A/N: Well, I can call it writer's block, which would be half true, or I could say I was really busy, which is also true, but the truth is, I had no idea where to take the story next and could never get into the "writing" frame of mind. I must have sat down at least 5 times, ready to write this chapter. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!

Taylor rested her chin on her hand. "But I still don't understand why you two broke up with us in the first place," she said. "And, using the exact same speech," she added, smiling slightly.

Chad sighed. "Taylor, you have to know that Troy and I had been planning college since the sixth grade. We knew that we were going to Duke to play ball, and of course we both planned to have girls all over us. It was what we'd always wanted, flings, I guess. We thought it was our dream."

Taylor crossed her arms. "So what are you doing here? Surely there were girls all over you two."

Chad nodded. "But it turned out our master plan was no good in the end."

Taylor looked Chad straight in the eye. "Why?"

Chad looked down. "Because we'd fallen in love."


"Seriously, Troy," Gabriella said. "Leave me alone. I can't take having you around!"

Troy shook his head. "Why?"

Gabriella was silent, then finally whispered, "Because I might forgive you."

Troy put his hands on her shoulders and faced her towards him. "Why is that bad?"

Gabriella shook his hands off and exploded. "Because you broke my heart! You promised! You promised that you'd never forget me! You promised you'd never leave me! And what did you do? You left me! With just some lame explanation that was probably just an excuse to go screw half the girls at Duke! Sorry Troy, but I find that just slightly hard to get over!"

Troy looked wounded. "Is that really what you think? Gabriella, I thought you knew me!"

Gabriella nodded. "Yeah, so did I."


"You know what I still can't figure out?" Taylor said. "Why I'm not screaming at you or running away."

Chad shrugged. "You know, I was prepared for anything. I must say, you're taking this much better than I expected."

"Well, if you saw me yesterday, you wouldn't have said that," Taylor laughed. "When I saw you, I was practically paralyzed. After I got over that, I just wanted to run."

Chad nodded. "But..." he prodded.

Taylor paused. "But then I really started thinking. Finally I got to the point where I was remembering the fun times we had, and how much I loved spending time with you. Then I was just glad you were back. Which was actually absurd, as I didn't even know if you'd seen me." She laughed. "Before I knew about this elaborate scheme to find us."

Chad smiled. "Taylor McKessie, you never cease to amaze me." He paused. "I wonder if Gabriella is as calm with Troy as you are with me."

Taylor shook her head. "Don't count on it. She was up practically all night, and I know she was looking at all her old stuff that reminds her of Troy. She took her breakup so much harder than I did. I mean, it wasn't easy for me, but it crushed her. She hasn't been herself really, since the day we graduated from high school."

Chad looked confused. "I know she and Troy were like, the It Couple that was supposed to never break up, but why is it still affecting her now, when they broke up four years or so ago?"

Taylor hesitated. "Gabriella really, really believed in fate for a while. And how could she not, I guess, after she and Troy did what they did, meeting back up after that vacation, and making the musical and everything. I think she thought Troy was her fate. When he broke up with her, it was like she couldn't believe in anything anymore." She trailed off.

Chad finished her thought for her. "Least of all herself."

Taylor nodded. "And she dated a little, but I would meet her latest guy and see her looking them up and down, sizing them up. Of course no one ever measured up."

"And what about you?" Chad asked.

Taylor grinned. "Well, there is this one guy named Travis..." she said.


"You really did all that just to find me?" Gabriella asked.

Troy nodded. "Chad and I wanted to find the people who made us happy to just...be."

"Why was that us?" Gabriella pressed.

Troy hesitated. "Remember when I met you at the ski lodge? You didn't know I was captain of the basketball team, you liked me for who I was instead of what I did. And Taylor-well, obviously Taylor didn't care that Chad played basketball. If I can recall, she hated the team."

Gabriella nodded. "Yeah, I remember."


Chad was laughing hysterically. "I can't believe a tenth grader has been hitting on you!"

"It's not funny!" Taylor said, though she was laughing too. "Seriously, he never leaves me alone!"

Chad stretched. "Well you know, if you need him taken care of, I'm your man."

"Taken care of?" Taylor laughed again. "You make it sound like you're going to throw him off a cliff or something."

Chad grinned. "Hey, don't question my techniques, it gets the job done."

Taylor raised her eyebrows. "Should we go check on the other two? Make sure they're both still alive?"

Chad nodded. "That's probably a good idea," he said. "Let's go." And, offering his arm to Taylor, they walked outside to find their two friends.