Sorry chapter 5 was so short!

Chapter 6

After a while Trace knew what he'd done was wrong and that he'd really upset Luffy. He wished he could reverse time because now, when all was said and done, Luffy was dying too.

His bedroom antics with Zolo had got him into a really sticky situation. He, off all people, had contracted aids. He was suffering from a feve. Sanji and Ussop had found him lying in bed 2 days after Trace had killed Zolo.

His hands shook like a dog in the artic and he couldn't lie still like Chopper had told him to. Luffy thought that the emotional and physical pain he'd gone through would kill him before the aids. Chopper did a medical examination and found his glands were extremely swelled and he would die within a couple of weeks.

During this time Luffy had to appoint a new captain otherwise any one of the crew members or Trace could claim it.

Over the week his condition deteriorated and he decided to call together all the crew.

"As you all well know I'm going to die soon so I am now going to appoint the captain who takes over me," Luffy announced.

The crew all shuffled in their seats in anticipation and all did their own thing to calm their nerves.

Luffy however fell down on to his bed and began shaking madly. His condition at this moment was horrendous. Chopper quickly jumped out of his chair and grabbed a vial of potion from his pocket. He rushed over to Luffy and poured it down his throat. Luffy drank the whole 200ml without a breath and quickly stood up again after doing so.

He then began to continue, "The person to succeed me is."

Trace, Ussop, Chopper, Sanji and Nami all looked scared to death while waiting for what seemed like a year. Then Luffy opened his mouth to speak.

Just as he did he fell to the floor, but this time he wasn't shaking. Luffy was dead.