HA HA! FINALLY! This is my sequel to Countdown! Yes, it's finally out! I hope you're as happy as I am. It took me a while to write it. I think it kinda goes a little fast in the beginning, but it's the only way I could start it to get it to where I want it to go. I'm going to be going to myrtle beach, south carolina so you will have this chapter and chapter 2 before this week is over. but I leave Saturday and won't be back till the 22nd. So I'll keep writing so I'll have like 4 chapters for you when I come back, kk? I hope you love this FF as much as you loved my other one. And anyone who is reading Flashback, I'm suffering from writer's block but I'm going to post it as fast as I can. Sorry about all that rambaling. Without further ado...

Disclaimer: I do not own Instant Star or the song Beautiful Life by Lindsay Lohan

Chapter 1: Jail Break

God won't talk to me

I guess she's pretty busy lately

I like to believe

She's listening

I'm starting to feel

All of my bruises imagined are real

And I'll get through each day

I'll past the bad ones

To get to the good ones

Who's keeping score anyway?

And this is my

Beautiful life

The only thing sudden is everything changes

The lows and the highs

And all those goodbyes

As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing

To be alive

It's a beautiful life

I talk in my sleep

That's the one place I know no one can hear me

And I tell myself things

Don't walk in the shadows

There's always tomorrow and I'm right where I wanna be

And this is my

Beautiful life

The only thing sudden is everything changes

The lows and the highs

And all those goodbyes

As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing

To be alive

It's a beautiful life

Oh, it hurts while it's happening

I wanna feel everything

How can you know 'til you try?

And this is my

Beautiful life


My beautiful life

The only thing sudden is everything changes

The lows and the highs

And all those goodbyes

As hard as it gets I know it's still amazing

To be alive

It's a beautiful life

It's a beautiful life

It's a beautiful…life

After I finish my song Tommy calls my name through the intercom and tells me to come in the soundboard room. I take off my headphones and quickly meet him there.

Jude: So, what do you think?

Tommy: Well, I have to say, it's awesome. But then again, all of your songs are.

Jude: Aww, thank you.

I lean down and kiss him. Tommy and I have been married for 7 wonderful years. I'm 28 now and have a beautiful daughter named Anastasia (Asia for short) who is 5. I was in a nuthouse for 8 months because I started hearing voices. I was in there for 8 months with them doing treatments on me. But Tommy came and visited me everyday when I was in there. He would tell me what has been up at G-Major, and how much he missed me. Then once I got out he gave me a welcome home present. It was a 14-karrot gold ring with a single diamond on it that was shaped like a heart. I cried so much. 3 months later, we got married.

Now, back to the present. I don't do much singing anymore. I love to sing and everything but right now we're working on my last song for a while. It's not going to be made into an album; it's just something that Darius wanted out to make some money…of course. Once I was done singing Beautiful Life I found Asia sitting on the couch talking to Mason. I smiled and sat beside them.

Jude: Hey guys.

Mason: Hey.

Asia: Hi mommy. Mason was showing my how to play guitar.

Jude: Was he now?

Mason: I was bored and she seemed to like it. I just showed her a few chords.

Jude: Mason, she's 5. Don't you think that's a little to young? I mean I didn't start playing until I was 8.

Mason: I started at 6.

Jude: Then maybe we should wait a year.

Mason: Whatever. So, how's life? Are you ok?

I looked at him weird. He seemed extremely concerned, like something was wrong.

Jude: Uh, yea, why wouldn't I be?

Right when Mason was about to speak Tommy came out of the studio.

Asia: Daddy!

Asia ran up to him and Tommy picked her up and rested her on the side of his hip.

Tommy: Hey there munchkin! How's my little princess doing?

Asia: I'm doing good. I got an A on my drawing today.

Tommy: You did?

Asia: Yep.

Tommy: I'm so proud of you. Good job.

Tommy kissed her on the cheek and I smiled. Asia and Tommy were really close and Tommy would do anything for her. Just like he would do anything for me. I walked up to them and kissed Tommy on lips. Asia closed her eyes and we laughed. Tommy put her down and she held my hand as we walked to the alley to go to the parking lot.

Once we got home I couldn't shake the feeling something awful was about to happen. Ever since the talk with Mason it got me worried. Nothing can go bad now, not after 7 years of happiness. Right? I'm guessing Tommy can see how upset I am because I felt his hand touch my shoulder and he spun me around.

Tommy: Hey, what's wrong?

Jude: Nothing.

Tommy: Jude, baby, I've known you for 14 years, and you still think I don't know you?

Jude: Has it really been that long?

Tommy: Jude…

Jude: Okay. I was talking to Mason earlier and he asked me if I was okay. Now, the way he said it was weird. Like something happened or whatever and I should be worried. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining it.

Tommy: Yea, I'm sure everything's ok.

Asia: Daddy!

Tommy and I laughed and turned to our precious daughter. She was watching the news and saw a picture on the news of Tommy and me.

Asia: Look, it's you and Mommy.

We both got a bewildered face on and sat beside her. Asia climbed on my lap as we watched and listened to the announcer.

Announcer: It has just been reported that Adam Branch has broken out of jail and looking for revenge. Some of his cell mates said that Branch was planning on getting Canada's own Jude Harrison back. If you all remember Jude and Adam were engaged about 8-9 years ago and he went to jail for attempted murder.

I just sat there eyes widened and tears falling from my eyes. Tommy was as in much shock as me. He grabbed my hand as we listened to the women on the news.

Announcer: The police are not certain about his whereabouts but are starting in Toronto where G-Major is, and then in Carson Hill where Jude Harrison use to live. We will give you a report as soon as we hear something.

Jude: Oh, my god.

Asia turned around to look at me.

Asia: Mommy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Mommy: It's nothing sweetheart. Mommy's just sad because she's really tired. In fact, I'm going to go bed right now. So hang out with Daddy and he'll fix you your dinner. You don't mind do you honey?

Tommy: Of course not. We'll talk later.

I nodded and wiped my tears and walked upstairs. Once I reached the bedroom I went into the closet. I had a box that not even Tommy knew about. I opened it and there were a bunch of notes. I threw the notes and letters on the ground and the only thing that was left was a knife. A sharp knife that I thought I would never use again. I looked at it for a while, as the light of the bedroom reflected of it. My hand was reaching for it and stopped for a split second. I grabbed it and placed it against my skin.

I was so close. There it was, against my skin. All I had to do was slide it across my wrist and all of my fears would be gone. I was still. I kept looking and thinking if it was the right thing to do. There was no sure thing the Adam would find me. I don't live in Carson Hill anymore. I live in Toronto now, and Toronto is no small suburb. It would take forever to find me and we're not listed in the phone books. Also with the police after him Adam can't go too far. I shook my head and just held the knife in my head thinking about how stupid I was being. But I guess my bad luck is coming back. Because I heard the door open, and when I looked up fear washed over me.

Asia: Mommy?

Well? How was it? Again, I know it's a little fast but just have trust in me. Chapter 2 is up next. I'll post it tomorrow or Friday. NOW REVIEW PLEASE!