She Stoops to Conquer

Chapter One- And Then She Walked In

It was that time of the century again, the mating year. This was one of five years out of a hundred where the Irkens could actually reproduce. Their strange alien hormones would go absolutely ballistic, making every Irken a raving, horny monster, some more then others however. It all really depended on personality, not to mention what gender an individual Irken was.

This time would more or less turn into a celebration of sorts. Breeding within a "mating year" had become a real treasure, something that most all Irkens looked forward to. Sure, they could perform the deed outside these times, but there were a few things that set the two experiences apart. One, there would be no offspring at all, no matter what, for the genes remained dormant until the right hormones activated them. And also, the actual physical pleasure was heightened about tenfold during the celebration. So Irkens would really only copulated outside the mating year out of desperation.

The reason the mating years came around so infrequently rested on many factors. Irkens, despite their usual small size not counting the Tallest, were very durable. It took a lot to kill an Irken. Also, the Irken race had a very long lifespan, the average life expectancy being three hundred to four hundred years. And to top it all off, an individual Irken could lay clutches of eggs as many as six or seven times a year and the nest would usually number ten to twelve eggs. So, if the Irken race could reproduce as often as they wanted, there would be so much overpopulation that there wouldn't be enough resources to care for them all. It was all very similar to Earth's problems in the same field.

These times were always very hard on the Irkens' emotions and physical beings. Not to mention, the celebration would normally result in an outbreak of certain crimes, the most common being sexual assault. Females had the most trouble, as it would have been on Earth if they had a mating time. But on Irk, the trouble was far worse.

A couple of centuries ago, terrorists from planet Wyke had infiltrated a convention center where a large meeting of many Irkens was taking place. They released a deadly disease into the ventilation systems that was only fatal to the female Irkens. This was an attempt to kill off the birth-givers and destroy the entire population. Irken scientists toiled for months trying to find a cure. But by the time an antidote was found, Irken females had neared the edge of extinction.

Through careful breeding programs however, Irk began to rebuild its female population. But even to this day, they are vastly outnumbered by their male counterparts by about 15 to 1. So in order to keep the reproduction cycle strong, Irken doctors genetically altered all new male eggs so that they were born with both male and female reproductive organs as well as the Irken form of a uterus. This new change caused a minor uproar amongst some Irkens, but it was soon all put to rest by the new generation of Tallest. But we like to refer to them as Red and Purple. And seeing how they could solve such a problem in their early years proved them to be more then capable of running the planet.

So now, during the mating years, it is not uncommon for females to be pursued to the point of assault. If a male was with a real female, he'd be considered one lucky son of a gun. However, a lot of male Irkens had started becoming accustomed to mating with other males. In fact, the majority of them enjoyed it very much. It was no longer a taboo subject thanks to the harsh dealings the Tallest had dealt out.

Now let's stray away from the Irken history lessons and continue on with our story.

The mating year had just kicked off and there was celebrating everywhere. Not a single Irken was left out of the fun, and if they were, they must have been hiding in a pretty darn good spot.

The Tallest were definitely not above this holiday. In fact, they were always calling in for new partners everyday. Well, at least Red was. Purple had only done it with one person, and that was Red. Well, Red had kind of forced it on him, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. But he was still the shy one while Red called in for both males and females to mate with day in and day out. Whenever there was free time, he'd be off in his room helping to spread the Tallest gene around.

The bridge of the Massive was empty except for the Tallest Red and Purple as well as two or three pilots, manning their stations loyally while the Tallest yawned lazily and ate sugary snacks.

"So… what are we doing here again," Red asked Purple as they sat in their chairs.

"Well, we are waiting for all of our Invaders in Sector Twelve to check in. But who knows when they will call," Purple sighed idly.

Red fidgeted in his seat, his parts itching to be petted in the worst ways possible. His eyes shifted periodically over to Purple, who was having a much better time of controlling his urges then Red was. He smiled evilly to himself as he pictured his fellow Tallest disrobed and vulnerable, lying on a bed of silky white sheets, getting wet down there…

"No," Purple said without looking at Red.

The sudden statement from Purple caused Red to snap back into reality. He seemed flabbergasted at the thought that Purple might have actually known what he was thinking.

"What…," he asked, stuttering a bit.

"Hmm? Oh, I just told that servant that we will not see the girl at the door," Purple answered.

Red breathed a sigh of relief but then snapped back into attention. "Girl! Why not see her? Servant! Let her in," Red ordered before Purple could object.

The servant nodded and opened the door. "The Tallest will see you now," he said to the female.

Red craned his head to see the girl enter. And once she was in full view, he couldn't help but lick his lips a little at the sight of her. She was taller then a lot of the males, saying much for her intelligence and nobility, both of which being big turn-on's for Red. His eyes followed her every move as she approached them. Purple, although feeling the same urges as Red, tried as best he could to hold back any signs of desire he felt. But it was getting increasingly hard for him when such a beautiful and tall female was approaching.

The girl stopped in front of them and held up her forearm, abruptly bowing her head in respect.

"My Tallest, I have come to request a ship so that I may continue in my mission to take over my planet," she said in a slightly British-sounding accent, meaning she was from the other side of Irk.

