tightly, it made small impressions in his shaking palm. Fury, jealousy, heartbreak, and disbelief swam through him, filling every nook and cranny in his body. Danny closed his eyes, knowing they were radiating an intense yellow-green light.

Sam pulled back, surprised at her own impulsive actions. Make him mad! Make him regret what he did! Those two thoughts alone ran through her head when she saw Danny and Paulina connected at the lips.

Dash was right there, and it had worked once before, even if it was just a spell. But now, as she pulled away from Dash and everyone around her stared as if she had just willingly put on one of her mother's pink, floral dresses, Sam felt as if it had been a little too impulsive. Astonishment kept them frozen in place, which wasn't helping Danny at all, to see Sam remain in Dash's arms after kissing in front of everyone.

Unaware of everyone and everything around him, Danny broke free from Paulina at last and pushed through the horde of people in his rush to get over to them, blinded by rage. "Get your hands off of her!" he yelled, completely overtaken by his fury. Taking advantage of Dash's bafflement, he allowed a balled up fist swing out at his jaw. Sam watched his display of violence, still trying to let it all soak in. Is Danny...Is he fighting Dash, for me?

Dash, taken entirely off guard, stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. His small mind still didn't understand as Danny continued to clobber him but, as it was his natural instinct, he fought back anyways. Danny dodged anything that was aimed at him, and went intangible in the few cases he couldn't. All he cared about was beating up the low life who thought they could get away with so much as touching Sam. Foul, dirty, stinking, air-headed, stupid, pointless, little... Insults crashed their way into his head, but none seemed to fit the crime Dash had committed in Danny's view.

Another shocking moment having sunk in, random shouts rang out through the huge room, but no one really tried to break up the brawl. No one except Sam, that is. Using all of her strength, she tore Danny off of Dash, who let his limbs collapse by his sides as soon as the threat had been removed. Danny stood, breathing heavily, sustaining not one bruise or scratch from the scuffle.

Having let go of his anger in a less than civilized manner, his senses crawled back to him. He was going to start apologizing, but Sam grabbed his arm and yanked him through the people (who parted automatically after seeing his dark side), before he could say a word. Receiving strange looks and stares from everyone they passed by simply added to Sam's anger. "Go back to dancing!" she shouted out angrily from the doorway. Frightening even the DJ, fast music started abruptly.

Slamming the door, Sam continued down the sidewalk with Danny in tow, who was trying hard not to trip over his own feet. "Sam, where are you taking me?" he asked her in a small voice after marching down two blocks with no signs of stopping. "Wasted all your energy on that fight, huh?" she asked with a tone that dared him to reply.

"Never mind." he mumbled to himself. Maybe it would have been better to have just forgotten that ring after all...

"Sit." Sam's command was obeyed without question. Danny sat himself on the curb at the end of the fifth block from the Manson residence. Pulling her skirt around her to prevent the creation of even more wrinkles, Sam sat herself beside him. She kept her eyes glued to a mailbox on the other side of the street, waiting for an explanation.

Danny gave it to her, but not without an apology first. "Look, Sam...About beating up Dash at your party...I'm really sorry." He hung his head shamefully and continued. "Its just, seeing you dancing with him...It really did a number on me." Removing her gaze from the mail box, she looked over at Danny, who looked up at her. His eyes held a guilty sorrow and deep regret, and his mouth formed a hopeless frown. Her own guilt welled up inside of her for playing a part in its creation.

"And then, seeing you kiss him, for the second time in my life, I just got so angry, I had to do something. I mean, he's not...uh, I'm not...your too...that is..." Unable to word what he was thinking, Danny groaned in frustration. Sam instantly softened from his explanation, incomplete or not. Placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, she scooted herself along the edge of the walk to get a little closer to him. "What is it, Danny? What are you trying to say?" she prodded as gentle as her touch, and he visibly relaxed.

"I couldn't stand seeing you dance with him, but seeing you kiss him made me seriously lose it. I...I don't want any guy dancing with you, or kissingyou. It just doesn't...feel right." By this time, a wonderful blush rose to his cheeks, and Sam seemed to have caught it, for one graced her own as well.

"Well," she replied, bringing up some of her previous anger, a difficult task after hearing that, but she managed. "Seeing you holding hands with Paulina didn't make me feel so hot either. Not to mention the fact that you spent a good amount of time dancing with her, then kissed her, after I cried my eyes out upstairs in my room!" Her hand moved away like lightening from Danny's shoulder to cover her mouth, praying he didn't hear her confession. Sam wasn't sure if he had seen her tears or not, but did not want to admit out loud that she had been crying over him and Paulina.

Danny's head whipped around to study her. The action of hiding her mouth behind her hand let him know it was something she didn't want him to hear, but at that moment it didn't matter. " really were crying?" he uttered, voice cracking along the way. "I thought you might have, but I didn't believe it. The last time I saw you cry was in first grade!" Guilt had long since stored itself in his heart ever since he saw Sam run out during the party, but it resurfaced greatly when hearing Sam had holed herself up in her room to cry over his ruse. And it was my fault, he berated himself mentally.

