I never could've seen this far
I never could've seen this coming
Seems like my world's falling apart

Sakura awoke to the pain in her temple, and fell out of bed. She looked up and saw her father, a hammer in his hands. "About time you woke up, lazy bitch! Where's breakfast? Do you expect me to starve?"

"Sorry Father," the pink-haired girl replied, tears falling from her bright green eyes. She ran down the stairs and grabbed some eggs, then threw them on the frying pan. She tucked her long hair behind her ears, and served the eggs to her father.

Her father looked at the eggs, his green eyes full of suspicion, then took a bite. In anger, he threw the plate and piping hot eggs at Sakura, who gave a yelp as the china cut her skin, "You worthless hag! Are you trying to burn me? Make the eggs again, and make them better." However, then Mr. Haruno had a second thought, "Go to school and get out of my sight you ho!" Sakura grabbed her bag and ran out the door, her high school was close, so she probably wouldn't be late.

Why is everything so hard
I don't think I can deal with the things you said
It just won't go away

When Sakura approached the school ates, she froze. In front of the gate was a raven-haired boy with onyx eyes, a burnett boy with pale, pupiless eyes, and another burnett with his hair in a poytail. They were Sasuke, Neji, and Shikamaru, the most popular boys in school. Mostly because they beat up Sakura, the most unpopular girl in school. She walked up to them, keeping her head down. When the shadow of Neji overlapped her's, she winced. She looked up, surprised at the fact that he wasn't hitting her yet. Bad mistake. Neji was waiting for her to expose her face, and then he punched her cheek. She fell down in pain, that was where the china shattered. "Weakling," Neji commented dryly, "it's almost not fun to hurt you anymore," Neji grabbed Sakura by her collar and threw her against a wall, "Almost." Shikamaru snickered, and Sasuke grabbed Sakura by her collar and looked at her bruised face, then added another one to the collection. Shikamaru just watched, he wasn't in the mood today.

In a perfect world
This could never happen

Sakura heard a voice well, "Quick, Ragdoll's owner is coming!" Sakura was called Ragdoll ever since a young age, six to be precise, because that was when her mother died. Her father abused both Sakura and her mother, and her mother finally couldn't take it. She got in a car and tried to drive away, but she was in a car accident. No one ever did find out who the other person was, but there were some new dents in the other Haruno car. Sakura had a woven doll named Patches, made by her mother. Sakura then, and even now, carried the doll with her everywhere. That earned her the nickname, Ragdoll. Sakura looked up to see Naruto, the blounde of the group, announcing that Kakashi would soon be within boundaries. The boys dropped Sakura and ran off, seconds before Kakashi came into sight. When he saw Sakura, she ran over and checked her wounds.

In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces

"Sakura, you can't ell me that you tripped, unless you fell on glass."

"It was a dog," she responded lamely. Kakashi looked at her skeptically, but didn't comment. He took her hand and pulled her back to her feet. "I don't need to to the nurse, "she added quickly as she ran to her class. When Sakura ran into the halls, she felt strong amrs pick her up, and throw her against a locker. Sakura looked up at Sasuke, he was alone. She gritted her teeth and ran to her next class, Logical Thinking, meant to teach you how to use your jitsu in certain situations. Sakura sat at her desk, she could heal herself if she wanted, but there were too many bruises to really make a difference without wasting all of her chakra. Her teacher, Kurenai, called on her, "Sakura, if your misson is to protect a document, and a ninja with two water clones comes, what do you do?"

But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all

The classroom sniggered, Sakura wasn't listening and had no idea what the answer was, her silence proved that. "It all depends on the ninja guarding the scroll. If it was me, I would concentrate my chakra into the air surrounding air, with which I could tell the different makeup of the clones, and be able to attack the appropiate ninja." Kurenai nodded, that answer was acceptable. Sakura returned to her notebook, full of poetry. She sighed and started to write on the paper, a cold room/ sterile like a city/ lights hold no warmth/ just like your embrace/ both appear warm/ and the human mind/ believes they are/ through the illusion/ but they both lie/ and I know it

I used to think that I was strong
Until the day it all went wrong
I think I need a miracle to make it through

Sakura closed her book quickly as the bell rang. She went to her next class, taijitsu. She then had ninjitsu, genjitsu, survival, and lunch. Sakura stepped into the noisy lunchroom and grabbed her lunch, a simple sandwhich. She looked around the lunchroom until her eyes landed on an empty table. She sat down at the table and chewed slowly on the stale bread. She kept her head down, not looking at anyone. She felt other people sit at the table, but they didn't notice her. The way it should be. She stood up quickly and left the room, to the courtyard. There were beautiful flowers in full bloom, she knew that her kunochi teacher would have them making flower arrangements today, so it was a good idea to see what all flowers were there. She smiled when she saw the venus flytrap, it'd be funny when she put that in her boquet. She turned back to the school and saw Temari, a smirk on her face. Shit.

