-1A/N: Well, I decided to make a sequel to In Over My Head! Yay me! Ahem, anyways, should I do the song title/chapter title thing again? I thought this was a good title for the story, so I went with it. It's not from a song though. I went ahead a few years in the future (again) and now Zack and Cody are 21 and London and Maddie are 23/24. If I do name all the titles after songs, I'm just gonna include the lyrics, so you'll see the relation between the song and the chapter. Sometimes, there won't be any relation. In which case, I just liked the title and used it. Did that clear things up?

Disclaimer: I don't own the song and I don't own the characters. Only the plot.

Story Summary: Set five years after In Over My Head. Cody and London are still in love. Will life's trials and tribulations tear them apart?

Chapter Summary: The beginning of summer. The gang returns from New York. Zack and Maddie drop a bomb.


Boston. It had been his home ever since he was twelve years old. He'd been away from it for almost a year. He couldn't believe it had been that long already. Ten and a half months since last summer. Cody Martin glanced over at the brunette, fast asleep beside him. The brunette was, of course, London Tipton. Better known as the love of his life. They'd been in New York for three years altogether, but came home to Boston every summer. Cody was attending Princeton University, but could not leave London behind. They ended up going to New York together. It was basically the same story with Zack and Maddie. But, instead of Princeton, Zack was going to a community college. On a basketball scholarship. He never was the sharpest tool in the shed. Cody smiled at the thought, as he glanced across the compartment at his brother. He and Maddie were gazing out the window fixatedly at something. They were all taking the same train home. Cody glimpsed at his watch. They still had about half an hour until they arrived in Boston. He gave a momentary look to his hand, which was clasped in London's. She'd only been sleeping for ten minutes, which Cody was surprised by. She'd sat up almost all night packing for their trip. She'd become surprisingly domestic since they were younger. Instead of acting like a spoiled rich hotel owners' daughter, she acted sweet and gentle, and had become incredibly responsible. Although Cody seldom admitted it, it was mostly due to him. He'd changed her life for the better. She always knew that and always would. But Cody liked to think that she'd changed his life too. Maybe even saved it in some way. Even though he couldn't pinpoint a specific action to prove it, that was just the way he felt. He had truly found love with her and loved thinking about it. He sighed happily as the train began to slow down. It was a rest stop. He gently shook London, but nothing happened. He gently brushed his lips against her cheek, which cause her to stir. She opened her brown eyes slowly.

"We're in Boston already?" She asked with a yawn.

"Almost. We're at a rest stop," he explained. She stretched her arms over her head. Maddie and Zack had already gotten off the train. Cody took London's hand and helped her up, leading her off the train to stretch their legs.

Meanwhile At the Tipton

"The boys are coming home today!" Carey yelled happily to everyone in the lobby. This included a few guests, Arwin, Esteban and Mr. Moseby. Mr. Moseby glowered.

"Don't remind me," he told her, once she had treaded over to him. Carey chuckled. She knew deep down that he liked Zack and Cody.

"As unhappy as you are that the boys are coming home, don't forget. They're bringing London and Maddie too," she teased. At that very moment, a group of people entered the lobby with a great deal of luggage. Carey gasped, as she recognized her twins instantaneously. She pulled them both into a tight, winded hug. She then ran straight to their traveling companions and hugged them as well.

"Hey, Carey!" Maddie and London addressed her, merrily. Esteban came down to help with their luggage. Arwin came to greet the four as well. London spotted the man who had practically raised her and ran straight into his open arms.

"Welcome home, London," Moseby told her. He walked back over to the group. He glanced at the other three.

"Madeline, Zack, Cody. Hello again. Try not to destroy my hotel," he told them seriously. Carey completely ignored him, and led them up to their suite. They were partially hungry, so Carey made them all dinner. She was certainly a better cook then when Zack and Cody were twelve.

"Mom, we kind of have something to tell you," Zack began, referring to him and Maddie. Carey perked up in her seat to listen carefully. London and Cody did too, seeing as how they had yet to hear this news also.

"I'm listening," Carey replied, forking some turkey into her mouth. Maddie and Zack looked at each other uncertainly.

"We're getting married. We're engaged," Maddie blurted out. Carey's mouth fell open and her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. She began waving her hands around in the air, and hurried over to them. She shared an intense group hug with both of them and began weeping over them.

"My little baby is getting married!" She cried.

"Congratulations," London squealed, running over to add onto the extremely Kodak moment. Cody just sat there and chuckled to himself. He was lucky. That was the only way to describe it. He stared at the people who loved him and thought of himself as the most fortunate guy in the world.

A/N: Aw, how sweet. Don't worry, the drama will begin as the story progresses. Did that seem short to anyone else? Ciao!