"Look, Danny...It's not that big a deal. So I cried? I'll cry if I want to, party or not." Seriously, that is so sixties, she thought again. She wanted to say more, but words didn't come out as easily as they had earlier. Great Danny, your rubbing off on me! She took a deep breath and cleared her head some before resuming her own explanation.

"During these past two days, and even before that, it just seemed like you if I was, er, we could..." She sighed, unable to clear her head for this one. Just say it! What have you got to lose, now? Conceding with that point, she stopped stuttering. Danny waited nervously for her to finish. "It seemed that you actually...liked me." Her voice lowered several notches but Danny heard her. And hearing it with his own ears set him on such a natural high, he began floating at least a foot in the air with the happiest look on his face Sam had ever seen.

She looked up at him, confused, but pulled him down beside her, in case someone happened to be peering through their windows during the later hours. "Sorry about that," he said with a blush on his face and a hand in his hair. "I was eight or nine inches when I was in the bathroom."

Sam had to hide a smile. "Is that why you took so long?" She didn't mean to sound accusing, but it found a way in her playful tone. Danny heard it, and apologized again. "Sam, I am so sorry about that. I ran into Paulina, literally, when I got out, and she kept holding on to me, not to mention kissed me, and..." Danny wanted so badly to kick himself for letting that slip one out. Sam shut her hanging mouth and stiffly urged him to keep talking. Danny gave her a small smile.

"She kissed me, but only because...well, I guess now is as good as time as any." he said with a sigh. He heaved his body off the ground, pulling Sam up with him. Her eyes watched on as he fiddled with something in his pocket. Pulling out nothing she could see, save his fist, her eyes moved to his other hand, which wrapped itself around hers.

Danny's mind and heart were racing, but he plowed through the nervousness that was eating away at him. "Sam, do you remember that ring I asked you to keep for me?" He chuckled slightly when she nodded slowly, not believing where this was going. "Well, I, uh, I'd like for you to- here!" Nearly giving into the the anxiety that plagued his mind, Danny opened his fist to finger the ring a bit. He looked at her tentatively, and placed the ring in her hand, angling it so her name shined in the street light above their heads. Deep breath, deep breath, he mentally calmed himself.

"Well, what I mean to say, is that, if you want, you can, ya know..." Danny's sentence became more jumbled with every word until finally told her. "You can keep the ring, Sam, as yours, if its all right with you. Its got your name engraved and everything. 'Cause, the thing is, my feelings have...altered...a bit." He smiled meekly, begging her with his mind to allow him to stop.

Sam's eyes took on amazement when she felt the ring drop into her hand. Of course, she was well aware of what the surprise inside was, but couldn't help think it sweet of Danny to point it out to her. Her ears perked up when he continued talking, babbling once more before the mini miracle had taken place. She knew he desperately wanted to stop, but she wasn't going to let him rest until he actually admitted the reason out loud, for her to hear herself.

"Do I really have to say it?" Danny asked, suddenly, knocking her train of thoughts right off their track. "Do you really want me to accept?" she challenged, raising an eyebrow, holding back a smirk. Danny needed to smile at that. That was his Sam. Almost there, just tell her already!

"I-I-I love you Sam! I know its taken a really, really long time, and I know that I don't deserve you to like me back or anything after tonight, but I really, really, really wanted you to know that!" Danny's face was blushing so deep, it was nearly rose red. Sam's own blush was closer to cherries.

"Danny," she spoke up quietly, interrupting the silence that inserted itself in between them, setting both on the edge the longer it lasted. Danny, who had been chewing his thumbs nail with much enthusiasm while he waited for her response, looked up at her, attempting to sound composed.

"Yea?" he squeaked out when she pulled him closer, her own mind doing rounds. Her arms slipped around his torso as she hugged him tightly. Laughing lightly, she muttered in his ear, "Finally realized it, have you?" Blushing furiously, Danny tried to reply, but was cut off when Sam placed her lips on his in a soft kiss, which he returned, gratefully.

Despite the distance Sam put between themselves and her house, music from the party slowly made its way to their ears, as the noise level diminished with the hours becoming more fit for sleeping. Sam pulled away from Danny at the unexpected noise and checked her watch. Danny merely stood in confusion, wondering why the kiss he had been enjoying so much had been brought to such an abrupt end.

"Thats music from the party. Its almost eleven, so it should be ending soon." She glanced back at Danny, curious at the sudden silence. "Don't give me that look! We should be heading back anyways, in case my parents noticed we've left." She was going to start walking back when a hand reached out for hers. Startled, Sam turned to see Danny looking back at her, a happy smile playing across his features. "What?" she asked, her turn to be out of the loop.

