Summary: Sakura Has become cold. She's given up on any hope in life as everything and everyone that meant anything to her has abandoned her. But when things begin to topple back into her life can she handle all ofher innerfeelings of love, hope, and emotions? Can she regain the once joyful person that she has locked away deep inside?SasuSaku. -I warn you now. If you dont like any other sides of Sakura other than the happy happy joy joy Sakura I advise you do not read. Ive warned you-

Hi This is my first story I hope you like it... Please R & R... bye

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto Or Any Of the Naruto Characters


Chapter one: Sickening Dreams

Sweat Drizzled over her body and tears flowed from her clasped eyes. A pain grew inside her stomach making her unsteady. Her heart rate increased dramatically. Her arms shook from the pain. Her body heated up in a flash. She was completely numb as the sensation in her stomach yearned for release. She felt like throwing up. Her mind was racing with emotion and her face twitched slightly with an overwhelming feeling. She moaned out feeling neither pleasure nor pain. Her body was blank and her mind was too. There was nothing she could do.

Her eyes forced themselves open to find the dark night sky gleaming in to her room. She sat up with a shock. She had had that dream again.

The night sky grew dawn and Sakura lay in her bed unable to fall back asleep. She had one thing on her mind and it was bugging the hell out of her. 'He' was on her mind haunting her brain ever since that night.

(I'm alone)

(I'm all alone)

(And there's nothing I can do to change it)

Her conscience was telling her that and she knew it was true. Ever since the day 'He' left her she has been alone. She lived alone since her parents died a year ago while out on a mission. And she Lost passion for everything she did. She lost her once happy excited personality and would waste her days away in some random forest in Konoha. She had nothing else better to do because all she cared for in this world had left her alone. Even her sensei Kakashi stopped teaching her and Naruto and became part of the long term mission team where, when sent on a secret mission never returned. And Naruto, he hadn't left but he had someone special in his life now and had no need for her. Her friends had people too and had moved on; they didn't need a burden in their lives, especially one stuck in the past. There was no reason in life to live for anymore but as the days went by her body forced her to move. Yet, everyday was the same.

She felt filthy. She felt sick. She was cold and there was nothing there to warm her.

With a sigh, she forced herself out of bed and decided to take a shower. She turned the knob to cold and stood there. It felt so good, even if the water was sending a chill down her spine. This was the only warmth she could feel in a long time, though to most it would seem cold.

After a few minutes the pitter-patter of the water stopped. After drying herself off, she looked into the mirror at her older body. A body that she has hid for three years under tightly wrapped gauze and unflattering clothes. Though she didn't look much different from when 'He' last saw her, she seemed to have lost weight to the point where when her body was moved in any way you could see her ribcage through her skin. She still looked muscular though and her hair grew out a sums worth. She quickly Dresses herself in plaid black pants, wrapped her upper body with old gauze, and topped that off with a faded pink dress with a white circle on the chest.

This morning she felt oddly sick. The same feeling she felt the night 'He' left her. The same feeling she felt when she had that dream. She couldn't tell what was wrong. She felt even colder as her blood came to a standstill. A warning of some type maybe?

She felt slightly lightheaded and nearly crashed into her dresser attempting to keep her balance. Her legs became fragile and her arms went numb. She stumbled a bit more before crashing to the floor along the wall. Her vision blurred and her mind was spinning.


She woke up to an agitating bang. Her head felt heavy and her mind was blank. 'Ugh why do I have to wake up to this misery?' mumbling she rubbed her head. She had a terrible headache.

Nearly tumbling down the creaking stairs, she ran to answer the banging door. She had attempted to ignore it for quite a while but the banging just continued on and on. She sighed as she reached for the doorknob creaking it open slowly. When she opened it her faded green eyes widened.

"Sakura! Sakura! Sak-" She reached a finger out to his lips to shut him up.

In front of her stood a blonde haired boy, wearing an orange and black vest with pants to go along with it. He looked somewhat older, though his eyes still gleamed with that childish excitement. He had grown slightly, enough to pass her own height; she guessed about 5"10'. His face had matured slightly his facial features making him slightly handsome. She was surprised he looked this way; comparing herself to him, he looked prettier than she did. This didn't really agitate her, though, if she was still her old self she probably would have taken this to extreme measures.

'Naruto! What do you want?' She asked in a stern voice. Her head still hurt from a few minutes earlier.

"Sakura! I have news! I just found out that Sasuke has returned to Konoha. And he personally went to granny baa-chan and told her he got his revenge on his brother while deceiving Orochimaru and came back to the village. He said that Orochimaru is probably after him now and most likely knows he's here. So granny Tsunade sent out people to get all the jounin for a mission that will start immediately tomorrow and told me to go get you. Isn't this great?"

Her Eyes widened even more and she stared blankly at him. Thoughts began to run through her mind wildly, scrambling through her head.

(He's back)

('He' is back)

(The one who left you is back)

(He who once meant the world to you is back)

(He left you lonely)

(He left you weak)

(He made you who you are today, Cold and Bitter)

(The one who abandoned you and everyone around you for his own purpose not even caring enough to think about your feelings)

(Don't give in)

(Give up just as you did with EVERYONE ELSE)

'No. NO!' her stomached tightened. She was overwhelmed by this sudden trauma. She was frozen in her tracks.

"Sakura? Sakura? Are you ok? SAKURA!" Naruto questioned anxiously.

She could hear Naruto but couldn't speak back. She wanted to just slam the door and hide in her room but she couldn't.

(Why? Why did he come back? Why did he have to come back now? Just as I had finally gotten ov-... But I haven't gotten over him. Why?) Her head grew heavy. Her mind was spinning with wonder. Her body shook with numbness. She felt weak!


-Sakura-san-... –Sakura-san- A voice echoed through her head.

Her eyes fluttered open to see the blurred image of Naruto looking at her. She was lying of the floor at her doorstep.


"Sakura! SAKURA! You Finally came to" Yelled Naruto as he hugged Sakura viciously. "You were out for 20 minutes!"

She wasn't listening after she heard him say 20 minutes. She was in a whole other world.

(Why? Twice in one day I've fallen apart. I hate this feeling. Why cant I be left alone to rot in hell where I should be. Why do these things happen? He was taken from me on his own will and now he has come back. Without my help? Did I mean nothing to him when I poured my heart out to him? What am I going to do? I cant face him.)

The blabbering of Naruto just kept coming. Though he had matured a great sum, he still just didn't know when to shut up. He was beginning to drive her crazy.


He walked across the bridge. He was back but had no where to go. He had no sole purpose in life anymore and had nothing to do. Maybe he should visit Naruto, or Kakashi. Or... her. What would he say to her? He knew he had to face her sometime since he was back. His feet blindly led him to where she was. And as he approached her house he was shocked.


Thats all for my first chapter and I hoped you liked it!