Author's note: sorry it took so long to update, keep the reviews comin y'all

disclaimer: still don't own the X-Men

Rogue sat down on one of the hard chairs outside the cafeteria. She didn't know what to do. She didn't understand what was wrong with her. She didn't care that much about Jean, hated her sometimes even. She was just so perfect and happy,and perky, and had a great boyfriend and was everything Rogue wasn't.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked sitting down next his sister. Rogue nodded.

"It was jus seein her hooked up ta all dose machines," she whispered looking down at her gloved hands and blinking back tears. Kurt nodded.

"I know what you mean, she's so young. You just feel guilty about being healthy," Kurt said with a nod. Rogue wanted to tell him he was right, that it was just some kind of guilt she was feeling, but it wasn't. She really wanted Jean to get better and fast. She wanted Jean to smile again at her, to toss that ruby hair, to giggle and laugh and run down the soccer field with her breasts bouncing as she ran. Rogue bit her lip when she realized what she was feeling. Ah like her, ah mean ah like like her she thought to herself unable to believe the words that had just popped in her head.

"Rogue, Earth to Rogue, do you want me to take you home?" Kurt's voice yanked Rogue from her thoughts.

"Um..." she started. She really wanted to stay here, she'd sleep here, just to be near Jean. "Yeah, um, okay," she answered as Scott walked past looking more depressed than she had when she's first found out she'd be working at the hospital. Her heart did a small jump in her chest, while all the other students would be at school, she would be here, she would be with Jean. Ah'll help her get better, ah promise her dat much, Rogue decided as she allowed Kurt to lead her to the van with some of the new recruits.