Author's note: I know some of you probably want to strangle me for leaving you hanging about what the baby girl's name will be. I promise you will learn her name in this chapter and I hope you will approve of what I decided to do. This however is the LAST chapter. The response to this story was wonderful and I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would get over a 160 reviews which is the all time high for any of my stories. Once again, thank you so much for your support. I only hope the ending is worthy of the rest of the fic. Who knows, maybe I'll write a sequel one day.

With this story now ending, I will be starting a new one and would love to hear from some of you who regularly read all of my stories. So take a look at my profile and give me some feedback on which story you would like to see posted next. And if you could please visit my forum Story Idea and give feedback on a new idea I just had for a story.

PrettyDiva: I do remember you saying in an earlier review that you thought the baby would be a girl and it was so hard for me not to say anything. I hope you like the name. Thanks so much for your continued support, we authors have to stick together.

Riverkirby: I'm glad you like that the baby is a girl. As for more powers, I think she has more that enough at least for now.

GinaStar: Sorry about that, I just had to write one last cliffhanger. Read on to learn the name, hope you like it.

Graceful Crane: Yes, the baby has turned out to be a little girl which isn't much of a surprise since she comes from a long legacy of women. As for the name, read on.

HarryPassionFan: Yeah, I noticed there was a problem with the chapter and the fic showing up on the main page. I'm glad you finally had a chance to read it though. Hope you like her name.

PinkAzn: The story may be ending but it's always nice to have a new reviewer. Glad you enjoyed the story.

Traci26: The episode where Wyatt was born has always been one of my favorites so I decided why mess with a good thing.

AJ: Thanks for the name suggestions but I already had one picked out. It didn't occur to me to name her after any of the rangers but only because I never thought about what color she would be if she were ever chosen as one.

"The baby's here, you did so good," Tommy said as he kissed Nikki's forehead.

"Is he or she ok?" Nikki asked.

"She is doing just fine, meet your daughter," Priscilla said as she handed the baby girl to her mother.

"Hi there baby girl, we've been waiting so long to meet you," Nikki said as she cradled her newborn daughter in her arms.

"She's so beautiful," Tommy said as he looked at his daughter.

"I think I'll give you guys some time alone," Priscilla said.

"Prissy, thank you so much for this, I don't know what I would have done without you," Nikki told her cousin.

"It was my pleasure, I'm going to call Ava and have her come check you guys out, my new little cousin really is beautiful," Priscilla said as she left the new family alone.

"Well it's about time," Henry Sr. said as Priscilla came walking down the stairs of Nikki and Tommy's home.

"Yeah I mean first you kick me out, the grandmother, and now you take your sweet time before giving us any news," Paige told her niece.

"I'm sorry, I was kind of in the middle of delivering a baby," Priscilla responded.

"How are they?" Phoebe asked her daughter.

"They are doing just fine, everything went according to plan and I am happy to announce that we have a healthy, beautiful new addition to the family," Priscilla answered.

"Cut the crap Prissy, do I have a nephew or niece?" Sami asked.

"Please let it be a boy, we have enough estrogen around this place as it is," Chris commented.

"You keep talking like that and maybe we'll have a little less testosterone," Prue retorted.

"He has a point, we definitely could use more men," Henry Jr. agreed.

"Will you guys please stop acting like children so that Priscilla can tell us," Piper said.

"Come on Prissy the suspense is killing us," Phyllis told her sister.

"Alright, alright, it's a girl," Priscilla announced.

"Why am I not surprised?" Chris said.

"Grams will definitely be happy, I remember at time when she was upset over Wyatt being a boy," Leo remarked.

"Thank goodness she got over that by the time I was born," Chris said.

"We have a granddaughter!" Paige exclaimed as she hugged her husband.

"I'm gonna orb home and tell Delia the good news, she wanted to be here but Matthew isn't feeling well," Wyatt said as he orbed away.