"First of all, you never put on your ring." he stated simply, still smiling. Sam returned it, sly remark ready. "Well, are you going to just stand there, or do I have to put it on myself? Even though, as a girl, I'm perfectly capable of doing so myself." Danny, laughing, took the golden ring that had caused him so much trouble that night, and slid it smoothly around one of her delicate fingers. "Well, whadda'ya know, perfect fit! So, whats second?" Sam asked, still grinning, though addled as to what else he could have in store for her. Danny picked up on that right away, amusement rising.

"I was wondering if we could have one more dance before the party ended." He told her shyly, indicating to the music that was coming from the house. Both of their cheeks grew rosy, but it went unnoticed, for the most part. Their eyes were locked on each other and remained like that, even when Sam's head moved up and down in a silent yes. Eye contact was finally broken when Sam found herself pulled into Danny, his hands on her waist, while her arms snaked their way around his neck. "Last slow song for the evening." Danny muttered in her ear, not sure whether to be happy or sad at the statement.

Let's go with happy, he concluded, taking in every moment. Sam's dark hair shined wonderfully in the lighting as it fell across onto Danny's shoulder, where her head was resting as it had during their first dance. Not completely aware of he was doing, he let one hand move up from her waist to her head, wading in her silky strands of black hair. Sam almost moved away in surprise, but she felt so warm, dancing in Danny's arms, only a life or death scenario could get her to move.

She still couldn't believe how well the whole birthday party actually turned out, give or take a few misunderstandings. What mattered most to her was the fact that she was dancing in Danny's arms, outside and away from everyone, as something more than a friend. Finally, finally, finally as his girlfriend! Butterflies fluttered all around her insides, but she remained placid enough to continue dancing. In fact, she had composed herself so well, she didn't even notice that they had stopped moving a few minutes later.

"Sam, the song's over." Danny whispered in her ear, pulling her out of her reverie. She looked up at him with a pleasant smile. "Shall we head back then?" Easing out of his secure embrace, she walked a few steps ahead of him. Turning back, she held out her hand for him to hold, which he accepted with a grin.

Sam involuntarily shivered, the chill of the night eventually reaching her now that she was no longer in Danny's arms. Danny felt the slight tremor through her arm and peered curiously at her arms. Small goosebumps sprang up along them, visible only where the holes in her sleeves were. Letting go of her hand, he pulled off his navy jacket and placed it around her shoulders. "Geez, Sam. If you were cold, you should've said something." he chided her good-naturedly.

Sam turned away to hide her tinted cheeks from him as she slipped her arms into his jacket. "I wasn't cold 'til I left your arms..." she muttered, somewhat abashed. I suppose I should consider myself lucky Tucker didn't hear that. She knew he would have held it over her head for an eternity.

Danny couldn't see Sam's face, for she had directed her head to her right, but he was sure she was blushing. His own cheeks warmed up a bit from her words and a sudden urge to hold her in his arms again rushed through him, just like it had back in her room. He stretched out his right arm and slung it around her shoulders, pulling her in closer.

Startled, she looked up at him, one eyebrow cocked higher than the other. "Just in case that jacket isn't warm enough for you." he told her with a genuine, heart melting smile, which only deepened her blush. "Thanks." she said, her voice sounding almost breathless. Her eyes studied the sidewalk as they walked on, and she silently wished she had brought them farther from the house, so she could stay in his arms longer. Though I might not have gotten that last dance if the music didn't reach all the way out here, she reasoned with herself.

"So, how do you think everyone's doing back at the party?" Danny asked her, dreading what Dash would do to him when he returned. The football player must have realized what had happened by then, or at least had someone tell him. "I dunno, I haven't really thought about it." she responded, suddenly curious. Do mom and dad even know about the fight Danny had with Dash? Do they even know we've left? The more she ponderedher questions, the more she didn't want to return.

"Do you think Paulina's upset?" Sam inquired, not fond of theheavy silence as they each contemplated what would happen when they walked through the door. She didn't feel up to dealing with her overly dramatic peer.

Danny smiled at her sympathetically. He also had his fill of Paulina and her selfish antics for one night. His mind sifted through all of the awful things Sam had to go through during her own birthday party. Crying alone in your room isn't something anyone should do on their birthday.That thought created a good deal of angeragainst Paulina, something he never thought possible. How could she possiblybe happy about Sam crying?

Danny stopped Sam from moving any further by pulling her into a tight hug. A little surprised, she returned the embrace. She had a nagging suspicion it had something to do with her revealing she had cried that night, but she didn't say anything. The only thing she wanted to do was enjoy the hug while it lasted.

"I think," Danny spoke up, "that it's her turn to do the crying." He lightly kissed the top of her head before letting go, hoping he wasn't blushing again. Sam gazed at him, her lips curving into a wry smile. "Danny, you know thats, like,a sixties song, right?"