A/N: I started writing this under extreme boredom hence the title. I had fun writing this and it killed the boredom!

I just want to say, before you flame me for bashing Yuugi and the gang, it fit in the fic and I have nothing (much) against them. Or Shadi. Okay maybe I have something against him. And cousins (only mine, don't worry).

Summary: (dark) Bakura/(light) Marik. AU. They met in a place where neither of them wanted to be. With their past relations with other people and other weird circumstances will they ever manage to attain even some-what normal relationship? (probably not)

Chapter one: First meetings

The day had started out just fine, you're just trying to be calm and not kill anyone, suddenly you're dragged to a place where you least of all the places want to be in. How would you feel if you had to stand people you have a general hatred towards plus some weird people who act like they have a hedgehog in their pants?

The way you'd feel would probably be close to the way Bakura was feeling right now.

You see he indeed was in that very situation.

This morning the white haired teen had been watching TV and listening with half an ear his little brother's babbling about something he and his friends were going to do later that day. That was when Bakura found out that he also was involved in the friendship-y action Ryou and his friends were planning. Let's just say that he hoped that he'd been listening with a full ear instead of a half one.

The friendship-y action contained some lousy music and way too much people jumping around. In other words they went to a concert of some band whose guitarist knew Ryou's friend's cousin's aunt's daughter's best friend. That's the way they had got free tickets and backstage passes. Yay for family/friend relations…

The music sounded like something had died inside the instruments so how come everyone else seemed to have fun? The white haired menace was here only because he had been half forced half bribed to come and "protect" Ryou and the friendship people.

Hmph! Protect yeah right! Like they needed protecting, if someone would try to threaten them they could just pull an Anzu and rant about friendship. That'll scare anyone away.

So under these disturbing circumstances, there he was, extremely bored, leaning against a wall and watching the Gang Friendship actually enjoy themselves by some miracle. There they were dancing and having the time of their lives. Seriously, how could someone possibly be deaf enough to not hear the terrible-ness of the music? Poor Ryou, he'd spend way too much time with those people and now he was corrupted! By friendship! Ugh.

You might have already gathered that Bakura was not a people person. Having lived most of his life with just his little brother around, he was anti-social to the very core. Ryou was the only person Bakura could stand and he was extremely rude to everyone else who had the guts to actually approach him. Most people were smart enough not to come near the intimidating youth, a fact that was just fine with said youth and very good for the most people's health.

But it's always good when you're not suffering alone, right? You know, the more the merrier and all that.

So while Bakura was suffering the effects of way too many people and horrible music, elsewhere someone had similar problems…


A tanned blonde boy scanned his surroundings clearly a bit lost and searching for something or someone. The horrid music was giving him a headache and he really needed either an aspiring or ear plucks, preferably both. He also felt the growing need to commit a homicide.

You see he wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for his dear family. Said family had forced him to come to this sorry excuse of a concert to torture him! Well, actually it was to "give him a reason to get out and meet new 'nice' people".

What was so wrong with the people he, Marik Ishtar, hung out with? So what if they were a bit 'original' and not really his friends but more like some sort of minions? Okay, where Marik said 'original' most "normal" people would use the word'insane'. In other words: Marik's so-called friends were bloody maniacs and, for some reason, his family wasn't all that fine with it.

So what did his sister and adopted older brother do?

They ganged up on the young Egyptian and sent him to a sorry ass concert with his retarded cousin, Shadi! Life sucked.

Anyway, there he was looking for an exit, something sharp to painfully murder the retarded cousin with and the cousin himself, who had managed to vanish in the crazy mass of obviously deaf teenagers.

While in his quest to find an exit, an aspiring and a Shadi, Marik had, do to much pushing and over-all chaos, somehow got himself near the stage. That was the last place he wanted to be in, that's for sure! He was just about to get the hell out of there when…

"Hey, pretty blond chick!"

Chick? Maybe the drunken unfamiliar male voice wasn't talking to him.

"Yo! I'm talking to you!"

Marik slowly turned his head to look at the source of the voice.

"Yes, you! Wanna party!" If the just poorly hit on Marik wasn't pissed off earlier he sure was now. How blind, stupid and drunk can you get? He was certainly not a woman and that was a terrible pick up line!

While he was adding the unknown drunk to 'Marik's mental list of people to painfully murder in the near future'-list, the drunk had already dragged him through the backstage door.

"I'm a VIP so aahumgph!" was all the not so important person had time to say before passing out on the floor near the feet of the fire-extinguisher holding, sadistically grinning Marik.

"Hmph, idiot."