"Did they tell you her name?" Melinda asked.

"Um no, in all the excitement, I forgot to ask," Priscilla replied.

"Well, your mother and I couldn't be more proud of you, you did a great thing today delivering the baby," Coop told her.

"Wow, this has been quite a day," Tommy said.

"Yeah it has, would you like to hold your daughter," Nikki responded.

"I would love to," Tommy said as he took the baby from Nikki's arms.

"She's got your eyes," Nikki told him.

"And your smile," Tommy said.

"Now all she needs is a name," Nikki replied.

"Yeah I guess we never really did come to an agreement about that," Tommy said.

"It's just so hard I mean I know how much it would mean to Grams and my grandmother if we kept the tradition of giving her a name with a P but we should consider your family in this too," Nikki told him.

"Whatever name you want to give her is fine with me," Tommy replied.

"Oh no, you're not sticking this whole thing with me, we are deciding this together, I just want it to be something special and maybe even unique," Nikki said.

"Hey little one, you wouldn't want to help Mommy and Daddy out here and orb us a baby book with a page open to a name you like," Tommy said to his daughter.

"Tommy, she's only been here for a few minutes and I'd like to keep the concept of orbing from her as long a possible," Nikki told him.

"Ok but we still need a name for her," Tommy replied.

"Now that we know she's a girl that does help out a little bit, what about Paisley that was your mother's suggestion," Nikki said.

"No, I definitely don't like that, what about Priscilla in honor of the person who helped bring her into the world," Tommy responded.

"It would be sweet but I think she deserves a name of her own, although it might not be a bad idea to take a look at the family tree and name her after one of our ancestors especially since yet another child has been born who won't get the Halliwell name," Nikki answered.

"But your last name isn't Halliwell either," Tommy pointed out.

"I know and trust me Grams wasn't too happy when my mother chose to give us the last name of our father, she just kinda has this thing about the women in the family keeping the Halliwell name, Uncle Leo once said that having the last name Halliwell was important because it was a name that struck fear into the hearts of demons," Nikki explained.

"I guess we could always hyphenate the two last names, Halliwell-Oliver or Oliver-Halliwell," Tommy said.

"Yeah but my family name is Mitchell and if we did that we'd have to use the last name Halliwell-Mitchell-Oliver and that is way too many names for a little girl, so I think we'll just drop the first two and stick with Oliver," Nikki told him.

"Ok so she has a last name, now how about a middle and first," Tommy joked.

"How can this be so hard, all we need to do is give her a name, we can't very well go around calling her baby girl Oliver for the rest of her life," Nikki said as there was a knock at the door.

"Hope I'm not interrupting, I just wanted to check and make sure that everything was ok," Ava Nicolie said as she entered the room.

"Of course not, come on in Dr. Nicolie," Tommy said.

"For the last time Tommy, please call me Ava," she told him.

"Ok Ava, meet our daughter," Tommy said as he handed the baby over to her.

"Our daughter with no name that is," Nikki said.

"Name or not, she appears to be in perfect condition now let's check out Mommy," Ava said as she gave the baby back to Tommy.

"I think I've got it," Tommy said.

"Got what?" Nikki questioned.

"Well Nikki, you're doing fine as well but I want you to come to the office for a full check up in a few days," Ava said.

"I know what we should name her," Tommy said once Ava had left them alone.

"Oh Tommy, its perfect," Nikki said as he handed her their daughter and told her the name he had thought of.

"Good I've done my part, the middle name is up to you," Tommy told her.

A few weeks later, Tommy's parents arrived in San Francisco to meet their first grandchild.

"She is the most perfect little angel I've ever seen," Lily said once she got to hold the baby in her arms.

"I have to agree with your mother, she's beautiful," Rick told them.

"I'm just glad the two of you are finally getting a chance to meet her," Nikki replied.

"I'm so sorry I ever doubted you, it seems you've given my son everything he's ever wanted," Lily told her.

