Rogue cursed slightly as she looked at the piece of paper in her hand. She couldn't believe this. She'd been assigned Bayville Hospital as her community service site. It was bad enough the school was making them do community service in order to graduate, but she was now positive she'd been given the worst of the sites on purpose. She glanced at the rest of the senior class, she was the only X-Men, but Wanda and Pietro were there. She had a feeling Magneto had pulled a few strings to get his twins back into the school.

"What'd you get?" she asked Wanda thinking maybe if she had something better they could trade.

"Some retirement home," Wanda replied annoyed at the entire thing. "You?"


"Yuck, but it's better than mine. I'll probably just be forced to clean out bedpans and stuff. Wanna trade?" Rogue thought about it, and held her breath that she'd be doing more than cleaning stuff.

"Nah, if ah get really lucky they'll put me on da brat wing and I'll just hafta entertain kids all day," Rogue muttered glancing to see what Pietro was doing.

"He's trying to get someone to switch with him, so he can have a cushy assignment or something, he thinks this entire thing is stupid."

"Well, it is, if ah wanted to do community service ah'd go steal somethang." Wanda laughed as the girls walked out of the school building. Starting tomorrow they'd report to their sites for half the day and attend classes the other half. That night at dinner Rogue spent most of her time complaining about how stupid this was going to be.

"It'll be fun Rogue," Kurt said knowing he'd have to do this type of service next year when he graduated.

"Yeah right, taking care of sick people? Ah'd rather go ta class." Rogue had a hard time falling asleep that night, she wasn't sure if it was because she was nervous about 'volunteering' at the hospital or if it was something else altogether. She took special care picking her clothes the next morning. She wasn't sure if her usual goth girl look would be appropiate for the hospital. Out of desperation she called Wanda.

"Wanda, Ah'm not sure what to wear," she explained after having to talk to Pietro while Todd looked for Wanda finally finding her in the basement.

"Me either, I'm just going to wear my normal clothes, I mean if they don't like it, then they can tell me to change or something."

"Yeah, ah guess so, maybe ah'll jus downplay mah usual outfit, ah still have dose black jeans dat Kitty bought me."

"Those are kinda cool. I've got to go, I'll see you this afternoon. "

"Yeah, see ya dis afternoon," Rogue echoed hanging up the phone and dressing causally in a pair of black jeans and a green three quarter sleeve shirt with a v-neck. The last part of her outfit was a pair of elbow lengh black gloves. She kept her make up to a minimum and slid her feet into her usual combat boots. She grabbed a bagel and her usual cup of coffee as she ran out the door, already running late because she had taken so long to decide what to wear. She probably was speeding, but she reached Bayville Hospital just before 8:30, right on time. Slowly she walked in and was greeted by a nurse in a nurse looking white outfit. Hope they don't make me wear those things she thought.

"Hello, you must be Rogue, from the high school?" Rogue nodded noticing how perky this woman was, and she had thought only Kitty was like that in the mornings.

"Great, what we'll be having you do is simple, you'll be mostly a greeter in the non-emergeny part of the hospital. I'm Beverly by the way." Rogue studied Beverly, whose short blond hair was cut in a bob, and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Um, a greeter?"

"Exactly, you'll welcome the people, have them sign in, take a seat and then you'll just kinda hang around, making sure people are comfortable and not bored. They'll be nurses working with you so you won't be alone. Mainly you'll just talk to patients before they're admitted." Misinterperating the shocked expression on Rogue's face, Beverly added, "Don't worry, usually they don't have anything contagious, and it'll be mostly kids and teens you'll be working with. The adults are tricky to handle so we'll put you on the children's floor for your time." Rogue nodded in relief, but she still wasn't so sure about this. She wasn't very good at conversation, and with her power she usually avoided people. Beverly lead her to a small waiting room, decorated in bright colors, there were a few kids and parents sitting in the chairs, and more kids on the floor.

"I'll leave you to the nurses on this floor. The red head is Natalie and the other one is Tierany," Beverly said leaving Rogue standing behind a desk trying to figure out what to do now.