He placed the fire-extinguisher back on the wall where it had been before it was used to get rid of drunken-people who-mistook-you-for-a-girl and with a quick look around discovered that no-one had witnessed the scene. The loud music and the fact that everyone was too busy having good old merry crazy time took care of any potential witnesses quite effectively. He quickly dragged the knocked out drunk to a shadowy corner where he wouldn't be found so easily.

Since he was already there and the backstage was far less crowded than other concert areas, Marik decided to have a look around. The backstage wasn't very big, it had one hallway where the stressing rooms were and some space where the VIPs could see and listen the band without being seen from front stage. The security personnel were busy elsewhere so there were almost none in the backstage at the moment. Hmph, talk about bad arrangements. Well at least the fact that Marik didn't have a pass wouldn't be a problem.

Maybe he'd find the exit, sharp object and Shadi if he got lucky.


Still stuck in the concert, Bakura was starting to really feel the effects of his current situation. He had to get out or someone would end up seriously injured, preferably that someone would be one of the band members. Hmmm… Maybe the situation wasn't so bad after all…

The evil plan to cause pain and havoc started to form inside the twisted mind of one Bakura when he spotted something, or someone, that caught his interest. How could someone wear so much golden jewellery?

Bakura's kleptomaniac nature kicked in at the sight of so much pretty, shiny gold. He always did have a strange fascination for shiny things.

His now almost predatory gaze was locked at the boy wearing the jewellery, sizing him up and trying to see a way to steal some of the gold.


It didn't take long for Marik to notice that someone was staring at him. It wasn't the usual ogling he had got used to, either. The stare was definitely a slightly menacing one that promised no good for him and he wondered if he should be worried. Was this person some kind of rapist? Why was he looking at him like that?

Marik glanced at the person staring at him, trying to decide if the person was a real threat or not. Hmm, well the guy was wearing blue jeans and a light blue shirt. What kind of rapist would dress himself almost fully in baby blue? The Egyptian mentally scratched out that option. The staring guy also had a white hair that pointed out in weird angles. The hair looked kind of sharp maybe the blue clad boy was planning to use it as a weapon. Marik snickered slightly at the thought then he couldn't help but take another look at the boy. He had to admit that the guy had an intriguing air about him; self confident, arrogant even, and mysterious.


To Bakura's amusement the gold boy had noticed him and was now stealing glances of him. It almost seemed like the guy was checking him out. Heh, fancy that. Maybe the golden guy really swung that way and thought that Bakura was looking at him and not just his jewellery. Then again maybe Bakura really had stopped staring just the shiny jewellery and started looking the boy in general. The boy did wear an outfit that most guys couldn't get away with, without looking gay at least: a purple very short shirt and low riding black pants. The kleptomaniac teen didn't fail to also notice that the other teen had blond hair, foreign looking tanned skin and eyes that matched the purple shirt. Yes, Bakura was very perspective, wasn't he?

It seemed that the person had noticed that Bakura had noticed that he had noticed Bakura noticing him (0.o?) and was now coming towards the paler boy. He stopped in front of him.

" What do you want?" questioned Bakura in his rude manner though he had a pretty good idea what it might be.

"Actually the question is: what do you want? You have been staring at me and I want to know why." Said the boy in a way that told he was used to get his way. The white haired one crossed his arms while continuing to lean against the wall then answered casually.

"I wanted to see if I could steal all that gold you're wearing. What did you think I wanted?" Bakura smirked in his trademark way and a look of surprise passed the others face. That wasn't the answer he had been expecting to get and the smirking teen knew it.


Had he just heard right? The guy wasn't after him at all, just his jewellery? First time for everything… Quickly brain, a good comeback!

"I see…" Gee, thanks… The thief wannabe just continued that annoyingly arrogant smirk of his.

Marik gathered himself and his brain finally started working.

"Hmph I'd like to see you try!" he adopted a smirk of his own when an idea hit him.

" Let's make a deal" this got at least some reaction from the other teen " I give you a shot at stealing my jewellery and you let me use your pointy hair to kill my cousin." The kleptomaniac teen raised an eyebrow at the strange suggestion.

" As if I needed you to 'give me a shot' at that!" the other answered with arrogance " And besides if you want to kill someone using hair you should ask Yuugi or the other pain of existence with pointy hair, if they could borrow theirs'."

"Is that so?" Marik's smirk got wider, this was so much fun compared to the boring time he had had earlier.

" Yeah. See those people with the boy who looks a bit like me?" asked the other pointing in the direction of his brother and the gang. Marik's eyes followed the pointing finger.

"Holy hair!" was his reaction when he spotted the out standing hairdos.


"You're right, that hair is a security hazard!" this earned a small chuckle of agreement from the other teen.