Oh, a foreign female, Red thought, raising an eyebrow and smiling. "Oh, is that so? So why didn't you just call us," he said in a slight teasing voice.

"My equipment and ship were destroyed in my first attempt. I have come to humbly ask for replacements," she said, completely missing the verbal teasing in Red's voice.

"And just what is your mission planet," Purple asked right after clearing his throat uneasily.

"Earth," she said, her eyes narrowing a little.

"Earth? But I thought that was Zim's mission," Red said, momentarily forgetting his urges.

"It won't be for long once I get back there. He is so incompetent! I could take over that planet in a heartbeat! He dawdles around and creates stupid plans that never work! It is a wonder that he hasn't been discovered yet! And to tell you the truth, there is already a boy who figured out a long time ago that he was an alien," she stated, "It's only a matter of time before that human gets a video or a picture of Zim out to the planet's media."

"Hmmm… if Zim gets caught, it could jeopardize our entire operation. What if these… earthlings… carry heavy artillery," Red wondered.

"Oh, they don't my Tallest. However, their supply of nuclear energy and water could be very useful to the mission," she said, smiling a bit.

"I see. And just what is your name," Purple inquired.

"Tak," the female answered.

"Oh, wait a second. I remember you," Purple said, "Yeah, you called us one day and said you had a big surprise for us. But then you disappeared. And then Zim called us and said he destroyed your snack plan."

"Yes, that was when my ship had been destroyed," she said.

"Uh huh… so tell me Tak, are you a real invader, because I don't recall seeing you at the great assigning," Red said, smiling a little because his urges were coming back with full force.

"Well, not exactly, sirs," she stated without backing down even in the slightest.

"Then where did you get a ship," Purple asked.

"I built it myself, along with my servant robot M.I.M.I," she explained.

"You built it yourself," Red asked, quite blown away at the thought of any individual Irken being that smart.

"Yes sirs," Tak responded.

"Well, aren't we a smart little female," Red teased her.

Tak looked at him curiously while Purple shot him a warning glance instructing him to keep the charades down. But Red just winked at him and turned back to Tak.

"Well Tak, I think we can fulfill your request, but only on one condition," Red said, looking her up and down with lust burning in his eyes.

"And what condition is that," she replied, her eyebrow raised in suspicion as she began to catch on.

Purple, seeing that familiar look in Red's eyes, quickly interrupted him. "Excuse us for a moment," he said, taking Red by the wrist and pulling him off to the side until they were out of hearing range.

"Red! What do you think you are doing," Purple whispered.

"Oh come on! We have a little fun with her, give her a ship, and then let her go off to destroy Zim and Earth! Everybody wins," Red stated.

"What about her? What happens when she wakes up in the morning with a belly full of eggs? You know as well as I do the physical and emotional stress of developing and laying eggs. Not to mention it will only slow her down in her mission," Purple argued.

"Oh boy, there you go with all your emotions," Red groaned, "I saw the look in your eyes when she walked in! You want her just as much as I do, if not, more."

"You're crazy! I'd never defile such a smart and noble female," Purple argued, folding his arms over his chest.

"Come on Purp. It's the holiday. And it's not like we'd be raping her or anything. In fact, we'd probably be giving her the experience of a lifetime! Getting to do both Tallest at the same time! Now that is something to brag about," Red said, smiling. "Just look at her. She's absolutely gorgeous. And not to mention, she has the same color eyes as you. You know you want her more then any female or male that you have ever laid eyes on… with the exception of me, of course," Red added.

Purple looked over at her. She was the most attractive female he had ever seen. But something still wasn't sitting right with him.

"I want to think about it," Purple demanded firmly.

"Fine. You can think about it tonight and make your decision in the morning," Red replied.

"Fine," Purple huffed, returning to his seat with Red following right behind him.

Once both finally took their seats, Tak looked up at them earnestly, waiting for their answer.

Red cleared his throat astutely. "It seems we are having some trouble agreeing on the condition. We will both take the night to think it over and give you an answer in the morning," he said to her.

Tak only nodded.

Red smiled and waved at his servant. "You! Make sure Miss Tak has a big, comfortable room to stay in tonight. As of now, she is a royal guest and will be treated as such," he commanded.

Tak was more then a little suspicious of this newfound generosity. Actually, she knew the jist of what was going on the moment the Tallest Red said the word "condition". Males weren't that hard to figure out, even the Tallest. Her eyes narrowed in thought at this new predicament. She really had no desire to sleep with either of them, but apparently she had no choice if she wanted a new ship. She wasn't exactly sure why they needed a night to decide her condition, but she figured it had something to do with the Tallest Purple.

"Thank you for your time, my Tallest," she said, bowing her head and turning to leave.

"Believe me, my dear, the pleasure has been all ours," Red said flirtingly.

Tak just continued walking, following the servant to her new quarters.

As soon as Tak was gone, Red looked over at Purple and winked. Purple just folded his arms across his chest and pouted a little.

I think I'll visit Purple tonight to help him decide, Red thought evilly with a maniacal grin on his face.