a/n: This is a very short Akatsuki oneshot. I guess it's funny. The idea just popped into my head. I'mnot a great writer sobe nice, no flames, and if you enjoyed it, please review, I'd really appreciate it and I just might make more Naruto oneshots. It's sort of AU and majorOOC! Enjoy!
disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, JAWS,or SpongeBob.
One day in the Akatsuki hide out Itachi was lazily watching a T.V. show called 'SpongeBob'. He enjoyed sitting around all day watching it and it amused him when a yellow sponge would get injured. Of course he wouldn't watch it infront of his comrades for he would not handle the humilation of watching a children's cartoon well, so he did it when no one was around.
Well, one day while he was watching his cartoon program, an unexpected person came from behind him while the 'JAWS' theme music played dramatically in the background (I bet you know who it is know, huh?). "Hey, Itachi," Kisame happily shouted in Itachi ear. Itachi jumped in surprise and cursed at himself for almost shitting himself. 'Gosh, stupid me, I almost, like shit myself!' thought Itachi. He turned to Kisame and growled at him. "God Kisame, we do you have to talk so girly-like?" Kisame stared at Itachi.
"Uh, sorry. I didn't know you were busy watching something on T.V.-" Kisame looked up at the T.V. from behind the couch Itachi was sitting in and shuddered at what he saw,"uh, why the hell are you watching this?" asked Kisame with a curious glint in his eyes. "I um-I-I u-um, I wasn't w-watching this! I was j-just flipping through the channels!" Kisame just stared at the man with a yeah-sure-you-were look on his face. Itachi just glared at him and then broke the silence. "What are you here for anyways?"
"Oh yeah! Well, Deidara's taking a shower."
"Yeah? So?"
"Well, don't you want to finally find out what he really is?"
"No! I'm not a pervert!" Itachi siadbut then Itachi's inner chibi came and protested. 'You know you want tofind outDeidara's true gender, especially if it's a girl!" Itachi's inner chibiness yelled while pointing a cute chubby finger at him. Itachi sighed and gave in.
"Yay!" Kisame shouted as he waved pom poms in the air.
'Where the hell did he get those pom poms from!'
And so the two headed to the bathroom but stopped at the door when they heard a very high pitched voice singing in the shower.
"I'm a barbie girl, In a barbie wooooorrrrld! Life in plastic! It's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywheeereee! Imagination, life is your creeeeaaatioon!...ect."
"OMG! It's voice is beautiful!" Kisame shouted in chibi form. Itachi sighed in frustration. "Are we going in or not?"
"Oh yeah, right."
The two went inside the pink bathroom and saw a blurry figure through glass doors in the shower. Itachi opened the door sightly and peeked but saw nothing so opened it farther. Kisame, wanting to see too, went over to Itachi and knocked a brush over. Deidara, wanting to know what the noise was, looked outside the shower and saw a staring Itachi and Kisame.
Standing before them was a wet Deidara with a shower cap and a pink, fluffy towel covering and hiding any physical body features. The looks on Itachi and Kisame's faces were priceless: O.o Deidara gave out a mannly/girly shriek,"AAAAAAAHHHH!" Itachi winced at the loud sound. "What the fuck are you doing here! Get out you fucking pervs!" screamed Deidara with a quite a scary face on. Deidarathrew a rubber ducky at them as they ran away in fear. From that day on Itachi and Kisame were never the same and Deidara always took showers with a locked door.
Wow, that was...interesting now wasn't it folks? Well, if you enjoyed please review, I'd really appreciate it, thanx! .
Hyuga Hina