A/N: Sorry I haven't updated for a while. I'm a procrastinator. Thanks for the reviews! Things I'll Never Say is by Avril Lavigne. (Sarah, I listened to that song and it's awesome. Thanks for telling me about it)

Nancy's POV

Wow, this place is awesome. No wonder he brought me here. Nothing will ruin this day. Hopefully.

I'm tugging at my hair

I'm pulling at my clothes

I'm trying to keep my cool

I know it shows

We're at a fair. I never knew about it. We climb onto the Ferris wheel and sit down. I'm nervous. I mean, I met him like, 2 days ago? But, it feels like I've known him my whole life. The Ferris wheel is going up.. up.. up.. and, hey! I can see my house from here! No, wait, that's a fountain. He looks nervous too. I wonder what he's thinking…..

I'm staring at my feet

My cheeks are turning red

I'm searching for the words inside my head

'Cuz I'm feeling nervous

Trying to be so perfect

'Cuz I know you're worth it...you're worth it...yeah

I don't know what to say. We're sitting in a Ferris wheel surrounded by a comfortable silence. The Ferris wheel stops. I guess it's jammed. The person in charge of it yells, "Sorry Folks! This will only take a minute!" Oh great. I rest my head on Frank's shoulder and I see him stiffen, then relax. He's breaks the silence first.

"How long have you lived in River Heights?" He asks.

"All my life. I love this place. You?"

"Two years. I moved from Bayport." We go into silence again.



If I could say what I want to say

I'd say I want to blow you... away

Be with you every night

Am I squeezing you too tight?

If I could say what I want to see

I want to see you go down on one knee...

Marry me today!

Guess I'm wishing my life away...

With these things I'll never say

"How long were you with your ex-girlfriend?" I see him cringe at the question. But only for a while.

"I was with Callie for about three years. How long were you with your Ned?"

"I knew Ned for four years. I was at a house that was on fire. First time I saw him, I thought he was going to steal my car. Except, he just drove it out of the flames." I remember that moment and instantly regret thinking of him. That lying, sneaking, cheating, son of a----



"I never felt this way before."

"About what?"

"You." Did he just say that? I look at him and my eyes meet his chocolate brown eyes. All of a sudden we're trapped in a spell or something and we can't get out of it.

"I think I'm feeling the same thing."

It don't do me any good

It's just a waste of time

What use is it to you, what's on my mind?

If it ain't comin' out

We're not goin' anywhere

So why can't I just tell you that I care?

'Cuz I'm feeling nervous

Trying to be so perfect

'Cuz I know you're worth it...you're worth it...yeah

All of a sudden, our faces are inches apart. I don't know how it got that way, but I'm glad it did. I close the gap between us and his lips are touching mine. We stop so we can breathe.

"Do I taste like cotton candy?"

"Not sure. I can't taste much" He says.

"Try again. See if you can taste cotton candy." Did I just say that? I think I did.

We kissed again, and I don't know if he tasted cotton candy or not. And we kissed like kissing was about to become illegal. Hey, I think the Ferris wheel is moving! We stop kissing and we look into eachother's eyes again. He grins and I smile. This day can't get any better.

If I could say what I want to say

I'd say I want to blow you... away

Be with you every night

Am I squeezing you too tight?

If I could say what I want to see

I want to see you go down on one knee

Marry me today!

Guess I'm wishing my life away...

With these things I'll never say

I want to say more to him, but I can't find the words. I don't know how he would react. Maybe he doesn't like me as much as I like him. I'll tell him later. I really don't want to mess this up yet.

What's wrong, with my tongue

These words keep slippin' away...

I stutter...I stumble

Like I've got nothin' to sa-ay...

I'm feelin' nervous

Tryin' to be so perfect

'Cuz I know you're worth it...

You're worth it...yeah

The guy who runs the Ferris wheel apologizes to us, and I just grin. We're walking away and who do we bump into? None other, then yours truly…. Ned Nickerson! The lying, sneaking, cheating, son of a---

"Nancy!" Ned smiles at me and shoots daggers at Frank. Frank and I look at each other and keep walking like Ned isn't there.

Ned grabs my arm and makes me turn around to face him. Frank is worried but I look at him with a reassuring look.

"What the hell do you want?"

"You! I'm sorry Nancy! I really am!" I have never seen someone so desperate.

"You cheat on me behind my back and you except me to come back to you just because you said sorry? You've had your chance and now it's gone. I am not going to be with you just because you said sorry! And what are you doing here anyway? Did you follow us? Cause if you did….."

"Ned? Who's she?" A girl comes along and wraps her self around Ned. I've seen her before… Oh yeah! She's a cheerleader.

"Hi, I'm Ned's ex-girlfriend." I say, "He's been cheating on me so you can have him.

"I suggest, if you don't want to be cheated on, you better dump him. I caught him kissing the head cheerleader. 2 days ago." I look at Ned with a calm face. He looks shocked.

"YOU WHAT! YOU SAID YOU HATED HER! WE'VE BEEN GOING OUT FOR TWO WEEKS AND YOU'RE ALREADY CHEATING ON ME?" She's screaming her head off at Ned. Ned looks freaked out.This is amusing. I needa bucket of popcorn...

"Good luck." I say to her.

I look at Frank, who is currently smiling, and we walk away.

Guess I'm wishing my life away

With these things I'll never say

If I could say what I want to say

I'd say I want to blow you... away

Be with you every night

Am I squeezing you too tight?

If I could say what I want to see

I want to see you go down on one knee

Marry me today

Guess I'm wishing my life away

With these things I'll never say

"That was...interesting." He says.

"Welcome to my life." I say grinning. I look back at the girl and I see her pushing Ned into a booth. I start laughing and Frank's joins in. Frank buys me cotton candy.

"Maybe I can taste cotton candy now."

I bite into the cotton candy and it taste great. Like Frank…..

With these things I'll never say