A/N: Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't written in a while, well not just a while, 6 months, I just lost the will to write because I had run out of good ideas, I'm not too sure if anyone really reads my stories any more but here is chapter 19.

Allison was very startled by the outburst of Sara Mcfinnigan but she can't say she never saw it coming, she also knew that her and House may be in Vegas longer than they expected as Sara is pending trial and House and Cameron are key witnesses in putting her away for the rest of her life.

House and Cameron were just about to leave when they were approached by Catherine Willows.

"We have a trial date for Sara, it's on Wednesday of next week, can you two both come in on Tuesday next week so we can get your statements straight or else we are going to look like fools in court," Catherine said.

"Ok, sure, we will call before we come because we have wedding plans," Cameron said.

"Oh congratulations," Catherine said, "when's the big day?"

"Not this Sunday but the Sunday after," Cameron said, "the least we can do is invite you for everything you have done in saving our lives and everything, so we will send you an invitation," Cameron said as they began to leave.

"Thanks," Catherine called after them.

House and Cameron were finally happy that Sara Mcfinnigan was brought to justice but Cameron wasn't completely satisfied she didn't think that just jail was enough she wanted her to be sentenced to death, even though she didn't really believe that anyone deserved to die but this was different. Not only had Sara kidnapped her and House and almost killed them but she had killed her sister for sticking up for her so in Cameron's mind right now if anyone deserved it, it was Sara.

"Are you ready to go shopping Allison?" Cameron heard House say, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Sure Greg, let's go shopping," Cameron answered.

Cameron and House were driving on their way to the shopping mall, "What's going on Allison?" House asked her as if he could see right through her.

"Nothing," Cameron quickly lied knowing it was quite useless.

"Don't lie to me, I know when you are lying remember, I see right through you. What's going on?" House asked again repeating his last question.

"I just keep thinking about what would happen if Sara was released on bail or if she got out, I swear that if it happens like that then I am gonna personally take care of her myself," Cameron answered.

"Don't think like that Allison, she is not going to be released on bail, she killed a person and she kidnapped us," House started, "There is no way that it will happen like that."

"What if her lawyer pleads guilty by means of temporary insanity, she is under going a psych test sometime before the trial," Cameron said as she got out of the car and started towards the shopping mall.

"Well then she will be locked in a facility, she still won't be able to harm you," House said, close behind her.

Cameron didn't have a response to that so most of their shopping was done in silence. They had to organise a lot of things before their big day. They needed to choose an invitation style, House needed to go shopping for a new tux and Cameron needed to get herself a dress, which of course House coukldn't see so when she went dress shopping, House went to get a tux.

As Cameron walked into the dress shop she decided she wanted a baby blue wedding dress, but she saw a really nice pink one, this decision was gonna be harder for her than she ever expected so she decided to try them both on.

Once in the changing room she slipped off her clothes and put the baby blue one on, It was a strapless, silky dress that came down onto the floor, with a head piece that went down to about chest size and a matching pair of blue boots. The pink one on the other hand was a halter neck dress that came down to just under the knees, it had a small crown for a head piece and matching pink high heeled shoes. It was a very hard decision for her so after about an hour in the dressing room she finally decided to go with the blue one.

Meanwhile, House wasn't having much trouble deciding on a tux to wear, because as soon as he walked into the store he saw a black suit with a white top with the most elegant black bow, and he knew it was the right one. All he had to do now was find one his size.

After their shopping they both met in the centre of the shopping mall, Cameron had her dress all wrapped up so House couldn't see it and House had his tux hanging off a coat hanger wrapped in plastic. They both set off together to the car so they could get back to the hotel and arrange more of the wedding details. But House figured that he wouldn't be doing much of the arranging, it will be all Cameron.

A/N: Please review!!!