"She has Mom and so much more," Tommy said as he wrapped his arms around his wife.

A few days later, Tommy and Nikki orbed into the manor with their daughter where her wiccaning was being held.

"So how mad do you think your Mom is going to be when she finds out we didn't invite her to her granddaughter's blessing?" Nikki asked Tommy.

"It won't be the first time we've held something back from her so she'll get over it eventually besides we couldn't very well invite my parents without telling them the truth," Tommy replied.

"I know you're right but I just can't help feeling guilty," Nikki told him.

"What are you feeling guilty about?" Henry Sr. asked as he came into the room.

"Maybe about the fact that they still haven't told us the name of our granddaughter," Paige said as she took the baby from Tommy.

"No, actually I was just saying how bad I felt that Tommy's parents can't be with us," Nikki replied.

"You could always do what your mother and I did, we had a wiccaning and a baptism that way no one's feelings got hurt," Henry Sr. told her.

"Come on Nikki, your daughter is about to be blessed by all the matriarchs of our family, isn't it about time you told us her name," Paige said.

"Sorry Mom but it was really hard for Tommy and me to come up with her name in the first place and we just want to keep it a surprise, so you'll have to wait until the ceremony like everyone else," Nikki responded.

"So where's everyone else?" Tommy asked.

"In the attic getting things ready," Paige answered.

"Mom, are you sure this place has been secured the last thing I want is for demons to attack like they have at every other wiccaning in this family," Nikki told her.

"Don't worry, we have cleansed this house from top to bottom and your cousins have been out vanquishing demons left and right as a warning to stay away from this place," Paige assured her.

"See there's nothing to worry about," Tommy said.

"I won't believe that until the ceremony is over," Nikki replied as the baby started to cry.

"I think someone needs her diaper changed," Paige remarked.

"I'll just take her up to Matthew's nursery," Nikki said as she took her daughter back from her mother.

"By the time you're done, we should be ready to start the ceremony," Paige told her.

"Mind if we come in, someone needs a diaper change," Nikki said to Wyatt's wife Delia.

"So do we get to know the name yet?" Delia asked as she finished dressing Matthew.

"We've decided to wait until the ceremony," Nikki told her as she laid her daughter on the changing table.

"I'll bet Paige can't be too happy about that," Delia remarked.

"You got that right, she actually ambushed us the second we came through the door," Nikki said as Delia laughed and there was a knock at the door.

"Can I please hide in here, the entire family is demanding to know what we've named our daughter," Tommy said.

"Come on Matthew let's go to the attic and see what all the fuss is about, you guys can hide in here until the ceremony if you like," Delia told them.

"Maybe we should just tell them," Tommy said.

"Don't go soft on me now Oliver, they've waited this long, a few more minutes isn't going to kill them," Nikki responded.

"Hope I'm not intruding," a voice said as the door opened and a woman Tommy didn't recognize walked into the room.

"Grandma Patty, you're here," Nikki said as Patty stood in front of them in corporeal form.

"Of course I'm here, you didn't think I'd miss the wiccaning of my first great-granddaughter, did you," Patty replied.

"I'm so happy you're here," Nikki told her.

"Me too, you must be Tommy," Patty said turning her attention to Nikki's husband.

"It's nice to meet you though it is hard wrapping my brain around the fact that you're dead," Tommy responded.

"Just another perk of being married to witch being able to conjure up dead relatives," Nikki told him.

"She really is the most beautiful baby," Patty said as she picked up her great-granddaughter.

"Well of course she is, she comes from good genes," another voice added.

"That would be my great-grandmother Penny, she's here to perform the wiccaning," Nikki told Tommy.

"Alright Patty, you've held her long enough it's my turn," Penny said as she took the baby from her daughter.

"This is quite the family reunion, are we expecting any more relatives," Tommy said.

"No dead ones if that's what you're asking but I think my Mom invited my grandpa Victor," Nikki told him.

