
Disclaimer: I don't own OffBeat, the great Ms. Jen Lee Quick does. If I did, I would have put out volume 2 by now. One year is just too long to wait for the first OEL shounen-ai to continue.

Summary: Colin and Tory are walking home from the library and Colin has finally confronted him. What will happen? Where will this lead the two? My take on OffBeat Volume 2.

AN: This is based on and after the first volume of OffBeat so you probably shouldn't read it if you haven't touched the series. There will be Tory/Colin pairing later on so if you don't like malexmale get over it. It's good stuff. I present my first fanfic for your approval. Enjoy.

Side Note: I have been trying unsuccessfully to post this since the first OffBeat fanfic was up... I hope it didn't lose any of its novelty in the last month : Please review.

Rating: T (K+ for this chapter I suppose)

Chapter 1: Questions

"Why are you always around?" Colin asked Tory still out of breath and shivering. "What are you trying to do?" Colin looked up, using Tory's shoulder for support, and locked straight onto the redhead's eyes demanding an answer.

Crap… Tory froze not sure how to respond, not even sure what was going on himself. All the while some part of him wanted to stretch this moment out and admire Colin beautiful face and enjoy the contact of Colin's hand on his shoulder. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm not here to act like some lovesick teenager. Lovesick? This was all for research. That's it, research. Colin is hiding something big and I'm not going to give up until I figure out what. That's why I spent the last five hours tutoring him. That's why I'm walking him home.

"Tory?" Colin's dark eyes inquisitive. He wasn't sure what to make of the silence or the gambit of expressions crossing Tory's face, but he had to make on thing clear.

"Colin…I…" Tory stammered. Colin stood up straight and backed off a few steps from the redhead still struggling to regain his breath.

"Look it really doesn't matter. I want you to stay away from me, understand? Just leave me alone." Colin heaved wearing a stern, cold expression as an even colder gust blew. This isn't good. Colin thought. At this rate I'm going to have a relapse right out in the street. Right in front of Tory...again. Garrets is going to have a fit over this one. I don't know if I can keep him from getting involved this time.

"Look, you can barely stand. You almost hit the pavement a second ago. I'm obviously not going to leave you here." Tory wore an expression just as stern. This was just stupid now. "So you're hiding something, fine. I'll let you keep your secrets," Tory lied, "just let me help you get home."

Colin was taken aback by Tory's directness. He knew, though, he did not have much of a choice. As it stood, he was not in any position to try to walk home alone and he didn't have a phone. Colin silently cursed his weakness, "Fine." He looked up again at Tory, his gaze wondering to the unruly red locks ruffling in the gentle breeze. Why did he care? What was he trying to achieve? No matter what I say, he never gives up and he seems to always be around.

"Thanks." Colin forced out. His breath was becoming shallow now. He needed to rest.

"No problem." Tory smiled forcing back a blush. Colin was always having that affect on him. "Do you want to sit down for a sec?"

"Oh, um, yeah. I just need to catch my breath," came Colin's exasperated replied. "You really shouldn't get involved you know," Colin repeated taking a seat on a brownstone stoop. Tory…I don't want you to screw up your life because of me.

Tory ignored him taking a mental note to remember every word until he could write it down in the notebook waiting in his backpack. This was as open as Colin has ever been with him, ever, and he still hadn't said much of anything yet. Tory decided to try to keep him talking, but the moment was too shy and awkward right then so he just took a seat next to the raven haired beauty and looked out at the sunset.

Colin looked out as well satisfied that he was starting to recover. Lots of things were running through his head then, foremost was how he was going to handle the situation when he got home. Dr. Garrets had clearly ordered him not to tangle himself in things like friendship. Ever since his parents died, though, he had become increasingly lonely. Now that Tory made it clear that he wasn't leaving, he had to know. "So why are you always around? You never answered." Colin said and noted the uneasiness that immediately washed over Tory features.

Tory thought for a moment and decided to be honest. "I was just curious about you…at first."

Colin was surprised. So he was spying on me all this time. Well I figured as much, but why? "And now?"

