Disclaimer: I own nothing. Well, nothing related to Warriors, except the books, which belong to my sister (Wildwhisker) anyway, so...yeah...I own nothing.

Rusty: I'm a kittypet that joined the Clan.

Rusty/Firepaw: My new name is Firepaw.

StarClan: Fire will save the Clan.

Tigerclaw: I'm evil.

Ravenpaw: I know.

Tigerclaw: Grrr.

Ravenpaw: Oops.

Ravenpaw: I'm a loner now.

Tigerclaw:I've left the Clan.

Bluestar: I die.

Whitestorm: Me too.

Lots of other cats: Same here.

Fireheart/star: I'm leader. I save the Clan.

StarClan: What did we tell you?

StarClan: New prophecy here...darkness, air, water, and sky will come together and do something bad. (Ok, ok, shake the forest to its roots.) And something about fire and tiger and salt water signs and dreams and moonpools and lots of other stuff.

Five cats: We went on a long journey so you all have to leave.

Cats: Ok.

(cats leave)

Stormfur: I'm staying here with Brook.

Cats: Ok.

(cats keep going)

Lots of cats: We fall in love with a whole bunch of other cats.

Squirrelflight and Leafpool: We have terrible names.

Firestar: I die in Twilight. (Update: This is actually not true.)

Cats: Oh dear.

Graystripe: I was captured but I'm leader now.

Brambleclaw: Nuh-uh, you're still captured. I wanna be leader! Not to be ambitious or anything. Oh, by the way, I still like Squirrelflight.

Ashfur: Grrrr.

Squirrelflight: Oh come on, Ashfur, it's not like I really like you or anything. I'm just using you to make Brambleclaw jealous. It's so obvious!

Ashfur: Grrrrr!

Brambleclaw: Ha-ha Ashfur.

Ashfur: GRRRRR!

Birchkit: Can I be leader?

ThunderClan: No.

Birchkit: Why?

ThunderClan: Just no.

Hawkfrost: Hi. I'm evil.

Squirrelflight: We noticed.

Brambleclaw: You're not evil.

Hawkfrost: I am so. I'm just trying to get you to like me so I'll be able to take over your Clan.

Squirrelflight: I told you.

Brambleclaw: You're not evil.

Midnight: Brambleclaw brain thistledown also.

Brambleclaw: Hey!

Spottedleaf: Hi.

Firestar: I love you, Spottedleaf!

Sandstorm: Warning one.

Firestar: Even though you died after 231 pages, I still remember "your sweet scent".

Sandstorm: Warning two.

Firestar: When will I ever see you again, Spottedleaf?

Sandstorm: Warning three.

Firestar: Ok, ok, ok!

Spottedleaf: Don't worry, Firestar. You die in the next book, so just have patience.

Firestar: Oh, right. Haven't we been over this already?

Brambleclaw: Yes, we have. I want to be leader!

Graystripe: No, me!

Firestar: HOLD IT! I'm still leader, remember?

Brambleclaw: Oh. Right.

Graystripe: How 'bout when you die?

Firestar: Birchkit can be leader.

Graystripe/Brambleclaw: Grrr.

Birchkit: I told you!

Dustpelt/Ferncloud: You might want to re-think that, Firestar.

Firestar: Not really.

Birchkit: Yay! I rule!