Kingdom Hearts III: Final Twilight
The sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Power of the Soul, a more mature KH fanfiction of mine (mostly for blood). It is the story of three teenagers who are thrust into the world of Kingdom Hearts, searching for a way home. They will encounter Disney characters, climactic battles, and eventually uncover the whole truth about Xehanort.
I do not claim to own any of the Disney characters appearing in this story, any parts of Kingdom Hearts, or any of the properties the original characters' appearances, weapons, and fighting styles are based off of. I do claim the original characters.
Original Character Intros
-keeping with Kingdom Hearts' art style, the original characters' appearances are based off of video game/manga characters.
Roy Hartmut – the "Red, Brave Spirit"
Age: 18
Eyes: Blue (Train Heartnet from Black Cat but with normal pupils)
Face: Train Heartnet w/o the 'cat' style mouth
Hair: Brown (Fourth Hokage from Naruto)
-Dante's Trench Coat (Dante, Devil May Cry 3). It is somewhat ragged, as it is the same coat he wore in his original journey.
-Black T-shirt
-Blue jeans
-Leather boots
-Black leather fingerless gloves
Weapon(s): 5 Swords
-Sephiroth's Masamune
-Kadaj's Souba
-Cloud's Buster Sword
-Ichigo's Zangetsu
-NEW! Captain Jack Sparrow's Cutlass
Roy also wields a Keyblade, though he rarely uses it.
-Dark Form: when enraged, a mark on Roy's left shoulder spreads darkness across his body, enhancing his speed, strength, and endurance. Depending on how much of his skin turns black, he becomes stronger; his eyes also turn blood red as a result of the transformation. Roy no longer uses this form; he now controls his emotions because in his Dark Form, Roy is sadistic and brutal. The darkness still lurks in his heart, though…
-True Form: Roy's 'true self,' transformed when Roy unwraps his heart from the darkness. In this form, Roy's hair turns white, and his eyes turn yellow. Roy enjoys greatly increased speed, strength, and stamina in the form, and can sustain it for an unknown amount of time. It eclipses Sora's Final Form in terms of strength, and is just below it in terms of speed.
-Blade Fusion: using the powers of darkness, Roy can fuse his blades into more powerful weapons. The Souba and Masamune combine into the Soubasune, a twin-edged Masamune. The Buster Sword and Zangetsu combine into the Dragon Blade, a broadsword with a dragon-motif handle. The Soubasune and Zangetsu combine into Roy's best weapon thus far: the awesome Phoenix Sword. This is a great sword with a phoenix motif handle and a pure Orichalon blade.
With the addition of the Cutlass, Roy may be able to make a more powerful weapon…
-Grand Cross Maneuver: Roy's ultimate move thus far; a four-pronged attack that can kill an unscathed opponent. Because of the speeds and power involved in the attack, Roy must be in his True Form and be wielding the Phoenix Sword to use it.
-Form VII – Vaapad Style: Roy's fighting style is imitated from Mace Windu's (Star Wars) signature style. It suits Roy's personality perfectly; incredibly aggressive, as well as tapping into the darkness and using it as a weapon of light. Roy's True Form transformation allows him to use it to its fullest extent.
Roy Hartmut, the reluctant hero, returns for another journey through darkness. Despite having saved the world from the Order of Light, Roy is the only one who remembers that, and such is an unrecognized hero. Traveling with is friends across the U.S.A. from Washington state to Washington D.C, Roy and his friends defeated the Order of Light, though he was forced to watch the deaths of his closest friends (if he did not accidentally kill them himself). Despite this, after a year of exile in the Realm of Darkness, Roy was able to overcome Charon, Master of the Order of Light, and using the Keyblade he obtained from the Keyblade Graveyard, sealed the Earth's Keyhole, rewinding time to the moment the Heartless invaded.
Roy is a slacker; he is very laid back and does little more than train with his swords, play video games, and go to school. Although Roy is an excellent student, he is totally unsure of his future. He is also a dunce in some regards, but incredibly wise in others. Roy is also shy, but accepting of responsibility. He prefers to let his actions speak for him, and such, is a man of few words.
Amy Riesa
Age: 18
Hair: Brown (Sakura from Naruto)
Eyes: Brown (Temari from Naruto)
Face: Anzu Mazaki from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Clothes: InuYasha's Robe of the Fire Rat
-Blue-wrapped Sakabato
-NEW! Red-wrapped Katana
Abilties: Materialization – allows Amy to materialize her drawings at the same size they were on paper.
Amy Riesa, Roy's longest lasting companion on their last journey, is an artist. Her bladework is far more elegant than Roy's, but lacks his strength. It could be considered Form II – Makashi style (Star Wars).
Amy is an artist. She can draw just about anything very well. She is also a decent swordswoman, but lacks the finesse that Roy possesses (though she has had swords longer than Roy, Roy's year-long exile into the Realm of Darkness made him far more skilled). She began to develop unrequited feelings for Roy toward the end of their journey, but was killed by Charon in their first battle. Revived after the time rewind, Amy remembers nothing of their previous journey.
Jason Rashar
Age: 18
Hair: Black (an exact copy of Rock Lee's hair from Naruto)
Eyes: Brown (Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Face: Hikaru from Hikaru no Go
Clothes: an orange version of Link's tunic from the Legend of Zelda series, with white pants and a white, long-sleeved shirt.
Weapon(s): Keyblade
Jason Rashar, the original Keyblade master of Earth, still has a role to play. He is just as much of a slacker as Roy, but has more focus in his life. Jason was accidentally killed by Roy in his Dark Form, but was revived after the time rewind. He has an incredibly negative attitude, whining often (and frequently scorned by Amy). He also speaks with a surfer voice occasionally.
Just how Roy obtained the exact same Keyblade as Jason is one of the deeper mysteries about Roy…
Serenity Sheno
Age: 17
Hair: Dark Brown (Ino from Naruto before she cuts her hair)
Face: Eve from Black Cat
Eyes: Brown (Rinslet from Black Cat)
Serenity, Jason's girlfriend, plays a minor role in the story. Once turned against Roy, he swiftly killed her after transcending into his True Form. Serenity will play a minor role in the story, and will not appear until the end.
The Story thus Far…
Time was rewound after Roy's victory, and one year after saving the world from the Order of Light and its Luce (beings with pure hearts and bodies but no souls), Roy, Jason, and Amy will be drawn into another conflict, this time involving far more than their own world…