At least the guy had a sense of humor. Wow, Bakura was almost getting along with another person. The miracles never stop.

The another person spoke again.

"So, how do you know the hair people?" Was he seriously trying to have a conversation?

"They happen to be my little brothers friends." Might as well go with it, at least Bakura wasn't bored anymore.

"That kid with white hair is your brother? Figured you'd be related." Said the other casually. "I have a brother too, but he is adopted so we're not really related. Oh I also have a sister."

"Heh, I almost feel sorry for you; family is a pain."

"You think?" Bakura noticed a hint of sarcasm in the others voice, then asked:

"What did yours' do?"

"They forced me to come here with my idiot cousin. Said something about meeting new nice people." Answered the blond with a hint of bitterness and added as an after thought "I failed to do that since the only person I've met is you."

The thief just smirked at the comment. "Really now? Whatever gave me away?" The other smirked back.

"Oh I don't know" Marik pretended to think. "Maybe it was your arrogant bastard attitude and the fact that you wanted to steal my family heirlooms." He finished with playful fake thoughtfulness.

"Hey, Bakura!" called out Ryou's voice suddenly. "We are just leaving and--" He stopped and spoke to the tanned blonde. "Oh hello! Didn't see you there." Ryou said and smiled politely at Marik. "I'm Ryou, Bakura's younger brother. Who might you be?" he continued with his polite manner.

"Marik, Ishtar Marik."

"Nice to meet you, Marik! My brother wasn't bothering you, was he? He tends to pick on people especially when he's bored and--" Bakura glared at his brother which shut him up. The kid talked too much and was way too polite.

"No no, he wasn't any trouble don't worry." Told the boy, whose name also Bakura now knew, with a polite smile of his own. Yes, that's right; give Ryou all the smiles and save the arrogant smirks to Bakura. Not that it bothered him or anything…

Ryou spoke again:

"That is good!" he turned to face his brother "We were just leaving, you want to come or will you continue your flirting with Marik?" The concert was over? Wait… WHAT!

"I wasn't flirting with him! What the hell makes you think that?" roared the now pissed of teen. Ryou just kept smiling and Marik wore an arrogant expression.

"Well from where I was looking it sure seemed so." Told the innocent boy. Wait a second didn't Ryou just…

"You've been spying on us this whole time?" Needless to say Bakura was peeved, but at the same time he felt kind of proud of Ryou. The kid had spied on them with out him noticing it and then acted all innocent about it. Yes, he had thought his brother well.

"Well not really… more like observing! And I didn't hear what you said either! I just saw you talking and thought I'd see what's going to happen since you don't really converse with people much and… yeah…" ended Ryou his outburst when his brother was giving him the 'you're babbling again' –look.

The look told two things to the younger sibling: to shut up and that Bakura wasn't really angry at him, other vice he would have used his 'shut the hell up Ryou!' –look.

"The concert is over?" spoke Marik with slight surprise. "Funny how time flies when you're having fun, right Bakura?"

"I guess so, Marik."

Ryou just looked at the two with a smile on his face. It wasn't a fully innocent smile though, more like 'I know something you don't' kind of smile.

"You know, if you are interested in someone and want to know their name, asking usually works." He stated to both older boys, who just looked at him for a minute or two until they began to function again. Marik spoke first.

"I have to go look for my cousin, he must be worried and I still have to kill him." He said like it was completely normal and acceptable to kill your cousin. "Bye" was added with a polite smile, then he was off before the security would discover him, or the body of the drunken person who was previously knocked out with the fire-extinguisher.

"Bye!" called Ryou after him and waved. Bakura just gave a polite glare to his quickly retreating back and turned to Ryou.

"Where is your annoying little gang?"

"Oh they already left, I just stayed to see if you wanted to leave too." Yes! They had already left, whooo!

"Well of course I want to leave! This was worse than hell!" And here he thought that his little brother had a brain.

"And Ryou"


"Don't you ever embarrass me like that again. What was that talk about me being interested of that jewellery guy anyway?" He was really interested to know that one. That wasn't flirting, they were just trying to… annoy each other with comments and smirking!

"Wellll…" started the shorter white haired one a bit nervously. "I thought that maybe finally you found someone you liked and wanted to help you out knowing that you're not that good with people…" Figures he wanted to help him, that's Ryou for you, but there was something in that answer that didn't quite click. Bakura sure hoped that his brother wasn't going to his 'matchmaking mode' again. Last time, it only caused hospital visits and some bodies.

"Shall we go then?" the little brother asked since Bakura had spaced out.

"Huh? Oh yeah… Let's go!"

A/N: First chapter up of my first fic that is meant to have many chapters! This is only the beginning though

Your thoughts?