Tory watched the darkening yellow-orange clouds and played back the last few weeks in his mind. He had been digging deeper and deeper in Colin's personal life always finding more questions than answers. No matter how hard he tried to satisfy his curiosity, Colin would throw an even deeper enigma at him, daring him to solve the great mystery that was Colin Stevens. Why was he always around? No the real question is why did you just collapse and what the hell is this Gaia Project?

"Boredom, you're more interesting to keep tabs on than TV I guess." Tory offered a smile. He had stopped short of admitting how much he had dedicated the last few weeks to the sole purpose of stalking the poor guy. Even changing schools and arranging this whole tutoring fiasco, but Colin didn't need to know that.

Tory decided to use this opening dig a little more. "By the way, are you sick? You were like this in school the other day."

Colin shook his head. "Lets go." Phew, I think I can make it home now. It didn't get as bad as I thought it would. Colin thought and examined the boy sitting next to him. How can I make it clearer that it's not worth it to get involved with me? He's just curious anyway. It's not like he really cares about me or anything. I need to focus on school and science. Anything else is unnecessary.

The redhead sighed and offered Colin a hand up. "Are you sure? I'm just asking 'cause I'm worried you know." It was the truth. Whatever this thing was, it seemed to be having a very negative effect. Beyond curiosity, Tory was worried that Colin might be in some kind of danger.

Colin contemplated that taking the hand. Could he be telling the truth? Does he really care beyond curiosity? Probably not, no one has so far. Besides, it doesn't matter. He needs to stay away for his own good.

"Let it go…please. I'm fine." Colin begged and Tory did, for now.

"Do you want me to help you?" Tory offered an arm and a shoulder.

"No, I'll be fine," came Colin's quick agitated reply though he was still clearly struggling. What does this guy want, really?

"If you say so…" Tory winced at Colin's harshness deciding to give the boy his space.

The pair walked home in silence. Tory occasionally stole glances at Colin who was deliberately and intensely focused forward not opening any room for small talk. Reaching Colin's house first, Tory offered to help him up the front steps to which he was again refused.

Getting ticked off now himself, Tory huffed to his own brownstone and through the front door. Who does he think he is? I don't care what's going on; he didn't have to be so rude. All I was trying to do was help him.

Tory walked past his mother in the kitchen without noticing. "Hey Tory, everything alright?"

"Yeah mom" He wasn't about to explain what just happened.

"You sure? Give me a kiss." Tory obeyed giving her a soft peck on the cheek. "You know if anything is wrong you can tell me," her concern genuine and loving.

Tory relaxed a bit. "I know mom, everything's fine. You don't have to keep worrying about me; I can take care of myself."

"Oh I know sweetie, it's just I wish I could spend more time at home with you. I feel like we don't talk enough. How was the library?"

Tory rolled his eyes. "Boring honestly, just talked about physics for hours. I'm going to go drop my bag and stuff in my room."

"Alright sweetie, dinner'll be ready soon."

"Alright." Tory's mother turned her attention back to what she was doing and Tory headed to his room.

Tory remembered that he needed to write what happened down while it was still fresh in his memory. OK, what did I learn? Tory pulled out his notebook and pencil and stared jotting down his notes feverishly. He wore a jacket indoors and he passed out when it got a little cooler outside, which probably means his sickness or whatever is temperature related. Hmm, he likes turkey sandwiches. What else? Tory thought on the conversation they had. Colin had started to warm up, even thanking Tory for staying with him. As soon as Tory asked about his sickness, though, he shut him out again. Tory gave himself a mental slap for that one. Well alright, he's already made it clear that he's sensitive about that subject or he's hiding something or both. Unfortunately, now I've admitted that I'm watching him so it's going to be harder from here on out.

"Tory! Someone is at the door for you!" Tory snapped out of his thoughts. Who could that be? Paul would just walk up to my door.

"Coming!" he shouted back.Tossing his notebook aside, he walked towards the front door.

"Hey." Raven locks and an all too familiar face greeted him in the living room.


"Yeah, I need to tell you something."

AN: And so I finish my first fanfic chapter ever. The three day waiting period has given me some time to lengthen the chapter and make some adjustments. Please review. Chapter 2 is well in the works already. I'll update when I can.