Hello to all of my readers (old and new). For those of you who have read my profile xxmidnightwolfxx. net), you should have an idea of what this fic is about. For those of you who didn't . . .

Summary: Three years into the future, Sam is still haunted by the memory of May 5th. With Danny Phantom's sudden disappearance, she has no choice but to protect Amity Park from the paranormal, but little does she know that she's about to come face-to-face with the same ghost that ruined her life in more ways than he knew. Sworn to revenge, she prepares to take him on, but what happens when Clockwork tells her that The Fatality was never meant to happen? Now it's up to her to set things right and make sure they all return in the past that was supposed to be — and nothing is going to stand in her way. (Action, Drama, Suspense, Mystery, etc)

Quick Note: Please bear with me; this chapter is extremely short and might not be very interesting (I guess it all depends on your opinions), but it is one of the most important chapts of the entire story since it basically leads into everything else.

All right, I'll stop wasting your time. Please review if you like it. Thank you! -XxMW

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom — I'm not that much of a genius. Thank you Butch and staff for bringing DP to Nickelodeon (those crazy pple who are trying to get rid of it, despite the fact that it's one of the only few shows actually worth watching) Anywho . . .


Chapt 1- Failed Experiment

An eerie silence spread throughout the darkened room as a brightly colored light continually appeared and disappeared on the wall. The laboratory was vacant except for the one figure working attentively at a long table. His only source of light was coming from the glowing tubes containing various shades of ectoplasmic energy and chemicals.

He lifted one of the tubes carefully and examined it. Then, making sure it was labeled correctly, poured half of the liquid into a beaker. The yellow contents mixed with the blue and formed a bubbling green goo. The man raised a brow at the color and began searching through the rest of his tubes.

After months of being defeated repeatedly, he wasn't going to stand it anymore. How could a man with twenty years of ghostly training suddenly fall so weak at the hands of a fourteen year old?

"Not anymore," he whispered angrily. He was going to become stronger no matter what it took. Consequences didn't matter to him anymore. This experiment, if carried out correctly, was going to enhance his powers far more than he could ever hope to achieve on his own. Just one more thing left to do. . .

The shadowed man located a tube of red ectoplasm behind several others. Just before he reached it, however, the gooey substance in the beaker bubbled again and squirted green liquid on him. He jumped back in disgust and wiped his chin. It began to bubble again and he quickly reached out for the last ingredient.

However, in his haste, he ended up grabbing the wrong one and poured it in. The mixture sizzled and then became a blood red color — a little darker than he would've expected, but it didn't matter.

"Vlad Masters, you are such a genius," the so called Vlad said to himself. He stood up and raised the beaker before his lips to take a sip. At first, it sent a shiver down his spine, but he shook it off and drank the rest.

For a few seconds, nothing happened. He looked through his notes and reread all of the ingredients.

"It should've worked!" he said angrily. Then suddenly, a sharp pain went through him and he screamed, dropping both the pages and the empty beaker. It shattered on the floor and he fell to his knees beside it, holding his head.

"I . . . wha—? RAH!"

Another painful jolt spread through him and he cringed, shuffling through the scattered papers to find out what went wrong. But as he was searching, the pages became blurry and the words blended together. His eyes were turning a dark shade of red and he ground his teeth in pain.

Slowly, he was losing control over his body and mind. There was a flash of light as two rings formed around his waist and transformed him into his alter ego.

Plasmius' cry of pain suddenly turned into a cry of rage and his muscles began expanding. He was losing all mentality to his growing powers. Two red beams shot out of each one of his palms and destroyed the remaining test tubes, as well as the wall behind them.

"No," Vlad muttered through clenched teeth. He wasn't going to lose control of his mind to his own powers. After a great amount of effort and struggle, he approached the largest and most conspicuous device in the room — the ghost portal. Attached to it was another smaller device he had recently created and was still trying to figure out; one that could alter time and bring him back as far as five minutes — or at least he thought.

The pale and mutated ghost reached out a hand very shakily and began pressing buttons in sequence. Just before he reached the last one, a final shock went through him. His shout echoed through the nearly empty room as his last amount of self control slipped away and his new darker side took over.

A bright light filled the laboratory and nearly blinded him. It was the last thing he saw before he was pulled into it. Only then had he realized that he had accidentally altered the time line and was now lost in the time stream . . . with absolutely no control over his powers or what was happening.

Okay, very important chapter, though not one of my best. I'll have Chapter 2 updated shortly. That's where the tension and real problems begin. Once again, please review — I would love and appreciate it.

For more information on Alternative, check out my profile for details (on the bottom is where I keep my story info).

And I would like to thank all of the supporters of Fading Remembrance and Amity's Hero. Thanks guys! The motivation is this story's greatest success and the dedication is to you!


Chapter 2: It was supposed to be just a regular day at the movies. They never expected it to way it had.