Disclaimer: I don't own a thing related to the X-Files.

Summary: Mulder thinks he found proof. Scully thinks she's wasting another weekend on Mulder's never ending quest. What starts as another mission with no real destination, ends up as a deadly and dangerous chase for the unpredictable truth. MSR involved.

This is set somewhere after Scully is healed of her cancer and before Mulder's abduction.

AN: This is my first X-Files fiction, and even though all the rest of my stories are Charmed, I enjoy reading x-files fan fictions the most, so I hope I do well on this one.

If you're a reader of my other charmed fiction that I'm working on (the Journalist), I have not abandoned it, I'm just taking my time. Sorry for the wait, I hope to update soon.


Chapter One

Scully, This Place is Not on the Map

"Mulder, hand me the map."

"It won't be of any help; this place we're going to is not on the map." Mulder could already feel Scully loosing interest.

"That's no surprise. The places we go to never seem to be on the map." She snapped.

"Just bear with me. I think this time I'm on to something."

Scully frowned at the familiar words. She felt herself regretting that she agreed to join another one of his endless goose chases after the paranormal. Or this time, proof for it. The regular work that the did on weekdays was more then enough, but when this mission of his started to leak into her weekend… it became entirely unwelcome.

They were in San Diego, of all places. This time, they were looking for some mysterious military base on the border of Mexico. Scully was familiar with most bases in this part of the country, due to her fathers work, but this was one she hadn't heard of. In a way, that was what made her agree to his proposal when he woke her up at five in the morning on a Saturday.

It was now four in the afternoon, and Scully had a feeling they were going to spend the night in another motel.

"I just don't understand what you are expecting to find. What do we do when we get there? I'm pretty sure there won't be an alien body or anything of the sort laying by the gate." Scully reasoned.

"I didn't say this was going easy. I'll figure out a way. When has anything stopped me from getting into some military base?"

"Never. Which is exactly what I'm worried about. We're FBI Agents, and we're gonna end up in jail."

"Oh come on Scully…"

"And what are you going to tell Skinner? We are not exactly traveling out of our own pocket."

"Scully, if we bring evidence, no one will be asking any questions. They will be eating their sleeves."

"I highly doubt that. When have we ever been able to get a hold of evidence and make it out alive to 'show the world'?" Scully now turned to look at her partner, clearly annoyed.

"Why be so negative? We won't have any results unless we get out there and do something!"

"For god's sake Mulder, I'm sick and tired of your wishful thinking."

"Then why the hell did you come! Fuck this; I don't have to be explaining myself." His response was a surprise to her. This was not the first time they had this exact same argument, but Scully was a woman of facts. She couldn't be fueled just by simple faith.

"I think we've reached a point where you shouldn't be asking me that. This is not just your chase anymore. I'm far too deep in this shit with you." Scully spoke quietly, genuinely hurt by his harsh words, but she refused at all cost to show it. She looked to the other direction, staring out the window at the clear sky and low desert mountains around them.

She hated moments like these. Scully didn't like being felt sorry for for what has happened. The abduction, the tests, and everything that followed. The cancer was a hot topic that every since she overcame she's tried not to bring up. Nightmares from these times were more then enough to keep the danger fresh in her mind.

She could feel his gaze on her.

Mulder regretted his words. Although her endless mistrust of his instinct got to him sometimes, he knew she kept him sane. Looking at her now, he mentally hit himself.

"Scully, I'm sorry…" He tried.

After a moment, she looked at him, a small, fake smile on her lips.

"I'm sorry too." She mumbled, and looked back to the window.

He knew he had touched a soft spot. And he knew she did not want to continue and talk about it. He himself has been avoiding the subject. He felt her pulling back, he always has, and he always promised himself that one day he would break her down and have her open up to him. She knew she didn't keep anyone close to her, and she didn't see her mother too often. She had no one to talk to, and he felt he was obliged to take that weight off of her sometimes.

He wished he could talk to her right there and then, but he wasn't brave enough just yet. Instead, her reached over, put his hand on her shoulder, and waited for her to look at him again.

"Scully, I'm glad you came with me. I wouldn't have gone if you didn't."

She gave him a weak smile, though a more sincere one.

"Do you mind if I doze for a few?" She finally asked.

"Not at all. We'll be on this road for at least another two hours."

Mulder looked ahead at the empty road. They were headed to what he hoped would bring about new respect to the x-files. This time, he truly believed they won't be walking out empty handed.

AN: Please drop a word and let me know if it's worth another chapter.