A/N: Well, this is my first Phoenix Wright Fanfiction, and I hope you enjoy it. The first chapter is basically the 'getting it going' chapter, so nothing really happens. There's not much of spoilers in here, unless you don't know who wins Case 2 in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, if you've started 2, that'd be better to. But other than that, it's all just made up by me.

I do not own Phoenix Wright, or any of the characters involved in it…

Edgeworth's Day

Chapter 1

Miles Edgeworth's eyes flickered open when the sound of the radio reached his ears, waking him from his few hours of sleep. It wasn't too loud, so he just rolled over and put a pillow over his head, trying to block out the music that trickled from the radio-clock's speakers. It was 7:45am, his day off, and yet he still had to wake up early because of work that was left unfinished from the previous night.

There had been a trial the day before, in the morning as usual, and he lost to Phoenix Wright, also just as usual. Just the thought of him losing yet another case to Wright, worked him up, it was getting old, and Edgeworth was sick of it. After loosing the trial, Edgeworth had to file and write up, who knows how many, reports and evidence that were used in the case, thus having him up til 4am.

Edgeworth finally removed the pillow and flipped over on his other side and turned of the radio. He yawned, stretched, and forced himself to sit up on the edge of the bed.

"Mmm…four hours of sleep…in the past two days…this is going to be a nightmare," Edgeworth moaned as he stood up from bed. He was so tired when he headed for bed, that he hadn't changed, so he was still wearing his shirt, vest, and pants- the usuals, though the jacket had been discarded to a chair earlier that night. He shuffled his way across his bedroom towards the bathroom to begin his shower, hopefully he wouldn't fall asleep in there.

After he finished showering, brushing his teeth, and all those other morning activities, he combed his hair to it's slicked-back position, leaving his loose bangs to hang over the sides of his face as he always did. Yawning again, he left towards the kitchen where some hot water for his tea was waiting for him on the stove. After removing the kettle from the burner, he began to pour it, only to miss.

"AAHH SHI-!" Edgeworth exclaimed as he did all but throw the cup and the kettle onto the cooling stove. He moved over towards the sink and began to run his scolded hand through the steady flow of tap water from the faucet. "Dang it, what a great start to a rotten day," Edgeworth grimaced. He removed his hand from the water, it was all red with some of the skin peeling away along the top of the hand between the wrist, thumb, and index finger. "sigh…" was all he could manage at the moment.

He walked over to the front door of his apartment which lead out into the main hallway of the fifth story. Being sure to keep his left hand from bending in any wrong positions, he carefully undid the lock, and opened the door to retrieve his newspaper from the floor. Fortunately, the paper was there, as it always was, and he swiped it up and returned inside the apartment, leaving the door unlocked.

He walked towards his dining room table and tossed his paper onto it. He then returned to the kitchen to once again attempt at pouring the water for his tea, when his cell phone rang. It was in his bedroom still, on the nightstand by the clock, but he really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone who would be calling him.

The ringing had stopped, and Miles was sitting at his table, legs crossed, newspaper in one hand, tea in the other, with the sun shining in through the balcony's windows. It seemed that there would be good weather this morning, plus an evening shower. Of course, not like it would matter to him, he'd be inside, probably even at his own office on his day off, working, working, working on yet another case that he had lost to the defense.

Edgeworth's cell phone was ringing again, this was now the third time in five minutes. He stood up, setting his things on the table, and made his was to his bedroom to turn off that annoying ringing. As he approached the phone, he threw a single glance at who was calling…it was Phoenix Wright.

Edgeworth stood staring a the phone for a few more seconds, his teeth were clenched together, and his brow was furrowed with anger, as he began to grip harder on the phone.

"What do you want?" Edgeworth asked in irritation, "Why the hell are you calling me?"

"Woah, what's wrong Edgeworth, there's no need to be so agitated," the voice on the other end of the line replied.

"And why not? Here you are calling me, on my personal cell phone, in the morning, for who knows what reason!" Edgeworth growled.

"Well, I got a reason…" Phoenix replied.


"I was wondering what happened to you after the trial yesterday, you tore out of there like the building was on fire right when court let out." Wright questioned.

"No reason, I had business I had to take care of elsewhere," Edgeworth replied, a little more calm than before.

"Business? You're business was that trial, what other business did you have?" Wright pushed.





"It's none of your business, what my business it," Edgeworth replied. "Is that all you wanted, you're wasting my time with this."

"Are you going to take the next case, Edgeworth?"

"Maybe, but what's it to you?"

"Hmm, no reason, other than to beat you again!" Phoenix laughed, right before hanging up the phone.

"WHA-!" Edgeworth roared. He stared at the cell phone, now in his previous state of clenching and growling. After being like this for several seconds, he flipped the phone shut, stood up straight, and moved back out to the living room area where he threw himself down on the couch. He sat there, piles of papers cluttering the coffee table in front of him, as he rubbed at his temples while he was in deep thought. He hated losing. He hated the fact that he lost every case he'd ever had against Wright. But he especially hated Wright for doing that to him.

"He knows," Edgeworth said to himself, "He knows that I'm being affected by losing to him all the time…He's just going to take advantage of that, and I'm going to get back at him!"

In Phoenix's office at Wright and Co., Phoenix and Maya where doing their best to keep from laughing too hard after getting off the line with Edgeworth.

"I can't believe you actually said that to him," Maya said, giggling.

"Oh man, I wish I could've seen his face, it was would have been priceless," Phoenix replied.

"Did you find out why he left in such a rush yesterday?" Maya asked, wiping away her tears.

"No…he wouldn't say." Phoenix said, leaning back in his chair putting his arms behind his head.

A/N: There's the first chapter, I hope it went well for you. Hmm, that's about it, tell me what you think of it, remember, I'm going to try my best to get a chapter-a-day up. -Saberae