.:Some Time Later:.

I wish that I could bring you back
I wish that I could turn back time
Coz I can't let go
I just can't find my way
Without you I just can't find my way

"Youre late," Anko told the pink-haired shinobi, who just returned from the bathroom to heal a few of her bruises.

"I apologize Sensei," Sakura said with a formal bow. Anko turned back to the class, instructing them on a few of the fine points of flower arranging. No one was sure why Anko was the teacher of this class when femine Kurenai was a much better choice. Anko released the girls, who ran off in different directions. Sakura looked at the venus flytraps, and gently dug around one so that she could bring up its roots and keep in alive in the pot. She then looked around for other flowers to join the trap. When class was a few minutes from being over, all of the girls were in line with their flowers. Skura's arrangement had the flytrap in the middle, with red, white, and pale yellow flowers surrounding it, looking like the followers of the bloodthirsty plant. Anko didn't really cae what the flower arrangements were like, as long as they weren't totally pathetic.

In a perfect world
This could never happen
In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all

The bell rang and Sakura went to her next class, chakra control. Her palms sweat, but not because of the class. Chakra control was her best subject, but Sasuke and his group were there, and would destroy her arrangement when she left. She stepped in the classroom and sat at her desk, and she read a book to avoid eye contact with anyone. When Kakashi came into the classroom, he announced to the class, "There will be a project which will not only involve chakra control, but a very active imagination and teamwork." The white haired teacher looked at the uninterested students, "and I will be choosing your partners." The Class immediately shut up, Kakashi never repeat himself, and they wanted to know who their partners were. Kakashi read off a list, when he reached Sakura's name, the class tensed up, no one wanted to be Sakura's partner. Sure she was smart and would get them a good grade, but their reputation would be in shreds. "Gaara and Sakura will be partners." Sakura gave a sigh of relief, Gaara was exceptionally skilled in chakra control as well, and he was a loner who could care less about popularity, even if he was very popular. No one would talk to him for fear of their lives, and that fear made them in awe of him. He wouldn't insult her or make her feel abused anymore than he did to anone else, which was an odd relief.

I don't know what I should do now
I don't know where I should go
Still here waiting for you

Sakura picked up her belongings and moved to the desk next to Gaara. He never turned his head. She picked up the paper and wordlessly started writing down ideas for chakra control. Gaara wrote some things down as well, neither speaking to each other. Sakura looked at her plant, "Gaara..." Gaara looked up from his paper, no one ever spoke to him in such a sad tone, "Can you protect this plant for me?" Gaara rised in eyebrow, but gave no answer, so Sakura continued, "If I keep it, then someone will take it and destroy it, but no one would dare do that to you." Gaara remained silent, but he picked up the plant and put it on his desk, a sign that it was going to leave the room with him, "Thank you Gaara." The two exchanged the papers, and once again were silent. They wrote down some of the best ideas on paper, still silent. The two left the room, Gaara holding his new plant.

I'm lost when you're not around
I need to hold on to you
I just can't let you go

Sakura went to her locker and placed the paper with ideas in a folder, and took out her book for History. She slammed her locker, then slammed into the locker unexpectably. Her face was pressed againt the cold metal, and familiar voice spoke in her ear, "You're getting quite an attitude lately." Sakua recognized the voice as Sasuke's, and closed her eyes in pain as he hit her in another place where her father bruised her. She wasn't sure where, the pain always went everywhere in her body. The bell rang, and Sasuke let go of Sakura to go to class. Sakura stepped into class just before the tardy bell rang. The class went slowly (history always does TT) and then the bell rang, signalling then end of school. Sakura left quickly before anyone could notice her. She saw Gaara, the plant still in his posession. Sakura didn't risk talking to him about the project as she started to run home.

In a perfect world
This could never happen
In a perfect world
You'd still be here
And it makes no sense
I could just pick up the pieces
But to you
This means nothing
Nothing at all
You feel nothing at all
Nothing at all

Entoxica: The day is over, or is it? What is waiting for Sakura at home? I know what, a drunken bastard with a bad attitude. And no hair! He's bald! goes off laughing maniacly at the power an author has over drunken bastards