"I didn't know Victor would be here," Patty said at the mention of her ex-husband's name and began checking her reflection in the mirror.

"Are we going to have a wiccaning or not?" Chris asked coming into the room.

"Is everyone here?" Nikki inquired.

"All present and accounted for we're just waiting for you," Chris told her.

"Ok, let's do it then," Nikki said as she took her daughter back from Grams and they all headed upstairs to the attic.

The attic was lit by candles and Nikki walked in first carrying her daughter who was dressed in a white wiccaning outfit followed by Tommy, Patty and Grams. The rest of the family was waiting for them. Chris took his place next to his parents Piper and Leo, next to them stood Melinda, Wyatt, and Delia holding Matthew. Next was Phoebe, Coop, Prue, Priscilla and Phyllis and completing the group was Nikki's family. Paige stood next to Henry Sr., followed by Sami, Henry Jr. and last was Victor Bennett who was Piper and Phoebe's father.

"You know, this is a wonderful day for our family as new generations continue to be born and I know I'm always seen as the matriarch of this family but today I've decided to pass that title on to my daughter Patty the mother of the Charmed Ones and the grandmother of their offspring," Penny said.

"Oh Mom, are you sure you want to do this?" Patty asked.

"Yes, this new baby is your great-granddaughter so it's only right that you perform this ceremony," Penny replied.

"Well, I guess that means I get to be the first to know her name," Patty remarked as Nikki handed her the baby.

"Tommy, I think you should be the one to tell her, since you were the one who came up with the first name," Nikki said smiling at her husband who stepped up and whispered the name into Patty's ear.

"I call forth through space and through time, matriarchs from the Halliwell line, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, our family's spirit without end, to gather now in this sacred place, and help us bring this child to grace." Patty said as the matriarch spirits from different time periods began to appear in the room and Patty turned to the matriarchs.

"The next generation has been born into our family, our legacy. We pledge to be with this child, this beautiful girl always. Apart but never separate, free but never alone. She is one of us and because of that, we will bless her with all the goodness that we are. Welcome to the family, Halliwell Paige Oliver. Blessed be." Patty continued.

"Blessed be," the matriarchs said.

"Blessed be," the family said.

"Blessed be," Nikki and Tommy said.

"Take good care of my great-granddaughter," Patty said as she handed the baby back to Nikki and both she and Grams joined the matriarchs and they all disappeared.

"Halliwell Paige, it definitely has a ring to it," Piper said.

"We wanted to give her a name that would always remind her of who she is," Tommy told them.

"And we figured we could call her Halli for short," Nikki said.

"Well, it was definitely worth the wait, it's a beautiful name honey," Henry Sr. said.

"I am so proud to share my name with my granddaughter," Paige said as she took the baby from Nikki.

"Well, you gave me the middle name Penelope after your grandmother and I just thought Halli should have the name of her grandmother too," Nikki replied.

"It's perfect," Paige told her.

"Ok, now that Halli officially has a name, why don't we head downstairs, I've made enough food to feed any army," Piper said.

"This family's certainly large enough to be an army," Victor said as everyone began filing out of the attic.

"Mom, why don't you take Halli downstairs with you, I'd like a minute alone with my husband," Nikki told Paige.

"Alright, come on Halli, let's go see what your Great-Aunt Piper has fixed for us," Paige said.

"Is everything ok?" Tommy asked his wife.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the day we met," Nikki answered.

"It was luckiest day of my life as far as I'm concerned," Tommy told her.

"Even with all the spells, time changes, demons?" Nikki questioned.

"Even with all that, I wouldn't change my life with you and Halli for anything in the world," Tommy said as she pulled her into his arms.

"You do know it's not going to get any easier, I mean once Halli gets older she'll be coming into her powers and that'll mean even more demon attacks," Nikki said.

"I know but we'll face them like we've faced everything else, together," Tommy told her as they kissed.