Now for the real Author's Note:

I can't believe it. I finished it, finally.

I know that the ending was kind of sappy. But when the idea of a sequel was first thrown at me, I knew exactly how it was going to end. Well maybe not exactly.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking, 12 years? Well what happened in those 12 years. And what do you mean 'father of two'. My answer to that is that there will be more Jocelyn stories to fill in those 12 years.

As to when they will be posted, that I don't have an answer to. There are other stories that I have in the works that I need to get down on paper. Now that school (college) is just about over, and winter break (as a teacher) will be in January, I'm hoping to catch up on my writing.

The real reason for this little note is to thank you, the readers, for sticking with me and encouraging me to write this. For something that I never planned to write in the first place, I love how it turned out. And for that I thank you.

I hope to have something new out in January. That will give me enough time to get most of the ideas onto paper and into the computer.

Once again thanks to all the readers.

Keep Reading and Happy Holidays!

Fire Top

P.S. Sorry about the delay, end of semester projects and tests added to cold and strep going around the school I work in doesn't equal much writting. I should know, I want to teach Math. :-)