Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Besides, I would have made Takato and Henry/Jenrya hook up after a while! And, I don'tthink I could've come up with this...Completed: May 6, 2006, 5:11PM

I don't know when it started. Ever since I can remember, I have had Nyctophobia. Go ahead, laugh; I have never really cared what people said about that. Plus, I'm used to it, the laughter anyway. I suppose that there are only five people that don't know I have Nyctophobia. That would be Ruki, Renamon, Guilmon, Terriermon and Jenrya. I bet you want to know why I didn't tell them. So I wouldn't be laughed at? Yeah right. So I wouldn't be shunned? I seriously doubt that. Well, then why? So I wouldn't worry them? Dead on. I also bet you're wondering who my friends are.

Let's start with Guilmon. Strange name, huh? That's because he's a digimon, like Terriermon and Renamon. What's a digimon? A digimon is a creature that is made of data but is alive, in a way. Back to Guilmon, he's essentially my best friend. He now knows just about everything about humans. I guess the only thing that really confuses him is emotions. Plus, when it comes to food he's a garbage disposal. You don't want to know.

Renamon and Ruki are almost the same, personality wise. Ruki likes to fight. Enough said. I personally like Renamon over Ruki. Why? Renamon is a lot nicer than Ruki, but I think Ruki has warmed up a bit, although both of them like to fight. That's the opposite of who Jenrya is. Maybe that's why…Oh wouldn't you like to know?

Terriermon likes being sarcastic, sticking his nose in others' business and teasing Jenrya. I think it's hilarious! Trust me, you witness one of Terriermon and Jenrya's arguments and you'd be rolling on the ground laughing! I've done that once. They were having the biggest argument about Jenrya liking Ruki. Coughcoughdoubtitcoughcough

Jenrya is…complicated. That was weak. Well, he's kinda shy, likes to blame himself, hates fighting and doesn't get along with Ruki most of the time. Jenrya wouldn't hurt you if you opened up to him for things like advice or to just talk. I'm trying to get him out of the habit of blaming himself for things he doesn't have control of, though.

Why am I telling you this? To put it simply, they found out…by accident. I'd better start from the beginning…

The blare of an alarm clock woke a fourteen-year-old boy from the land of unconsciousness. He yawned, got dressed, brushed his teeth, had a light breakfast and dashed out the door. Luckily, the bell at school had yet to ring. After getting his books for his first class, the brunette walked into homeroom.

Things really didn't pick up until after school, when I went to go visit Guilmon.

"TAKATO!" A red dinosaur pounced onto the brunette boy, toppling him over.

"Nice to see you too, Guilmon," Takato said while patting Guilmon's head. A green and beige rabbit then walked up to them.

"What about me?" Takato pat the rabbit's head as well.

"You too, Terriermon," Takato told the annoyed rabbit.

"I would have said, 'What about you?'" A fox said from behind Takato. Terriermon stuck his tongue out at her. She scowled.

"That wouldn't have been nice to say, Renamon," Takato told her. Renamon shrugged.

"Where are Ruki and Jenrya?" Guilmon asked him.

"Ruki's mom forced her to go shopping after school," Takato paused to think, "Jenrya will be here when he's finished with homework."

"What about your homework?" Terriermon asked, suspiciously.

"I finished it." Takato said simply.

"Oh yeah, did you bring some bread? Guilmon and I are STARVING!" Takato laughed and took off his backpack. He gave the three of them the twelve rolls he was able to snatch from his family bakery.

Renamon and Takato shook their heads when the other two digimon scarfed their share of bread down in five minutes flat.

"Sorry I'm late!" They turned and found Jenrya leaning on the wall panting. Jenrya had blue hair and shining steel gray eyes. He was wearing blue jean shorts, a plain white t-shirt and an orange, sleeveless jacket over the t-shirt.

Terriermon jumped onto his Tamer.

"Some things never change," Takato commented. Renamon nodded in agreement while Jenrya sighed.

"You have no idea," Jenrya answered, earning a playful hit on the head by Terriermon, "Well it's true!"

"Whatever…" Terriermon mumbled. Jenrya rolled his eyes but chose not to say anything.

Then, Renamon's hair was standing on end, Guilmon was growling and Terriermon was tensing up. The three then ran outside, Jenrya and Takato close behind…

If we only knew that Fate had plans with us when we went to fight that digimon…oh how I wished that it wasn't twilight outside and that it was still light out.

The three digimon stopped in the middle of the park, where very few lamps were located. Takato could tell that this didn't go in his favor. Soon, the infamous fog swirled around them, but it felt different. Now usually, the temperature stayed the same but this time, this time the temperature dropped. Takato was getting a really bad feeling from this. Apparently, Jenrya did too.

"Something's not right…" He commented.

After he said that, Ruki came onto the scene shivering slightly from the abrupt decrease in temperature. She had red hair, blue eyes and was wearing a black tank top and blue jean shorts.

"Why is it so cold?" Ruki asked no one in particular. Takato wasn't liking this at all. He kept looking around for the digimon, but instead of a digimon he saw that a shadow started to move slowly toward them. Takato yelped in surprise. Jenrya and Ruki noticed his yelp.

"Takato?" Jenrya asked, unsure of what to do for the brunette.

He then looked in the direction Takato was looking, as did Ruki. The two stepped back when they saw the shadow moving toward them. Their digimon then stood in a protective circle around the three Tamers.

Now, it didn't matter that they were around us. We didn't expect the shadow to come underneath us. That would have been where the problem started…

The shadow melted into the ground, and in an alarming speed went for Takato. Once the shadow was underneath the poor brunette, Takato froze, his eyes wide as the shadow enveloped him in darkness. He felt cold and numb on the inside as his Nyctophobia started to kick in. Soon, he passed out from the fear. Before Takato was completely unconscious, he felt arms around him to keep him from falling.

That was only the beginning of my troubles. Most things went downhill from there, but there was a plus. This perk I would never want to take back. I had found the one thing that could help me with my phobia. Did I say thing? I meant, person.

How's that? What's going to happen to poor Takato? How will the others' take it when they find out about Takato's Nyctophobia? Stay tuned and R&R!